Category Archives: Week 11

Prototype Design Pattern Episode 2 : Attack of the Clones


For this week’s blogpost I will be looking at yet another design pattern called the Prototype Design Pattern. Creating objects can take a lot of time and can be an expensive affair so in order to save time and money we can dive into cloning to solve this problem. You would want to use this pattern when the cost of the object to complex or expensive. After all, the clones in Star Wars were made to be cheap and expendable ultimately, the same goes for the idea behind the cloning pattern. Trying to keep the number of classes at a minimum is also a great time to use this object. Another big reason to use this pattern is when the client is creating objects that are required which are very similar to already existing objects, hence cloning. Essentially what this pattern allows you to do is make new instances by creating copies of existing instances. The result is a cloned object which is different from the original object, causing the state of the original to be the same as the clone right after the time of cloning. Therefore each object may undergo some state change, modifying the objects to perform different things after this is easily done. The structure of this pattern comes when the prototype class declares an interface for cloning itself by implementing the clone able interface and using the clone() method. Concrete Prototype then implements the clone method for cloning itself. After this the client class creates a new object asking the prototype to clone itself rather than using a new keyword. You need to instantiate the original class A(the class you are cloning) before using it. Then the client requests the prototype class for a new object of the same type as class A. This patterns great for scenarios where multiple profiles need to be created. In turn we can store the data in a single call and cache it in the session for further processing. Another more prominent example of cloning would perhaps be in the form of a bank account. Where you would want to make a copy of the object that holds your account information, perform transactions on it and then replace the original object with a modified one (a clone). The blog then goes on to list some more interesting points of the design pattern as well as some benefits and drawbacks. One of the drawbacks of the pattern is that classes with circular references to other classes cannot really be cloned. But a benefit of this pattern is that client can reduce subclassing with this immensely. All and all this pattern seems like something I would use actually quite often.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Matt's Blog by mattyd99 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Test Driven Development And Unit Testing

Software developer John Sonmez writing for gives a narrative of his experience as a lead developer, and how he applied the practices of test driven development and unit testing in his article What is TDD? What is Unit Testing?.  Sonmez stresses the definitions in these concepts and illustrates how they are applied in the development process.

Somnez begins by asserting that the purpose of a unit test is to verify the functionality of the smallest possible unit of code, usually on the class level. The author calls unit tests an “absolute specification”, and he explains that the value of a unit test is verifying that the smallest possible units of code function properly in isolation.

According to the author, by making sure unit tests are absolute specifications on the smallest possible units of code, unit testing can highlight problems in the design. Sonmez backs up his claim by describing how unit tests help developers discover tight coupling, and issues with cohesiveness, as the process of testing classes in isolation highlights these issues, since most programs have complex dependencies.

Sonmez moves on to define test driven development as the opposite of the traditional waterfall methodology of testing, where complete specifications were provided up front and tests happened at the end of development of a component. In test driven development, tests are written before any implementation, and only minimal code is written to make that particular test pass. After the tests pass, the developer refactors the code. This process Sonmez describes as “Red, Green, Refactor”, alluding to the red/green color of the unit tests.

The value of test driven development according to Sonmez is that tests are the best form of specifications, they either pass or fail; there is no room for interpreting the specifications. Furthermore, the author asserts that this development style is important because it forces the developer to understand the function of the code before implementing it. If we can’t describe exactly what the test should verify, then we need to go back and understand more, helping prevent errors before they happen.

I enjoyed this article and highly recommend it to anyone confused about how these concepts apply in the industry, as you can tell Sonmez’s professional experience has enlightened him in these areas. He is very good at simply describing concepts and the practical situations and uses of applying them.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Bit by Bit by rdentremont58 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

[W]in Tech

CS SERIES (9).pngOver the weekend, I had the chance to sit down and listen to another podcast episode by Developer Things. The title, Women in Technology (with Megan Horton), caught my eye as I am always on the lookout to learn about other women’s experiences in technology.

The podcast series’ goal is for people to learn new developer things each time they listen so here’s what I learned on the career side related to software construction, design, and architecture:

  • The stigma of “nerds” begins in elementary school so girls start to stray away from STEM even in the limited amount of programs there already are for computer science in earlier education years. This eventually results in the number of females in CS in universities–like mine–is so low along with the numbers of those who move onto the software development workforce.
  • There are jobs out there like writing software for watering fields based on whether the sun is up or down or varying weather conditions. It reminded me a bit about how we used duck stimulator as an example to learn UML diagrams and had different actions performed for each duck.
  • Career advancement is not always a straight path. People tend to switch into computer science as a major or switch into technology when they want a career change. I’d like to point out how the host of this episode took the opportunity to say Horton came from the funeral business to killing software bugs.
  • You won’t always have to write code: there’s so much out there–you could have a passion for anything and do something tech-related in that setting.

The content has caused me to think more deeply about what I will do in technology, I mean of course I’m going with software development or software engineering but what is the overall goal throughout my career timeline going to be? What kinds of companies will I end up working for? What projects or passions will I follow along the way? Overall, I enjoyed the podcast with Horton as she discussed the ups and downs of being a female in technology and her experiences in the industry so far.

I don’t think I was there for the time when people would be kicked off the internet because someone needs to use the phone as discussed in the episode but I do experience times when my connection isn’t consistent. It really makes me sit back and think about how technology relies on constant power and a steady internet connection.

A major takeaway that I continue finding myself writing about is how we will always be learning something new in technology as things are always changing–as long as the power is on.


From the blog CS@Worcester by samanthatran and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Good Methodology for user testing methods and boosting app development


For this weeks blog post I found an interesting blog that listed 6 user testing methods that may seem unusual to others. User testing is a very important part of any good software project, it reveals any bugs you may have skimmed over or glitches for that matter because of this you can make a cleaner product. Using a prototyping tool to user test with interactives wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes you will know exactly how users interact with your app before the real thing is even built. If you were to publish something, then change it later it’ll be much more expensive to change the finished product than a product. The site goes on to mention computer-based testing software but goes on to say human testing is much better considering you are making something for humans to consume/use. The first method they list is participatory design, this essentially is when end users are involved from the very early stages of the design process, working together with you or the design team to define the product you make. Instead of the you are imagining yourself in the shoes of the user, you put the user in the shoes of designers. The second testing method they list is something bit unusual, Drunk people. This may not be the best but what they list is a pretty interesting idea. The testing method involves you testing you own wireframes. Interactive prototypes such as wireframes and more are the way to go when it comes to testing, these prototypes will help you introduce user testing throughout the various stages of development helping you along the way. The next testing method they list is Triading, which is essentially you trying to get the user to compare and evaluate 3 different alternatives without you influencing them with your questioning. The 5th method they go on to explain involves the users creating their own user tests. Here they referenced a Ted talk by Luis Von Ahn describing massive scale online based collaboration. The final testing method they mention is product reaction cards which is almost as simple as it sounds. Essentially the user gets exposed to the piece of software then given cards with adjectives written on it where they are asked to describe the software using 3 – 5 of the cards. This is a super simple and helpful user based testing method that I like a lot actually. All in all this blog post was very interesting with all the simple user based testing methods anyone could conduct.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Matt's Blog by mattyd99 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Good Methodology for user testing methods and boosting app development


For this weeks blog post I found an interesting blog that listed 6 user testing methods that may seem unusual to others. User testing is a very important part of any good software project, it reveals any bugs you may have skimmed over or glitches for that matter because of this you can make a cleaner product. Using a prototyping tool to user test with interactives wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes you will know exactly how users interact with your app before the real thing is even built. If you were to publish something, then change it later it’ll be much more expensive to change the finished product than a product. The site goes on to mention computer-based testing software but goes on to say human testing is much better considering you are making something for humans to consume/use. The first method they list is participatory design, this essentially is when end users are involved from the very early stages of the design process, working together with you or the design team to define the product you make. Instead of the you are imagining yourself in the shoes of the user, you put the user in the shoes of designers. The second testing method they list is something bit unusual, Drunk people. This may not be the best but what they list is a pretty interesting idea. The testing method involves you testing you own wireframes. Interactive prototypes such as wireframes and more are the way to go when it comes to testing, these prototypes will help you introduce user testing throughout the various stages of development helping you along the way. The next testing method they list is Triading, which is essentially you trying to get the user to compare and evaluate 3 different alternatives without you influencing them with your questioning. The 5th method they go on to explain involves the users creating their own user tests. Here they referenced a Ted talk by Luis Von Ahn describing massive scale online based collaboration. The final testing method they mention is product reaction cards which is almost as simple as it sounds. Essentially the user gets exposed to the piece of software then given cards with adjectives written on it where they are asked to describe the software using 3 – 5 of the cards. This is a super simple and helpful user based testing method that I like a lot actually. All in all this blog post was very interesting with all the simple user based testing methods anyone could conduct.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Matt's Blog by mattyd99 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

IoT Testing Types

This blog post is about testing types and best practices for IoT devices. The market for these devices is growing at a fast rate and is continually changing. However, IoT testing is difficult because it requires a large base of physical equipment and knowledge about smart devices, IoT systems, and IoT test environments. Proven IoT testing approaches include compatability, security, beta, usability, and performance testing types.

Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing should be a priority because IoT applications are run on innovative types of devices. This type of testing is necessary to protect software from vulnerabilities and system failures. An IoT testing team should have a well-equipped testing laboratory or take advantage of cloud environments.

Security Testing

It is important to test the security of IoT applications. There are three levels of testing:

  • IoT device testing – makes sure that devices are protected from breaches related to APIs, authentication, updates, and setting configurations
  • Network testing – protects the application from attacks on the network layer
  • System testing – ensures that user data is protected from leakage and hacking

Usability Testing

Usability testing ensures that software is easy to use and intuitive. IoT testers need to make sure that an application is perceptive and configurable.

Performance Testing

Performance testing is used to test an application’s speed within an environment with large data loads. Testers can use cloud platforms to simulate large loads and generate non-standard scenarios to see how an application performs.

Beta Testing

Beta testing involves the development of realistic scenarios for IoT testing. Discovering failures and usability issues during beta testing helps increase the chances of a successful product release.

Overall I thought this blog post was interesting as I have never really thought about the special considerations for testing IoT applications. While I think this post did a good job explaining why testing IoT software is difficult, it could have benefited from being more specific. The author does not go into much detail as to how these testing strategies are uniquely used by IoT software. It serves more as a general overview for the goals of these testing methods. Regardless, after reading this blog I am interested in learning more about IoT software development and testing.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Blog by rydercsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Getting Some REST with a Bar of SOAP: Which Web Service Access Protocol is Better?

When I was reading about REST APIs, the acronym SOAP kept coming up. In this blog post, I wanted to learn more about what SOAP means and how it compares to what I’ve already learned about REST. The article that I am pulling information from,, is a thorough resource, detailing features of each service and how each can be considered “better” than the other.

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) uses XML, a language like HTML, to send requests to a server and receive responses. SOAP was designed to be extensible, with multiple acronyms coming with it to support different usages of the services, such as “WS-Security” or “WS-Coordination.” However, when using free, public web services, these extensions may not be necessary to come into play; it is simply convenient to provide extra functions if needed.

One potentially problematic feature of using SOAP has to do with the entry of XML for requests. Because the complexity of XML code to make requests, some programming languages have built-in support to handle such requests. However, some are not as forgiving and require manual building of the XML code. While SOAP has error handling (which helps to identify where the request went wrong, as well as potentially automate fixing such errors using standardized codes), it is still intolerant to errors caused from incorrectly building the XML. REST has more of an advantage here, because of its reduced difficulty when creating requests; instead of having to program an entire XML file (depending on whichever language you use), REST just uses requests through the URL. This results in faster performance with REST.

With this in mind, though, SOAP does provide other advantages. Coming with built-in error handling is certainly a leg up from REST, along with flexibility of services with other extensions that have different functions. While REST focuses more on quick performance and a lack of complexity, SOAP increases functionality and handles errors effectively.

It is also important to note that unless a developer is making their own Web service, most free and public Web services make it clear which access protocol they use, whether it is SOAP or REST. Even if the Web Service that I access for my final project already has a defined access protocol (which is REST), I am glad to understand more about other options out there for different services available.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Hi, I'm Kat. by Kat Law and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Compiled vs Interpreted

I am writing in response to the blog post at titled “Compiler vs Interpreter: Complete Difference Between Compiler and Interpreter”. A compiled language is a language that requires a compiler to convert it into another language or format, like bytecode or native machine code. An interpreter translates the program to machine code as the program is running.

The blog post describes a compiler as a program that translates code into executable machine code before it is run, and an interpreter as a program that translates each statement into machine code when it is run. I think that this description is somewhat of an over-simplification. For C, compiling a C program means translating it into an executable program, which is comprised of machine code that is native to the platform it was compiled for. Compilation in general does not always refer to this particular process, though. A compiler may exist to compile one language into a different language, or even into the same language. The key is that the resulting compiled program is semantically equivalent to the original source code. If an interpreter existed for both programs then the result of interpreting the original program should be the same as the result of interpreting the compiled program.

Another detail that was not addressed by the blog post is the concept of “just in time” compilation. C programs are compiled “ahead of time”, where the code is compiled into another program before it is run. Instead of doing this, just in time compiling occurs in run time and compiles blocks of code as the program is running. This allows for a different perspective for an optimizing compiler to make the program run faster in instances that would not be possible for an ahead of time optimizing compiler that does not run in run time. Java is one such language that uses just in time compiling. The blog post does mention one detail about Java, and that is that it is both compiled and interpreted. Java is compiled into bytecode, which is portable because it is not specific to one platform’s native architecture, and then that gets interpreted into native machine code by the JVM when it is run.

From the blog CS@Worcester – klapointe blog by klapointe2 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Full Stack Developer

I am writing in response to the blog post at titled “What is Full Stack Developer? Skills to become a Web Developer”. A full stack developer is somebody who is able to work in both front end and back end development. We have worked with back end development in CS 343 with our work in REST APIs, and we have also worked with front end development using Angular JS and TypeScript. Full stack development involves writing both ends.

The blog post describes a full-stack web developer as somebody who can work on both the front end and the back end of an application. It provides a tiered model of application layers that the developer should be familiar with: the presentation layer, business logic layer and database layer. We have briefly discussed the concept of a layered application model in class before. The presentation layer is the front end that handles the user interface, and the business logic layer and database layer correspond to the back end.

Some average income statistics are provided in the blog post, which shows that a “back end developer” earns more on average than a “full stack developer”, which seems counter-intuitive because a full stack developer, in theory, is capable of accomplishing the same tasks as a back end developer and more.

A clarification is made about the expected duties of a full stack developer; a supposed myth is that a full stack developer is going to be writing all of the code by themselves, writing both the front end and back end for a single large application because both jobs are within their skill set. In actuality, it is not the job of a full stack developer to produce everything alone. The blog post describes a full stack developer as a sort of a bridge between front end developers and back end developers who are working on the same project, because the full stack developer has a good perspective of both ends and how they interact with each other. In this sense, it is clear that a full stack developer in a development team is particularly beneficial for communication.

From the blog cs-wsu – klapointe blog by klapointe2 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Integration Testing

In this week’s blog, I will be talking about Integration Testing from Software Testing Fundamentals.

The International Software Testing Qualifications Board definition:  Integration Testing is a test performed to expose defects in the interfaces and in the interactions between integrated components or systems.

Integration testing is a level of testing where units are tested as a group making sure they all work when put together. It is performed after Unit Testing and before System Testing. Developer themselves or independent testers are responsible for performing Integration Testing. There are different kind of approaches to Integration Testing:

  • Big Bang is an approach where all or most of the units are combined together to be tested in one go when the testing team receives the entire software bundle. Kind of like System Testing but it only tests the interactions between units and not the entire system.
  • Top Down is an approach where top-level units are tested first before the lower level ones.  This approach is taken when the development of the software was also from top to bottom.
  • Bottom Up it is basically like Top Down instead you go from the bottom to the top.
  • Sandwich/Hybrid is a combination of Top Down and Bottom Up.

I picked to read this blog because it offers useful analogies to make it easier to understand. There was also a gif at the bottom of the blog where it shows what happens when you do not do an Integration Testing. There were also tips on how to do Integration Testing properly. One of them was to “ensure that you have a proper Detail Design document where interactions between each unit are clearly defined. In fact, you will not be able to perform Integration Testing without this information.” I think that was pretty much the main point of that you have to take from Integration Testing. That you need to know how the system works or the design of it, else Integration Testing would not make any sense to do. Another take on from this blog is to make sure that every unit is unit tested before you start Integration Testing.

Lack of Integration Gif: GIPHY


From the blog cs-wsu – Computer Science by csrenz and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.