Category Archives: Week 11

Confront Your Ignorance Pattern

For this week’s apprenticeship pattern, I did a reading on “Confront Your Ignorance”. Confront Your Ignorance is about how to start the process. What I mean by this is to pick a tool, skill, or technique and use it to fill in the gaps of your knowledge about it. Confront Your Ignorance is overcoming your lack of knowledge in an area and doing your best to learn more about it to become knowledgeable about it. This pattern ties close together with Expose Your Ignorance pattern. However, implementing this pattern is a bit more doable since it is less of a challenge on your pride since it can be done privately. Other solutions besides learning on your own would be to ask your mentors or anyone that you know that may already have the skill and is willing to share what they know.

My initial reaction after reading this pattern is that it is a reflection of what I am currently experiencing. I have mentioned before that I have limited experience in the professional field of software engineering, I am constantly trying to fill in any gaps of knowledge to make me more of an ideal candidate to companies compared to those who have multiple internships under their belt. The reading was quite interesting and very useful. Interesting because I can relate to what it is talking about and useful because it helps me with my current job hunt and figuring out ways to tackle this issue. Even before reading this pattern, I’ve been trying to find ways of attaining skills and knowledge that I haven’t gained before.

The pattern has not changed the way how I view my profession because I know going that transferring from school life to being a professional Software Engineer, there will be a gap of knowledge I won’t have. I know that I am going to be required to research and learn new things in my career. Therefore, I am constantly practicing my skills and working on side projects to help myself get a good grip on how each technology works and how to incorporate it in what I want to do with my professional career.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Michael's Developer Blog by michaelchaau and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Pattern: Concrete Skills

Christian Shadis

In the apprenticeship pattern Concrete Skills, Hoover and Oshineye explore the importance of developing discrete, demonstrable skills with specific technologies. This is an important pattern to implement as a young programmer because often in the hiring process, your skills are often more surface-level, and your value lies in your potential. Developing concrete skills makes you a more valuable candidate and thus more likely to receive an offer.

This pattern makes a lot of intuitive sense. My skills (outside of specific languages) are top-level, and I do not have a lot of projects to demonstrate specific skills and value that I can immediately provide to the company/team I am joining. Currently, my appeal as a candidate lies primarily in my successful academic career and ability to quickly learn, and secondarily in the skills I already possess. In order to successfully find a job, supplementing my portfolio is necessary.

This pattern coincides well with the Breakable Toys pattern in that building those personal, low-stakes projects will allow the developer to demonstrate their skills in a discrete, specific, and demonstrable environment. The toy can then be used in the hiring process, or to develop a demonstration for the hiring process. Having that project available to demonstrate during the interview process will reassure employers that not only does the candidate have potential to contribute greatly as time passes but can also contribute immediately.

I hope to use this pattern throughout the next several months while trying to secure my first career position. I have identified the biggest weakness in my resume to be my lack of full projects to display my skills. I have worked on multiple programming projects that I can use, but they all seem too simple to truly impress a hiring manager. I have a great academic record, but little to concretely prove my development skills. In conjunction with the Breakable Toys pattern, I will look to develop a full-stack project over the coming months that I can add to my portfolio and increase my chances of being hired.


Hoover, D. H., & Oshineye, A. (2010). Emptying the Cup. In Apprenticeship patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. O’Reilly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Stay in the Trenches

This apprenticeship pattern talks about how software developers should stay in the trenches. As software developers gain experience, they tend to gain a reputation for being exceptional at delivering software. Many organizations tend to reward with promotions in the hierarchy. However, such promotions might end up leading apprentices away from their craft. This pattern elaborates how apprentices should not confuse promotions into management with success. Being promoted might seem like a good sign that you are on the right path, however, one should understand that they will not remain a “technical” manager for long.  A craftsman who strays from their craft will have their mastery over it fade. The more time you spend not programming, the further away you are moving from being a journeyman.

If an apprentice wants to remain in the craft, then they need to draw their career map accordingly. For example, one could try to discuss with their employer the possibility of finding different mechanisms which they may find rewarding. This could come in the form of higher compensation, or it could come in the form of nontraditional technical leadership roles such as internal consultancy. In the case where the employer is inflexible, then perhaps it might be best to look at other opportunities elsewhere. This way you will remain in the craft and prevent yourself from being promoted away from it.

I personally think that this apprenticeship pattern is useful for people with a specific set of values. It is useful for anyone who values their passion for staying in software development and wants to stay active in the craft. If you are someone who loves software development and want to continue However, some people might value things like status, compensation, and greater responsibility more than remaining active in the craft, and therefore, going into management might be the right move for them. Since different values can lead to different career paths, it is important for software developers to constantly reevaluate their career map to see whether the path that they chose is aligned with their values and circumstances or if they need to consider a different path.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Fadi Akram by Fadi Akram and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Blog Post 1

This week I would like to look at the “Confront Your Ignorance” pattern. I feel like this is always a good one to look at as despite how good of a programmer you might be, there is always something more to learn, and there is always something you don’t know.

This pattern means there are things you still need to learn/know, and some of these things are things that many others may already know, so it is expected of you to also have this knowledge.

I feel like it is always important to confront your ignorance, as there is still much to learn, even when you have seen a lot. This pattern is very similar to the “Expose Your Ignorance” pattern, but this one is about learning in private, so you do not need to hurt your pride by making others aware like in “Expose Your Ignorance”. However, it is still important to know to expose that ignorance as well, since always learning in private can have some negative side effects, like having failure be unacceptable instead of just another step of the learning process. You need to be able to learn and grow in a way that will positively affect you and those around you.

But should you choose to not learn in private, a great way to confront the ignorance is to ask questions, as many people may have already had the problem you are currently facing, and are hopefully happy to help you overcome the issue. A common cause of ignorance is focusing too heavily one one particular skill or context, which causes you to become ignorant of the other skills. One must be able to learn, and identify the areas of ignorance, and actively work towards reducing those areas.

You must also always be able to admit your faults, in this case admit that your knowledge is lacking, as how will anyone know your knowledge is lacking unless you tell them? This way, everyone can work together to achieve better learning. Of course, it may hurt your pride in the short term, but it is always better to be known for your willingness to learn more, than to know a lot about a few things.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Erockwood Blog by erockwood and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective – Sprint 2

I think that we as a team, as well as me as an individual, improved during this sprint compared to the first sprint. While for the first sprint we had no experience working with scrum sprints or in any sort of team development environment, so the whole thing was completely new to us, whereas at least now with the 2nd sprint we had at least a tiny bit of experience. This means that we were able to improve upon some things from our first sprint, because we could see what we did wrong and could change our plan in order to avoid our previous mistakes and optimize our workflow overall.

The first thing we optimized and improved upon was our sprint planning. From our first sprint, we could better judge what we could get done during a sprint by how much we got done during our first sprint. This way we could efficiently work on items, getting as much done as possible during the sprint and not assigning too much during the sprint to the point that we end up not getting most of it done. We could also better assign weight to each of the items because we could better judge how long it would take for us to get each item done, and better judge the importance of each item to the overall project and current objective.

The second thing we optimized and improved upon was our overall communication. We still did most of our communication in class, but we now made sure to communicate through the issues on GitLab. When an issue required additional clarification or explanation, we could leave a comment on an issue and ask the creator of the issue for more details, and the creator could easily respond right on the issue. This not only improved upon the frequency of our communication, but it also helped us to differentiate and easily see what string of communication was pertinent to what issue, helping other team members to see what was discussed respective to what issues. This way, if a team member was working on an issue similar to or previously worked on by another team member, they could easily see what kind of issues that team member faced while working on it, and that could help them work through it without even requiring more help from the team. This makes the workflow as a whole much more efficient because any communication is saved, categorized, and easily searchable.

For the team as a whole, we could still improve upon our communication. Although it is efficient communicating through GitLab issues, and it does have some benefits, it is also good to have some non-official communication that doesn’t directly relate to a particular issue. Leaving this communication on GitLab would be messy, so it would be better if we did this additional communication through discord. For me as an individual, I think I could’ve helped more with the sprint planning, and better assisted my team members. For the spring planning, I could’ve better helped with coming up with weights for issues and assigning them. Finally, I could’ve better helped my teammates by being more active responding to open issues with comments and helping them finish open issues if I’m done with all of my issues.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Alex's Blog by anelson42 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Practice, Practice, Practice…

The authors of the Apprenticeship Patterns book do an amazing job of capturing my attention. The opening quote that the “Practice, practice, practice” pattern starts off with demanded that I pay attention to what comes next.

“People we know as masters don’t devote themselves to their particular skill just to get better at it. The truth is, they love to practice—“

When I read this quote part of me shimmers with hope because of the proper guidance I was just given to help make it in my future, and another part of me frets because practicing can be difficult and I don’t want to struggle or face the hardship of practicing. Now my issue with practice isn’t that it can be difficult, I don’t mind taking on a challenge. My issue with practice is that I don’t want to be practicing but doing it completely wrong and then feel like I have been wasting my time. The way I picture it is like doing a bunch of push ups but the entire time you’ve been doing them your back was “U-shaped”. You don’t know any better until someone comes along and tells you that you’ve been doing it wrong the whole time. Meanwhile you’ve “mastered” the U-shaped push up but in reality there is no such thing. All the arm strength and muscle memory you built to do that unrecognized form of exercise was for naught, and that’s how I feel I might end up when practicing alone. The pattern does recommend practicing in public places, doing “kata” or finding a coding dojo to code amongst others and have these flaws pointed out as you practice. This sounds like something that would cause my nightmare scenario to never happen but there comes this slight embarrassment when thinking about asking for help or making a mistake in front of others… I suppose it’s a small price you pay while getting better. After all, its better than the former scenario. An old manager of mine once said something to me that still sticks with me today “If you ask once, you’ll only feel dumb once. But if you never ask, you’ll feel dumb forever”. Perhaps I should do more than just think about the profound words and apply them.

From the blog CS@Worcester – You have reached the upper bound by cloudtech360 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

YAGNI, or are you?

Surprise, you probably wont. Lets back up a step first though and talk about what that acronym actually means. YAGNI stands for “You Aren’t Gonna Need It” and is an important acronym to consider for software development applications. I heard about YAGNI from our class, and I wanted to know more about what exactly it consists of, and what its purpose is. Thats where I found a good article by, which did a good job explaining it. In its essence, YAGNI means that you shouldn’t create something until its actually necessary for your application. After all why would you want to waste time on things that might not ever be needed. As many people who have written code know, we often write a function/class expecting to need it in the future, only to never actually use it. This in turn leads to wasted space in the program, wasted time writing the unneeded code, and now you have to think about whether you should bother keeping it or just dump it to save space. I have plenty of personal experience with this in my own projects and work. One particular example that comes to mind is that during a 36 hour hackathon last spring, my teammate and I spent many hours trying to figure out a good way to incorporate a login/user tracking system into the app we were writing. While this feature would EVENTUALLY be needed, for the sake of creating a basic proof of concept app it was far from crucial. Because we didn’t use YAGNI principles we wasted time that could have been spent doing any of the other myriad of tasks we had to do for the rest of the app. These several wasted hours resulted in us not being able to add other needed features, and as such the app was not as complete as it could have been given the time constraints. Even before hearing about YAGNI as an idea, that experience left my partner and I with a realization that there are much more efficient ways to approach writing code than what we attempted. Since then I have been much better about not writing useless code until its needed; however I still have instances where I create a function or class that realistically doesnt need to exist. It can be difficult sometimes to figure out what is needed and what isnt, especially at the beginning of a project. I always assume I am going to need one feature or another, so I begin write it; only to find out a little while later that its not really that important at the moment. While I still started writing it, I have gotten better at stopping before I go too far and waste too much time. That way I can spend more time and energy focusing on more important aspects of the program I am writing.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Sebastian's CS Blog by sserafin1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

More On APIs

This week I decided to dive more into APIs in general, not just RESTFUL APIs. So let us start at the beginning. API stands for Application Programming Interface, and it is an interface with a set(s) of functions. These functions allow programmers to use specific features or data of an application. A web API is an API that is accessed over the web, like through the HTTP protocol. The web API is a framework that assists in creating and developing HTTP based services.

An API usually works as follows, the client application initiates an API call, usually to retrieve information. This call is also known as a request. This request is then processed from the application to a web server using the API’s Uniform Resource Identifier, and usually has a request verb, like GET or POST, for example, headers, and a request body. After receiving a valid request from the application, the API makes a call to the web server. The server then responds to the API with the requested information, and the API then transfers the data to the initial requesting application.

APIs are often used for many reasons. This includes, but is not limited to, improving collaboration, offering easier innovation, data monetization (as money makes the world go round), and added security. APIs enable integration such that platforms and other applications can easily communicate with each other, allowing easier automation, therefore improving collaboration. They also offer flexibility, allowing connections to new businesses and reaching new markets, offering easier innovation. APIs are also often offered for free, usually initially, to allow the developers audience to grow so they can build relationships with their audience of developers around their brand for the future, securing future business partners, thus offering data monetization. Lastly, APIs create an added layer of security between your data and a server. Developers can also choose to add further security measures like tokens, signatures, and Transport Layer Security encryption, just to name a few.

There are also many types of APIs, some of which include, but are not limited to, SOAP, or Simple Object Access Protocol, XML-RPC, which is a protocol that relies on XML to transfer data, JSON-RPC, which uses JSON instead of XML for its work, and REST, which we have covered in prior weeks blog posts.



I decided to use the above source for this weeks blog post because they provided a ton of good information about APIs in general, and IBM is also a very well known company and therefore also a good reputable information source.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Erockwood Blog by erockwood and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Visual Code: Docker Extension

We have used visual studio code and docker extensively in our software design learning process. Even though it wasn’t made necessary for us to get the docker extension, I have been using the docker extension for a while now. Since docker is one of the biggest open source platform providing virtual containers, I wanted to further explore what benefits would an extension bring to visual studio code. For this I am focusing on blogpost under microsoft by Mike Morton.

Using the extension, we can easily add docker files through command palette and using Docker: Add Docker Files to Workspace command. This generates ‘Dockerfile’ and ‘.dockerignore’ files and adds them directly to our workspace. The command also gives us an option to add Docker Compose files. Extension provides option to build docker file in more than ten most popular development languages and then we can set up one-click debugging of Node.js, Python, and .NET Core inside a container.

Extension has docker commands to manage to manage images, networks, volumes, image registries, and Docker Compose built right into the command palette. So, we no longer must go to the terminal and meticulously type $ docker system prune -a or search IDs of specific container we want to stop, start, remove, etc.

Moreover, the extension lets us customize many of the commands. For example, when you run an image, you can now have the extension put the resulting container on a specific network.

Docker Explorer, another feature of extension, lets us examine and manage Docker containers, images, volumes, networks, and container registries. We can use the context menu to hide/show them on explorer panel.

The best feature is extension’s ability to select multiple containers or images and execute commands on the selected items. For example, we can select ‘nginx’ and ‘mongodb’ container and stop or start them at the same time without affecting other containers and without having to run start or stop command twice. Similarly, we can run or remove multiple images of our choice. Moreover, when running start command through command palette, we can see list of all the containers that can be started with a checkbox next to each.

When we are working on say Libre Food pantry microservices and have multiple development containers running – running commands through command palette is going to be quick and concise, explorer will give us a very simplified and organized way to manage docker assets and executing run/stop commands for multiple containers at the same time will be an extreme time saver. All these features combined are going to increase development productivity exponentially.


From the blog CS@worcester – Towards Tech by murtazan and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Frontend vs. Backend

This week will be continued talk on APIs and specifically I wanted to learn more about the structure of our API’s including on the differences between frontend and backend and any extra information on API’s that can be included. I have chosen a website that goes over what exactly these are and gives a good amount of information that could be useful later down in our careers.

In summary, frontend and backend are two very popular terms in web development. The term frontend is usually used for the part of the website that the user directly interacts with like the GUI’s. This is also called the “client side” of the application and use languages that should sound familiar to you such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with JavaScript being the most popular language of them all. This is because of several advantages such as flexibility, speed, and extended functionality although it does have some disadvantages in areas such as with debugging. Now if the frontend is what the user interacts with, the the backend should be everything that is kept out of sight from the user such as work with the databases, the scripting, and the API itself while making sure it can connect to the frontend. The languages used include python, PHP, and java all being widely used. The work on the frontend and backend has also become quite specialized over the years in which it is usual for one person to either work with just the frontend or just the backend and people who work on both are called full stack developers.

This resource has given me insight on the work we are doing with the API’s and with the work we are doing on the backend. The work that we are doing with the databases and the API’s is an entirely different area from the frontend that we haven’t even touched yet. The areas that have to be learned are numerous that require different sets of skills and talents to work in. It makes me wonder on whether we will get to work with the frontend in this class or in a future class. The I should prepare myself a bit more if one would want to become a full stack web developer seeing the needed skills in both ends. Although I haven’t done much work on any frontend material so I would have to wait to see on what the experience is like when working on the frontend on deciding if I should focus on one or another in the future.


From the blog CS@Worcester – kbcoding by kennybui986 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.