Christian Shadis
In the apprenticeship pattern Use the Source, Hoover and Oshineye explore the importance of learning from reading code from open-source projects. They start by explaining how young programmers often struggle to self-assess their code, since many have not seen enough professional-grade code to understand how theirs stacks up. Luckily, all the open-source code you could ever want is freely available to any developer. Hoover and Oshineye encourage the reader to use these resources as much as possible to gain a better understanding of code inside its context in a working software system.
This pattern closely resembles the advice I recently received from a software engineer family friend. She was transitioning from test automation to full-stack Python development and offered some insight into her job search process and some strategies to use for myself. Her main piece of advice was to browse GitHub for code written by other engineers – open-source projects, employees from the company at which you are applying, or anything else which could prove useful.
I started my Computer Science journey later in my academic career than I would have liked to, having switched into my school’s CS program toward the end of my freshman year in college not knowing anything about the discipline. I am still learning what good and bad code looks like, and how to take the concepts from classes and implement them to scale in deployed software systems. My time in a traditional classroom setting is quickly coming to an end, and I must transition my focus to self-education
I hope to use this pattern throughout my career, but especially so in the first few years. Since I started my CS journey, Git has been a good friend of mine, and I have always been interested in getting to know how it works so well. As such, it would be fitting to start by looking at the code for Git, focusing on the use of data structures. I still feel as though my biggest weakness as a developer is understanding how small microservices and programs interact in a much larger environment. Looking at the source code for distributed systems will give me valuable insight into how the puzzle pieces fit together.
Hoover, D. H., & Oshineye, A. (2010). Perpetual Learning. In Apprenticeship patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. O’Reilly.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.