Category Archives: Week 11

Share What You Learn

Share what you learn is a pattern that believes that in order for new apprentices and others to learn we need to share what knowledge we have.  This is a very important apprenticeship pattern that is looked over often. Passing along your knowledge is what allows future generations to improve standards and practices.  It may also help your peers fill in that missing piece that they may need in order to complete a large project that they are stuck on. With the advancement in technology, it is easier than ever to share what you have learned with almost anyone around the world.

My past work experiences have instilled in me that this is absolutely true.  When I joined the Geek Squad at Best Buy I had a base level of technical knowledge but was not an expert by any means.  Thanks to the other employees sharing what they knew as I watched on for the first few weeks. This allowed me to take in and learn from what they already knew instead of being on my own to figure out what the specific problem was, research the different possibilities that could have caused this to occur, and finally trying the different solutions through trial and error.  This not only made my life easier but created a better experience for our customers. They got their device back sooner because we already had a good idea of what the problem was and they were able to start from the most likely solutions and work out from there. It also made them feel more confident in our abilities to work on their unit. While some may know that there can be different causes for a problem and a solution could be as easy as turning it off and on again, most customers that I interacted with did not know or understand this concept and would sharply lose confidence in us if we were not magically able to touch the device and have it fixed so the quicker we are able to do so the better.

As a brand new apprentice, I will not have the ability to follow through with this pattern right away I will be able to, and plan to, take full advantage of others sharing what they have learned and absorbing as much information as I can to better contribute to the team and the final products.  I do believe that it is a very important pattern and as soon as I am in a position to help pass any knowledge that I have along to others in order to help them improve and develop in their trade I intend to take full advantage of that opportunity. It will help improve on three different aspects.  First, it will help the apprentice to develop a stronger toolkit moving forward. Second, it will help you develop leadership skills and presentation skills. Lastly, it will help your trade as a whole, having more skilled tradesmen working will help create better products and practices.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim's Blog by nbhc24 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns – The Deep End

The Deep End pattern in Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman[AP] by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye discusses an important hurdle any good software developer will find themselves in at least once in their career. Complacency is a dangerous thing and can often cause a person to get stuck in a rut[AP]. People who want to move up in the world have to be willing to take risks and bigger leaps than they would normally feel comfortable doing[AP]. That is what this pattern is all about; taking the risky jump.

If you are comfortable where you are and don’t see a need to move up or change what you do, then making small incremental changes is perfectly fine. However, most people at some point are going to want to really switch things up. The issue is they are often scared because they are not confident that they will be able to succeed with the big change[AP]. If you really want the change you are going to have to be willing to take that risk[AP]. This “big change” could be something like accepting that great promotion you were afraid to take in the past, taking an assignment in a foreign country, or even switching companies[AP].

By taking on roles you are uncomfortable with, you will grow your portfolio, experience, social group, etc. Most of the time the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. However, the pattern notes that you have to be aware of when you are truly getting in over your head[AP]. You have to know when to ask for help or when take a step back and reevaluate[AP]. Don’t feel like you have to do it all on your own simply because you knew the risk you were taking. If you fail, or decide that the change you made is not right for you, it will not ruin you or your career if you take the right approach[AP].

I generally agree with what this pattern has to say. There is certainly risk involved in making a big move, especially if you are comfortable with where you are in your career, but I think it is a risk most developers have to take at some point in order to become a master craftsman. You can’t wait until you are ready to change things up. You’ll never actually end up doing it. There has to be a bit of blind faith. Even if it doesn’t work out, there is such a demand for people in this field you will almost certainly have a soft landing.


Link to pattern in book:

From the blog CS@Worcester – README by Matthew Foley and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 4 Retrospective

This Sprint was a good one. We gained traction last sprint and kept that that going this sprint as well. The momentum was not fully there as Spring Break was a bit of a speed bump to getting in to the flow of the project, and then afterward many end of semester projects came up that took my time. But either way, by the end we had the basic bare bones of an offline data storage service, a good stopping for next sprint to continue and hopefully finish off.

I continued experimenting with PouchDB this sprint, still on a separate angular project than the ng2-amrs project. This was mostly to avoid the hassle of installing and getting PouchDB working on the ng2-amrs project, as I had seen and heard frustrations from my team and others. This also let me worry solely on getting PouchDB working in a project and creating a successfully working angular project service to handle the logic of the offline storage, with methods for adding and getting documents from the PouchDB database.

I realized after a meeting with my team one day that the formatting of my code was different than the project, and so I copied the ng2-amrs projects tslint.json file into my own to make sure transferring any code I used would be easy and issue free. I fixed my function calls to use the recommended “ => “. After I made the code still work and formatted correctly, I created a new service called simply “offlineStorage”. It had a cunstructor that created a new PouchDB database, and just two methods, one to add a document to the database and one to get a document back.

The code in these methods was reworked code from the examples on PouchDB’s website, with added console logs to see the results. Then to actually test the service, I modified the .spec file for it by adding more tests than the default one. This part was done along with my entire team across two of our in person meetings. We were able to confirm that the service actually created a database, added documents of given data with a given id, and got documents back with a desired id.

The main issue that popped up with the tests were the fact I and my team were wondering how to interact with the documents received by using the get command. When checked the type of the response, it simply stated it was an object. I was not sure how to check the contents of the document and see if it was the correct one. On the last meeting our professor helpfully suggested we see if it was a JSON object, which it was. I felt a bit silly, but now with that issue solved, working with the documents we get from PouchDB and possible ones we add into PouchDB should go much smoother.

During this sprint, occasionally conversations would veer into discussing how we would receive the data from an mrs server and what kind of format the data would be. But after discussing it among ourselves, a helpful diagram drawn up by our team mate Connor showing our role in the overall project and we decided to only worry about our task, offline storage, and nothing else. So we are going to focus completely on fleshing out the service that will handle offline storage tasks using PouchDB. With a narrowing of possible tasks, the division of work for the next step should be very clear.

I feel like it took a bit, but we cleared another hurdle. After this we should speed up next sprint, and hopefully have a completed service that can handle offline storage and a pull request to the master ng2-amrs project by the end of next sprint.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Fu's Faulty Functions by fymeri and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS@Worcester – Fun in Function 2018-04-02 15:51:35

“Dig Deeper” is a pattern that I wanted to apply before I’d read about it. Ever since I started taking computer science courses past the 101 level, I’ve had the persistent nagging awareness that the knowledge I’m gaining is superficial, and there is so much more to be understood. I can feel the difference between knowing how to solve a problem and knowing why the solution is the correct one or the best option within the context of the problem. While deep understanding is a goal for its own sake for me, the writers present this as a goal because of the many problems that arise from only having a shallow understanding: being unable to fix subtle bugs, difficulty maintaining your own code, not realizing a problem you’re trying to solve has a well-known solution or is impossible to solve, and people thinking you’ve misled them about what skills you have. In addition, the lack of awareness of how little you know generates problems of its own.

To gain a deeper understanding of the technologies you use, the writers suggest reading specifications and learning from the original sources to see how the ideas came about.

I subconsciously understood this second method was important. My initial intention in studying computer science was to learn the entire history of computers as a way of discovering why things are the way they are now. I felt like I wouldn’t truly understand until I did that. Additionally, I also heard from several sources while learning C that The C Programming Language, the book co-written by the language’s designer in order to introduce it, is still the best resource there is.

The writers warn that if you apply this pattern regularly, you will naturally end up being given the most difficult assignments. This gives you the opportunity to both fail and succeed spectacularly. You will also likely be the one everyone turns to for code magic when they can’t figure out what they’re doing wrong. They advise you to continue searching for opportunities to be the worst one on a team.

This pattern is probably going to be the one that influences me the most, because it gives so many specific examples to look up of resources that lead to deeper understanding. I’m going to immediately go and apply this pattern, because I’ve been wanting to dig deeper in order to better understand the medical app we’re working on in the Software Development Capstone. Roy Fielding’s PhD thesis on REST sounds promising.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Fun in Function by funinfunction and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Using Breakable Toys

I am a strong believer in not being afraid to fail. Failure is how we learn and improve. If you are not facing failure, then perhaps you are not pushing yourself hard enough. It is difficult to grow as an individual and certainly as a software developer if you are not pushing your personal limits. Pushing the limits of what you are comfortable with will inevitably mean failure at one point or another. It is important to know that failure is perfectly acceptable, and learning from your failures helps you to grow.

I was relieved to learn that the ideas presented in Hoover and Oshineye’s Apprenticeship Patterns aligned so well with my personal thinking. The Breakable Toys pattern specifically mentions not being afraid to fail, and gives advice on creating a safe environment to try things. Because it would be dangerous and risky to do your experimenting at work, Hoover and Oshineye recommend creating a safe space. What you create in your safe space should be relevant to your work as an apprentice, and similar in toolset but smaller in scope.

While I have made quite a few of my own programs just messing around to gain familiarity with a particular subject or idea, the specific nature of these programs makes them lose relevance quickly. They are abandoned shortly after they serve their purpose of familiarizing me with an idea. I like the solution presented by Hoover and Oshineye to create software such as a wiki, game, blog, or IRC client. These types of software will not lose their relevancy, as they can be continuously used and further developed. New features can be added that not only serve practical uses, but allow for new opportunities for learning and practice.

Creating software for personal use is far less risky than playing around on company time. If you do it right, you may even get something useful in addition to the knowledge you gain from your failures. I am looking forward to attempting to develop one of the suggested tools suggested in the Breakable Toys pattern. While I do not think I will be writing any software that lives up to Torvald’s breakable toy, I can certainly appreciate the value in trying, and also in failing.

From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Using Git with WordPress

As part of my continued efforts to not lose all of my hard work, I’m implementing tools to help me track changes and have decided to use version control to do it. I’ve chosen to use Git because of my relative familiarity with the tool.

For a bit of background, my web server is running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS and the latest version of WordPress at the time of this writing, version 4.9.4. Because GitLab allows for free private repositories and the nature of the project makes a public repository undesirable, it was chosen over GitHub. One thing to note about this setup is that I have full shell access to the server, allowing me to install programs and edit properties as necessary to get things setup. When the website is eventually migrated to its permanent hosting location, some changes may be necessary to the following setup to accommodate the server implementation. Many shared hosting providers do not allow shell access, and a new strategy would need to be considered in this case.

I started the setup by performing a bit of housekeeping with

sudo apt-get update

and then performed the initial Git installation with

sudo apt-get install git

I then performed the usual Git setup, uploading my SSH user’s key to GitLab and setting my username/email with

git config –global “Your Name

git config –global “

After cd’ing to the directory of the website files, I issued the command

git remote add origin

An important step here is to make sure that no sensitive files are tracked by Git. I did this by adding a .gitignore with the following:


#  Main ignored items



















#  Log files






#  OS Files










at this point it was safe to issue a

git add .

and commit with

git commit -m “Initial commit”

and finally push changes with

git push –set-upstream origin master

And that’s all there was to it. I’m now tracking all of the changes that I’m making to theme and plugin files. These are the only files that I really care about reverting and recovering changes that I’ve made. Everything else is backed up regularly using Updraft.

From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Using Git with WordPress

As part of my continued efforts to not lose all of my hard work, I’m implementing tools to help me track changes and have decided to use version control to do it. I’ve chosen to use Git because of my relative familiarity with the tool.

For a bit of background, my web server is running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS and the latest version of WordPress at the time of this writing, version 4.9.4. Because GitLab allows for free private repositories and the nature of the project makes a public repository undesirable, it was chosen over GitHub. One thing to note about this setup is that I have full shell access to the server, allowing me to install programs and edit properties as necessary to get things setup. When the website is eventually migrated to its permanent hosting location, some changes may be necessary to the following setup to accommodate the server implementation. Many shared hosting providers do not allow shell access, and a new strategy would need to be considered in this case.

I started the setup by performing a bit of housekeeping with

sudo apt-get update

and then performed the initial Git installation with

sudo apt-get install git

I then performed the usual Git setup, uploading my SSH user’s key to GitLab and setting my username/email with

git config –global “Your Name

git config –global “

After cd’ing to the directory of the website files, I issued the command

git remote add origin

An important step here is to make sure that no sensitive files are tracked by Git. I did this by adding a .gitignore with the following:


#  Main ignored items



















#  Log files






#  OS Files










at this point it was safe to issue a

git add .

and commit with

git commit -m “Initial commit”

and finally push changes with

git push –set-upstream origin master

And that’s all there was to it. I’m now tracking all of the changes that I’m making to theme and plugin files. These are the only files that I really care about reverting and recovering changes that I’ve made. Everything else is backed up regularly using Updraft.

From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Encapsulation is a technique in programming where the programmer hides the internal behavior of the object from the user. Encapsulation hide the inside view of the object from the user such that it only implements the behavior of the object. Usually the client does not need to know the detail of the program and that is exactly what encapsulation does.

Encapsulation hide the data for object and makes the variables as private, and expose only the property to access the private data which would be public. So, when you access the property you can validate the data and set it.

For example, let take a Mobile Phone and Mobile Phone company. Suppose you are a Mobile Phone company and you designed and developed a Mobile Phone design(class), now by using machinery you are making a Mobile Phone(object) for selling, when you sell your Mobile Phone the user only learn how to use the Mobile Phone and not how the Mobile Phone works.

Again, let consider a TV operation for example, the manufacturers encapsulate it with cover and we can only operate it with the remote and have no need to open the TV and change the channel.

In this regard, everything is in private except remote; so anyone can access to operate and change channel and not the things in TV.




From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

#5– Episode 67

Episode 67 – Object Oriented Mistakes

Presented by Joe Zack, Michael outlaw and Allen Underwood, the group addressed many object-oriented mistakes that coders often make. I found this to be an interesting podcast because like many of us upcoming coders, we are taught mistakes that cause problems when attempting to develop in an object-oriented environment. From the previous design patterns episode, we were able to understand the best situations and the proper design pattern that should be used. For example when using domain designs, we have learned not to use domain anemic models. Before we continue, anemic model is the use of a software domain model where the domain objects contain little or no business logical validations, calculations, business rules etc. These are typically called bags of properties with getters and setter without any kind of behavioral type method. The domain model objects cannot therefore guarantee their correctness in any moment due to lack of validation and mutation logic which is usually placed somewhere outside the class being addressed. One would ask, why is this considered an anti-pattern in todays programming world, well first of all, it disrupts the concept of object-oriented design. This design contracts what is implemented when on opts to use the object oriented design. Object orientation allows objects to have states and sessions but anemic causes stateless objects. It is great for just a simple application because there is a clear separation between logic and data unlike object oriented programing. Simple applications also do not require a ton of logic to be implement. They do not need methods with behavioral code in them. After this point, Micheal spoke of another anti-pattern. This pattern was known as the base bean anti-pattern. This is when you inherit functionality from a utility class instead of delegating to that utility class. The issue associated with this practice is that defeats the purpose of inheritance. Inheritance is used for the wrong reasons. The main purpose of inheritance is to create a hierarchical order in which code information can be managed and understood. Wrong implementation of inheritance disrupts object properties and class properties. Overall, design patterns are created for incoming developers and even intermediate developers to have a guide that can be used as a reference. Thy provide us with a way to getting things resolved or better yet, the first solution that solved the problem. It is up to every developer to learn beyond that and recognize how they can utilize the already laid out platform to their own coding needs and development.






From the blog CS@Worcester – Le Blog Spot by Abranti3 Dada Kay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS@Worcester – Fun in Function 2017-11-27 23:31:16

This week’s resource can be found here.

I chose this resource on code review because we’ll be doing a code review ourselves this week, and it not only outlines several types of code review but also includes interesting additional information like statistics about which code review practices produce the best results.

There are a few unexpected benefits of reviewing code. Situations that foster communication between programmers about the code they’ve written help distribute the sense of ownership over any particular piece of code, which is useful because blaming each other for faults in the code doesn’t help anybody. Code review can also serve as a good educational tool for newer developers, as more experienced developers can point out ways to write cleaner code and shortcuts to solve common problems. A more obvious benefit is that human inspection is the best way to find complicated problems in the software’s requirements, design, scalability, error handling, and other non-code aspects like its legibility. Lastly, knowing your code is going to be reviewed demonstrably improves the quality of your code.

There are several methods of lightweight code review that fit in with modern development. Code review can be done in an email thread, for example. The benefit to this is its flexibility, as it doesn’t require everyone meeting at the same time. The downside is that the original coder ends up with a bunch of different suggestions that they have to sort through instead of the group reaching a consensus on what should be done.

Another lightweight method is pair programming, where two programmers work on the same piece of code and check each other’s work as they go. The benefit to this is that code review happens automatically during the development process. The downside is that the coders can’t get much distance from their project, so they lose the advantage of a fresh set of eyes looking at it.

Third is the over-the-shoulder method, in which someone reads your code while you explain to them why you wrote it that way. This is intuitive and very lightweight, but problems can arise if you don’t document what happens at this meeting.

Tool-assisted code review involves using software to help with the review process. Programmers can contribute reviews at different times and without being in the same location using this method, which offers the flexibility of reviewing by email thread with more organization. You still miss out on the benefits of meeting and discussing in person, however.

In addition to making me aware of several different code review options, this resource has provided statistics on how best to use these methods. Code should be reviewed in chunks of under 400 lines, as defects stop being uncovered with anything more. Reviewing 300 lines of code per hour or under and a total review time of under an hour results in the best defect detection. Defect detection drops significantly after 90 minutes of review time. These are very useful things to keep in mind.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Fun in Function by funinfunction and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.