Category Archives: Week 10

Backend Development

I am writing in response to the blog post at titled “What is Backend Developer? Skills to become a Web Developer”. We have begun learning about backend development in the CS 343 Software Construction, Design and Architecture class by studying REST APIs using TypeScript and Angular JS. The blog post gives a general description of backend development and some career-related information like skillsets and average salaries.

Backend development is about defining the behavior and structure of a backend server and/or database. As opposed to the front-end, the backend is not visible to a visitor of a website or application or user of a service. One primary part of the backend may involve a database, where information is stored and retrieved to present to a user. The other primary component of a backend is the server, which is the machine that runs code and handles functionality. APIs are also part of backend development, which are interfaces designed for the purpose of enabling a front-end to communicate with the server.

A backend developer is an individual who creates and maintains the backend. The blog post goes into some detail about what a backend developer is generally expected to do, what their goal is, and also how much they tend to get paid. According to the blog post, back-end developers get paid more than front-end developers. Backend developers tend to the database, server and API for the purpose of supporting the front-end.

One particularly interesting distinction between a back-end and a front-end is that a back-end can be developed independently of a front-end, but a front-end cannot be developed independently of a back-end. It is possible to simply design a back-end for no intended application, and then afterwards build the application around the existing back-end service.

This article is a good summary of what backend development is about and what a backend developer does, and the difference between a front-end developer and a backend developer. Aside from the database management related components of backend development, the given description of backend development is consistent with what it is we are dealing with in class.

From the blog CS@Worcester – klapointe blog by klapointe2 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Domain Testing

I am writing in response to the blog post/tutorial at titled “What is Domain Testing in Software Testing? (with Example)”. It goes into some detail describing what domain testing is, which is a topic that we have already seen in the CS 443 Software Quality Assurance and Testing class. Domain testing is a type of functional testing, which is a quality assurance process for testing whether the functionality of a system is behaving properly by verifying that certain inputs correspond to the specified outputs.

One thing about the blog post I am not quite certain about is that it refers to domain testing as an important “white box testing method”, which seems inaccurate; the act of checking inputs against expected outputs is independent from the software’s inner workings. Feeding the program an input and checking that the output is correct is a black box testing approach. The clarity provided by a white box would however be necessary in defining the specification itself, methods such as boundary value testing or equivalence class testing require equivalence classes and boundaries to be identified, which would require access to the inner machinations of the software.

Equivalence class testing and boundary value testing are a primary focus of the blog post. Equivalence class testing partitions the set of possible inputs into subsets of inputs that have the same behavior, and boundary value testing tests the behavior given inputs at the boundaries of equivalence classes. The boundary values are particularly useful inputs to test because they are edge cases that are more likely to produce incorrect results compared to arbitrary values chosen within the boundary. If there is an off-by-one logical error then testing the boundaries is what will make it apparent.

I think that this blog post is a good summary of some of the testing methods we have learned about in our classroom activities. It does not go into as much detail or cover more specific varieties of testing such as weak and strong or robust boundary value testing, but it is a short and simple introduction to what domain testing in software testing is about.

From the blog CS@Worcester – klapointe blog by klapointe2 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Hey Siri, Google This

CS SERIES (8).pngImagine being several years into your role as a developer; you’ve had a long week, a big project to push tomorrow and suddenly… you’re stuck on something. And you’ve double-triple-quadruple checked to make sure everything is working by code review but you cannot put your finger on how it is not quite perfect. What’s wrong? Let’s find out.

This is the first course-related podcast I’ve listened to for a blog post and if this is one of the only podcasts you will listen to, I recommend this one.

Jonathan Cutrell started off the podcast by saying “If there’s one thing that makes developers self-conscious it’s probably their googling history–more specifically things that they google that they forgot how to do.”

People can talk about code for days but they do not talk about the toll of what a developer thinks of themself when they are stuck on a part of their code or need to rely on the internet for something. This honesty makes it easier for university students and entry-level developers to understand the pace they are learning at is their own and that not everyone is perfect at coding even after years of experience.

Something that changed the way I thought about this is how important it is to know the pattern or routine of a concept. Things Cutrell says great developers care about is how understanding patterns and principles transfers but not necessarily the actual code itself. “Great developers” focus on the overall concept instead of wasting time on the small details of a language.

Due to this thinking, I realized I never considered how a developer can be the best of the best in one language but if they had to convert it into another language, the translation would be a little different. The real life comparison to this would be if someone were speaking with broken English. This does not mean they are not smart in any way, it’s saying that they are focusing on the main idea instead of a small detail they are trying to get through. They use their time more efficiently by moving on to a big concept instead of worrying about the syntax that they can easily google.

Overall, I appreciate what this article brought up as I was expecting it to be about just googling things but it dug a little deeper and mentioned what a good developer should focus on.

Podcast Episode:

From the blog CS@Worcester by samanthatran and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

WWJD? What Would JUnit Do?

CS SERIES (7)A few weeks ago, I was introduced to JUnit testing in my Software Quality Assurance & Testing course. The blog post tutorial linked below is one I would recommend to those interested in learning about assertion. Reading this post has helped me review the concepts I have learned and I will share what helped me better understand the topic of writing basic assertions with AssertJ.

I found this content useful as it started off by covering whether a user had Maven or Gradle for declaring the dependency and then we get to dive into scenarios when a certain feature would be used. Some examples of what you can test with assertions includes: boolean values (true/false), whether or not something is NULL, comparing the result with a number or string (EqualTo()), object references, and arrays that are equal.

There is a walk-through of what we want to test with a basic scenario of when we would want to use it and this information makes me appreciate how much this kind of testing helps simplify things. It adds more structure to what we would like to do and by being able to import it, saves us so much more time in the end.

Honestly, in class I tend to spend more of my time trying to follow steps instead of absorbing what the material is and this article really helped me realize things like “oh, so this is why we use this line of code” or “so that’s why this is always there.” As a visual person, I appreciate the articles which actual include code examples for us to see what’s being used or added to explain a concept which was very helpful in this case. I do not disagree with any of the content provided as it is much more technical and there is reasoning behind each part of the process.

Overall, I would keep this article bookmarked and may come back to use it as a reference whether it be for a future testing assignment or just for trying to refresh this in my memory. As a side note, installing gradle on our laptops in class enabled us to run our tests through the terminal which was a pretty cool experience.


From the blog CS@Worcester by samanthatran and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Closer Look at Integration Testing

Integration testing is the process of assembling various code modules to preform very specific tasks in a software system that uses them in a more generalized application. The article gives the example of using a module that stores and retreives files with another that displays their names in a list and another that reads keystrokes as well as one that that recognizes mouse clicks, all together it is a file manaement application. Each module is usually created and tested seperately using unit tests before being added to the code control system. After in the management system they are subjected to integration tests which tests them in conjunction with other modules. This usually uncovers issues with data formats, operation timing, API calls, database access and user interface operation.

There are four parts of integration testing that are critical. The first one is software integration which means in part that everything fuctions the way the user commands. For example, with interface operations it is important that when a user does something unexpected by the systems design the application does not simply crash but produces an error message. Next, the modules must continually exchange data as the overall system functions. This is often performed by a data or command bus that facilitates module communication. These buses are often the most stressed component of the system and integration tests should test them under various amounts of load to ensure that the individual modules are working together properly. Third are the API calls which are the most common channel by which the system communicates with third party services and has become a tool for connecting modules together within the system. This allows data and commands to be separated into different function calls making the exchange easier to debug. One of the main issues with API calls for integration testing is that each one needs to be tested separately, through the entire set of data and inside and outside the acceptable range. Then API calls must be tested in functional groups. Finally there is End-To-End testing which is a big priority for integration testing. The test sets up a system called a sandbox environment and then creates tests for every use the application would go through in real world use. User inputs simulate the front end with data and requests which are then communicated to the middleware to work with the backend of API calls to third parties and database manipulations. All of this is carefully monitored for accuracy and run time.


From the blog CS-443 – Timothy Montague Blog by Timothy Montague and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Exposing Your Ignorance

When someone relies on you in a project, for work or in any other situation, sometimes you realize you do not know how to use a particular tool or technology required. Your coworkers or manager need to have confidence when you are assigned a task, but if you tell them you are unfamiliar with the technology required to do the job, would they not lose that confidence in you? But you can not lie either, of course. What do you do?

Tell them anyway, show them that learning is an unavoidable part of software development and no one can be familiar with every piece of technology out there. If you have to reassure them that you can complete what is needed of you, do so with your ability to learn. Let them see your growth throughout your career. There is an ingrained instinct in most people to appear competent, and to do otherwise goes against that instinct. It can also be a matter of pride, not wanting to look ignorant.

But it has to be done. Exposing ones ignorance and marching on is part of the process and leads to much more growth overall. It allows others to aid you as well and lets the team act as a team. I myself have trouble doing this, so this pattern was an important and difficult one for me to read. I have had trouble admitting ignorance in the past, and while it has not hurt me, it definitely did not result in me learning anything new or fixing my ignorance.

While I have not taken the exact actions described in this pattern, I have made an effort the last year or so to ask questions when someone mentions something I am ignorant of. Instead of going with the flow and letting my ignorance pass by undetected, I try and use it as a moment to learn something new. Exposing my ignorance publicly as the pattern suggests is a bit more daunting. I already do that somewhat implicitly in my blog posts, but I guess I should start doing it explicitly as well. Wish me luck.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Fu's Faulty Functions by fymeri and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Walking the Long Road: Nurture Your Passion

In this Apprenticeship Pattern “Nurture Your Passion”, it explains the the importance of your passion as a software developer and how it can be exposed to situations or circumstances that can affect to maintain that passion. This pattern illustrates various ways to protect and keep that passion healthy as possible in order to prolong the enjoyment of being a software developer such as:

  1. Work on what you like.
  2. Join a local or study group that enjoys and focuses on the same things that you enjoy or want to learn more about.
  3. Read books that can expand your view of the field.
  4. Create your own path or move into an organization where your needs, asprirations, and goals can come to fruition.

“Paul Graham said, “The key to being a great hacker may be to work on what you like…. To do something well you have to love it. So to the extent that you can preserve hacking as something you love, you’re likely to do it well.”

This statement by Paul Graham was very interesting and useful to me because for me as an individual, I produce the best work when I love and enjoy what I do. There have been some instances of my life where I would not produce my best work where my state of mind does not like what I am currently doing, whether it be a class that I am taking at school or a part time job.

“To become a journeyman, you will need to have a passion for software craftsmanship. Unfortunately, your daily activities often work to diminish this passion. You might be faced with demoralizing corporate hierarchies, project death marches, abusive managers, or cynical colleagues. It’s hard for your passion to grow when exposed to such hostile conditions, but there are some basic actions you can take to sustain it.”

This is another statement that I found useful and will help me in my intended career because I understand at the end of the day, work is work, and there will always be times where deadlines, corporate needs, managers and co-workers will stress me out, which will lead to a decrease in my passion for software development, particularly video game development. However, the actions that I’ll take will help reinforce my passion to sustain the harsh natures of the work environment and to prolong my love to hone my craft.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ricky Phan by Ricky Phan CS Worcester and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns: Retreat into Competence

For this weeks pattern I wanted to understand and analyze “Retreat into Competence.” This pattern addresses the issues of an individual feeling overwhelmed about not having enough knowledge or experience to tackle a project. In my experience in computer science, this happens almost every time I am introduced to a new project or concept. In… Continue reading Apprenticeship Patterns: Retreat into Competence

From the blog CS@Worcester – BenLag's Blog by benlagblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns – Dig Deeper

This pattern relates to my situation almost perfectly. The authors assume that you are an undergraduate who has knowledge of one or more languages. However, the way we learn to use tools is not always the best way to get a deep knowledge of the tools we are using. The authors say that this knowledge is superficial. It is superficial because you have to look up what to do every time a new bug arises. This line sums it up pretty well, “what’s even worse is that because your knowledge is so superficial, you’re not even aware of how little you know until something or someone puts you to the test.” (Oshineye, Hoover)

I am a little different than the people they are directing this pattern to because I am aware of how little I know in the grand scheme of things. Besides that, the solution to this problem is not cutting corners. Don’t take those shortcuts that will help you finish the project 15 minutes quicker, learn to grind through the hard work and come out with the rewards of Deep Knowledge of tools, technologies, and techniques. I have spent a lot of time being frustrated with my own programs and this pattern helps open my eyes to how many shortcuts I must have taken. To truly understand everything about what your working on you need to develop the deep knowledge and the work ethic needed to get there.

My favorite part of this pattern was some of the advice the authors give. “Find out who first came up with the ideas and understand the problems they were trying to solve.” (Oshineye, Hoover) This has never really crossed my mind (I know, sad). I never thought to go all the way back to the origins of the problem. This will definitely be useful to me in the future. Another piece of advice that I always fail to follow is “when you read a tutorial, you should not be looking for code to copy but for a mental structure in which to place your new knowledge.” (Oshineye, Hoover) I find that sometimes when on a time schedule or you are picking certain things from a tutorial, you feel like you don’t have time to fully go through tutorials and learn everything about the guide. While sometimes this is true, it’s more than likely an excuse to get the project done quicker. I will be diving more into tutorials rather than taking them at face value for their code.

Overall, I think this pattern is great for apprentices. It goes to show that many people take shortcuts and if you do the same, you aren’t building your knowledge the way you should.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sweep The Floor

This pattern is one among the entire patterns that I am not surprise of the ideas discussed in it even though I might not have thought of them as something important if I had not read this pattern. It is quite obvious that as a newcomer to an industry with more experience craftsmen, I will be thinking of how to contribute to my team and also to get the trust of my employer. It won’t be surprising that my employer or team members are wondering how I would fit in the team and be productive to them; but with the ideas from this pattern, that is the least to think of. For instance, there are so many ways that as a newcomer, I can contribute to my team. As the writer rightly said, volunteering for simple and smaller task within the team will enable me to grow with confidence and self respect. With the ideas of this pattern at the back of my mind, I would be coming forward to volunteer for tasks that looks small and could be achieve with or without little effort. I believed this would help deepen my knowledge as I go as well as help me built a reputation for myself. I also think as a newcomer, even if you have the experience that is required to do major tasks, you would still need to humbly start from sweeping the floor whiles trying to tackle the bigger ones. My reason for saying this is that, team members might think you want to show off and you might end up losing the needed support from them.

The pattern also discussed the issues of being condemned to do the minor tasks but I wouldn’t see this as a condemnation provided they are not too much for me to handle; what I would need to is to keep a close eye on what the team is doing regarding the major works making sure I understands what they does and if there are unclear stuffs, then I would ask questions. Also, I won’t be intimidated to sweeping just the floor but would be taking challenging task as well. In fact, I would try to make time to sweep the floor which would serve as something that interest me in the team just to have the passion for it.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.