Category Archives: Week 10

Post #12

Last class, we were divided into teams to begin working on the software technical code review.  I thought it would be useful to look up what kinds of practices are the most effective, with regard to reviewing code.  I found a post by Gareth Wilson entitled “Effective Code Reviews – 9 Tips from a Converted Skeptic” , which explains the intuition behind the process of conducting code reviews and then provides a list of nine tips to help readers get started with their own reviews.  I hope that this article will help me be more effective in my contribution to the team’s overall review.

Wilson begins the post by listing the benefits of coducting code reviews as: it helps you find bugs, it ensures radability and sustainability of code, it spreads understanding of the implementation throughout the team, it helps new teammates get up to speed with the team’s process, and it exposes each member of the team to different approaches.  He explains that many entry level software engineers don’t appreciate the value of code reviews, at first, and that he was no different until he realized that the code reviews he was apart of were being conducted poorly. After gaining some experience and developing new working strategies at different companies, Wilson now feels confident enough to provide advice on how to conduct code reviews effectively.  His nine tips to performing effective code reviews are:

  • Review the right things, let tools do the rest – IDE’s and developer tools are in-place to not only help you troubleshoot problems and assure quality, but also help you notice the small style and syntax errors that are detrimental to readability and uniformity of code.  Knowing this, you should let the tools make note of those problems instead of including them in a code review.  Ensuring that code is correct, understandable, and maintainable is the goal, so that should be the focus of any code review.
  • Everyone should code review – Conducting code reviews spreads the understanding of code implementation, and helps new developers get up-to-speed with the working practices of an organization, so the ivolvement of veteran reviewers and newcomers is equally valued.
  • Review all code – A proper code review means that it was done as thoroughly as possible.  Wilson believes that no code is too short or simple to review, and that reviewing every line of code means that nothing is overlooked, and that you can feel more confident about the quality and reliability of code after a rigorous review of it is done.
  • Adopt a positive attitude – Code reviews are meant to be beneficial experiences and, by heading into them with a positive attitude and responding to constructive criticism appropriately, you can maximize the potential for this.
  • Review code often and in short sessions – Wilson believes that the effectiveness of a code review will begin to dwindle after about an hour, so it is best to refrain from reviewing for any longer than that.  A good way to avoid doing this is to set aside time throughout the day to coincide with breaks, to help form a habit and resolve issues quicker whilst code is still fresh in the head of developers.
  • It’s OK to say “It’s all good” – Not all code reviews will contain an issue.
  • Use a checklist to ensure consistence – A checklist will help to keep reviewers on track.

I think these tips are useful to consider and I hope to apply them in the upcoming code review.

From the blog CS@Worcester – by Ryan Marcelonis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Observer Pattern

The Observer Pattern is an example of a behavioral pattern. In object oriented programming, which most of the application nowadays are built of, you cannot talk about it without considering the state of objects. Object oriented programming is all about object interactions. There are cases where objects needs to be informed about the changes of other objects are often. If you want to have a good design, you would want to have to decouple the objects as much as possible for modularity. The observer pattern might be the best pattern for that job.

The Observer Pattern can be used whenever a “subject” needs to be observed by the concrete objects.


  • Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically.

How to Implement Observer Pattern:

  • Observable – interface or abstract class defining the operations for attaching and de-attaching observers to the client. In the GOF book this class/interface is known as Subject.
  • ConcreteObservable – concrete Observable class. It maintain the state of the object and when a change in the state occurs it notifies the attached Observers.
  • Observer – interface or abstract class defining the operations to be used to notify this object.
  • ConcreteObserver concrete Observer implementations

It is pretty simple how it works. After creating your subject class, it will then instantiate your ConcreteObservable class and set the states of the objects. Then the Observer class checks if there are any update or notifications from the subject and then update is  called on to the ConcreteObservers.


The observer pattern is used when:

  • the changes in one object also happens in other objects without keeping the object tightly coupled.
  • or when our design needs to be enhanced in the future with new observers with minimal changes.

Common example of Observer Pattern:

  • Model View Controller Pattern – the observer pattern is used in the model view controller(MVC) architectural pattern. In MVC the observer pattern is used to decouple the model from the view. View represents the Observer and the model is the Observable object.

Observer Pattern in UML Diagram:



I selected this topic because I have read many articles and tutorials about this subject, and since I was making a tutorial about it, I might as well write about it in this blog.

The observer pattern is an exceptional pattern to learn in object oriented design in my opinion. Since, most of the programs written these days are object oriented, it is a good resource to know that when you have a one-to-many dependency between objects, it is useful to use the observer pattern. You can use this pattern to create a notification system for your application.


Observer Pattern by OODesign

From the blog cs-wsu – Computer Science by csrenz and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Getting Experience

As a junior in college majoring in CS, naturally I cannot stop worrying about what is going to happen to me after I finish college. I recognize that I am not the best programmer in my major, there are plenty of colleagues I know with more experience, better grades, and stronger connections that will help move their career down the line. Comparatively, I worry about my own standing in the industry once we all graduate, so what am I to do? Firstly, enough self deprecating, I need some experience.

This link is a question posted on asking how to get a job as a CS major in college with little experience outside the classroom, with advice from people currently in the field. The first person down the list of answers, Jane Huang, has particularly useful and calming advice. She goes over 5 points explaining how to answer this question, each of which can apply to various people with the same question.

Her first statement is meant to immediately disarm any person panicking and stressing out over what to do. She emphasizes that although it seems like life is hitting us fast, we are still very young and have plenty of time on our hands to gain experience with. She includes that interviewers will cut you some slack generally as they expect you to learn as you go.

Next she states that its very important to learn a framework, any framework. You can get by as long as you know either ruby on rails or django in python, since most frameworks are similar and you can adjust accordingly after you learn at least one. This isn’t a particularly daunting task, you can learn django in about a week if you practice it about three hours a day. It is also important to just start working on a project that you can manage, it doesn’t have to be original or groundbreaking, just finishing a project is good experience and something you can show as knowledge outside the classroom.

Lastly she makes the point that you might not enjoy coding, and should consider another field you might enjoy more. This isn’t meant to demotivate anybody in the field, you can do it if you believe you can do it. Her point is that if you are afraid switching your major too late and hate the idea of having to spend another year in college to make up for it, imagine spending many more years in a field you find you don’t like and dragging yourself to work every day to support yourself or your future family. Conversely, you don’t have to absolutely love programming in order to succeed professionally. It isn’t required that you have an extreme passion for programming, so really don’t think about it too much but don’t commit to it if you honestly don’t like it.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS Mikes Way by CSmikesway and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Liskov Substitution Principle


SOLID Class Design: The Liskov Substitution Principle written by Tom Dalling on is a five part series about the SOLID class design principles in OOP. He starts off with a problem about inheritance. For instance, if you had a penguin which is a bird that falls under an “is a” relationship. However, when the penguin inherits from the bird class, it will also inherit the fly method. As soon, as you set the fly function to do nothing, then it violates the LSP. Then Tom explains that from applying the Open Closed Principle, subclasses must follow the interface of the abstract base class. If the class has to be altered in such a way to account for certain classes then it also violates the Open Closed Principle of being able to extend a classes behavior without modifying it. In conclusion, two solutions are presented, one is adding a method to check for a flying bird or non-flying bird. The other which, he states as a better solution, would be to create separate classes to account for a flightless type, that way the fly method is not inherited from the superclass.

After doing assignments for CS-343 revolving around refactoring a pre-existing poorly implemented code by applying design patterns. I did not realize that we touched upon the Liskov Substitution Principle before reading the blog post. However, choosing this post, serves as a great source of review material upon topics covered in class. The assignment that incorporated multiple design patterns started off with a clear application of the LSP, as the original design had two instances of overriding to do nothing. However, the criteria for our first refactor requires the LSP and other inheritance reworks.  Since we were working with Ducks, you can imagine a QuackBehavior and a FlyBehavior, that incorporated real and inanimate ducks. So, the LSP application is similar to the second solution presented earlier, in which the fly and quack methods aren’t inherited from a superclass but rather an interface later implemented by the duck class. But even though the method still does nothing, it isn’t an override method, so it does not violate the LSP.

Like other OOP principles, these exist to help achieve code that is maintainable and reusable. By acknowledging the existence of these SOLID class design principles, it will hopefully prevent future projects from projecting these type of code smells. Also, by understanding them and utilizing them wherever they suit best, my code will be cleaner, easier to maintain and add new features.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Progression through Computer Science and Beyond… by Johnny To and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

What to Consider When Doing a Technical Review on Object Oriented Code

For this week’s blog post I decided to write about important things to consider when doing a technical review on object-oriented code.  I chose this topic as I figured it would serve as a good refresher on key object-oriented concepts that we should keep in mind going forward with the next software testing project.  I thought that reminiscing on good practices of object oriented design would enable us to be more aware of what to look for while writing out software technical review on the Sir-Tommy Solitaire program.

I found a short book entitled Object Oriented Programing that was written by a software professional named Carl Erickson.  Erickson is also the CEO and founder of a software company called Atomic Object.  Although the book was written in 2009, I still think it is relative in the world of object-oriented design today.  There are many sections to Erickson’s book but I plan on looking at just a few sections that I thought were most relevant to writing our software technical review.  The sections I intend to focus on in this blog post are the following: sections 4 – OO Naming Conventions, 8 – Encapsulation & Modularity, 9 – Object-Oriented Hierarchy.

In section 4, Naming Conventions, Erickson briefly touches upon good practice for naming classes, methods, and variables.  He explains that class names should have the first letter of the first word capitalized along with the first letter of every word after that whereas, object variable and method names should have the first word begin with a lowercase letter and all following words begining with capitalized letters.  This probably isn’t news to any of use in CS-443 but it’s definitely something to consider when writing our software technical reviews.

Next, in sections 8 and 9, Erickson explores the ideas of class encapsulation and hierarchy.  Encapsulation is an important idea to consider when writing software technical reviews because improper use of encapsulation such as instantiating a variable as public when it should be private can lead to serious headache down the road.  For example, if something in the code were to go wrong with regards to a public variable that you instantiated, it may be very difficult to track down the culprit of the bug since the variable in question is not private. Also, Erickson brings up the notion of the “is a” relationship between classes, sub-classes, and interfaces which will be significant in determining the flexibility of the code in question.

It’s also worth reading over the rest of the sections in Erickson’s book. In particular sections 10 -14 as they go over essential concepts regarding to object-oriented design.  Section 13 does a good job of explaining how to evaluate whether or not a piece of object-oriented code is designed and implemented efficiently by focusing whether the code adheres to user specifications and object-oriented design techniques. Keeping in mind the foundational concepts of object-oriented design may allow us to make more insightful suggestions and write better technical reviews.







From the blog CS@Worcester – Caleb's Computer Science Blog by calebscomputerscienceblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Analysis and Design Tools

I chose the article “Software Analysis and Design Tools” because I think it’s important to know how to put design knowledge to work using the common tools and practices. Software design and analysis allows the requirements of an application to be converted to actual code. I chose Tutorials Point for this article because I’ve used them quite a bit as I’ve learned different topics in computer science.

The first tool that is mentioned is a data flow diagram. This is basically a graphical representation of the path of data in an information system including incoming, outcoming, and storage. It’s important to know that this flow does not convey underlying “how” the data actually flows, it just shows the path. The two types of DFD’s are logical and physical and they use a set of components to represent data flow and relationships. This includes entities, processes, data storage, and data flow which are organized into different levels which represent a layer of abstraction.

DFD Components

The next tool used is called a structure chart which is actually derived from a data flow diagram. It shows a system in much more detail down to the lowest functional modules and describes the functions of these modules. The actual chart depicts a hierarchy of modules where each layer performs a specific task. The charts use special symbols to represent things like conditions, jumps, loops, data flow, and control flow.

SC Modules

The next tool is called a HIPO diagram which stands for Hierarchical Input Process Output. This diagram represents a hierarchy or modules in a system and depicts all the functions and sub-functions of a module. They are a good tool to represent system structure and allow designers and managers to picture the overview of a system.

HIPO diagrams

There is also a diagram called IPO which stands for Input Process Output. This diagram shows a good representation of control and data flow in a module as the HIPO diagram does not depict the flow of any data.

IPO Chart

Some of the other tools mentioned in the article include pseudo code, decision tables, entity-relationship models, and data dictionaries.

After reading this article I think I realized there’s a step in the software design implementation that I’ve been overlooking. Creating these models and diagrams mentioned is a pre-cursor to choosing a design pattern or implementing any code. Creating a usable understanding of how a system will work is a crucial first step in any design. I think this article did a really good job or covering some of the more popular software analysis and design tools. When it comes time to design an application I will definitely make sure I’ve represented the system using one of these tools before I think about the actual design pattern or architecture I want to use.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Software Development Blog by dcafferky and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

What is system testing?

I chose this topic because I tend to forget exactly what kinds of tests are being done when system testing is mentioned. The term is very vague so I thought it’d be smart to write my own explanation of it. I chose the specific article “What is System Testing?” because I’ve used articles from this website before and have found them to be helpful.

To start, system testing is the testing of a complete and integrated software system. The important part of this is to recognize an entire system and not just one program. Interfaces, programs, and hardware are integrated frequently and there needs to be a way to test how they all work as a system. System testing is how this can be achieved.

System testing is one type of black box testing (as opposed to white box testing). System tests examine how software works based on a user’s perspective. One of the things being tested are the fully integrated applications in an end to end testing scenario. This checks for how components interact with each other as well as the system as a whole. Inputs in the application will be tested and compared to what is the expected outputs are. Lastly, a user’s experience is also part of the system testing to ensure the system flows and can be navigated smoothly by the end user.

While system testing is extremely important it’s not the only type of testing needed and it’s important to realize when it needs to be conducted. Typically it will be towards the end of the development cycle as most of the system needs to be operating correctly in order to properly execute the test cases. Unit testing and integration testing will come prior to system testing and usually acceptance testing will follow.

While there are quite a few types of system some of the more popular types include usability, load, regression, recovery, and migration.

After reading this article I definitely have a better and clear understanding of what system testing is. I think this article gave good explanations and included a helpful video as well. In order to actually implement system testing on a project I’d need to do some further reading on one of the specific types in order to decide what type best covers my system. I haven’t had the need to really implement system testing so far mainly because my programs have been relatively simple. As I head to the work force this type is testing will become very important working on much larger systems.



From the blog CS@Worcester – Software Development Blog by dcafferky and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

B10: Mediator Design Pattern

Mediator Pattern

      This week, I chose to talk about a blog I found that went over the mediator design pattern and its implementation. The blog post starts off by explaining that the mediator design pattern is a famous pattern found in the Gang of Four book. It is known to reduce coupling between classes that can communicate with each other. The basis of this pattern is to create a mediator object that has control over the channels of communication between the objects. All messages to other objects essentially must go through the mediator to be directed to another object. The blog post says that this eliminates the need for the deploy objects to have knowledge of the receiver objects. The post goes on to talk about the removal of direct dependencies as it can simplify communication in programs with a large number of classes. It then talks about some of the positive effects this may have like making the code easier to read overall and the maintainability for future editing. The post then goes on to explain the pattern with an example that uses communicating between colleagues and mediators within a project.

      I chose this blog because it was a design pattern that focused on communication between classes which I find very interesting. I found that the explanations this blog uses makes it very easy for me to understand how this design pattern works. The easy to digest wording allows for an easy read that works well with the examples used. The phrasing within the examples allowed the UML diagram and the definitions of the classes underneath to make more sense. The only issue I had was with following the code at first glance due to the fact that it was written in C# but it didn’t take me long to piece it all together. The test classes were well written to show meaningful variable names as well making it easier to understand the parallels they were making from the examples. Through this information I was able to learn that if there is a mediator it can be implemented to make sure all the objects don’t hold unnecessary amounts of code in terms of communication. This will cut down on code within class heavy projects that need objects to remember each other’s addresses. This will help me in my future practice by making the code run much more efficiently and create a better sense of organization that makes it easier to read when dealing with many classes.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Student To Scholar by kumarcomputerscience and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Writing Clean, High Quality Code

This blog discusses various techniques that can be used to make your code cleaner and easier to understand. Writing high quality code is very important for software that is updated over time, and the following tips will help improve your code readability and quality.

Variable and Method Names

  • Use names that reveal the intention of the variable or method
  • Use names that can be pronounced
  • With programming languages that support namespaces it is better to use them rather than prefixing names
  • Use one word per concept throughout the program. For example, don’t use get and fetch to do the same thing in different classes
  • Use solution domain names
  • Use verbs for method names and nouns for classes and attributes

Better Functions

  • The smaller the better
  • A function should only do one thing (single responsibility principle)
  • Less arguments are better
  • Functions should only do what the name suggests and nothing else
  • Avoid output arguments. If returning something is not enough then your function is probably doing more than one thing.
  • Throwing exceptions is better than returning different codes dependent on errors
  • Don’t repeat yourself


  • Don’t comment bad code, rewrite it
  • Explain your intention in comments
  • Warn of consequences in comments
  • Emphasize important points in comments
  • Always use doc comments
  • Any comments other than the above should be avoided
  • Never leave code commented. With source control software you can always revert back to old code. Comments can be used when debugging or programming, but commented code should never be checked in

Code Smells and Anti-Patterns

The following should be avoided:

  • Dead code
  • Speculative generality
  • Large classes
  • God object
  • Multiple languages in one file
  • Framework core modifications
  • Overuse of static
  • Magic numbers (should be replaced with const or var)
  • Long if conditions (replace with function)
  • Call super’s overwritten methods
  • Circular dependency and references
  • Sequential coupling
  • Hard-coding
  • Too much inheritance (composition is better)

I selected this blog because being able to write high quality code is extremely important in software development. Quality code decreases time spent trying to understand it, making the code easier to maintain and reducing the possibility of bugs. I thought this blog was very well done because it was entertaining to read and gave plenty of examples. Reading this blog helped cement ideas that I learned previously from this class and taught me new techniques that increase code quality. Since none of the information is hard to understand I can begin applying what I’ve learned right now, and hopefully I will continue to get better at writing clean code.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Blog by rydercsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Software Craftsman 5 & 6 Week 10

In the first section of the reading the book it explains how to learn to say “No”. Sometimes you’ll work with managers or clients that expect too much from you, it is not professional of them to ask you to do more than you can. If you know a workload is going to be too much for you to handle do not hesitate to say no. To be a professional you must know when to say no to a client. The client is trusting you and your expertise, so do not agree to something you can’t do just because they are paying you.

In the next section talks about not rushing during coding. If you rush during coding chances are the quality will depreciate. If the quality is not up to standards then the code will be extremely hard to change later on. So the best way to code is to take your time if you want your software to be able to be maintained in the future.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Software Testing by kyleottblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.