The overall idea of the white belt apprenticeship pattern is that when you are learning a new skill for example a new language you need to actually need to learn a new skill and a new process. You can’t just apply the old process to the new skill. That will only result in, as the pattern says in its programming example, “writing fortran in any other language”. It says you can accomplish this by unlearning some of your previous skills and starting from scratch with the new skill. It also says that many people are scared to do that because they worry about looking foolish or ignorant. In the example of learning a new programming language it’s important because if you don’t unlearn some of your habits from a programming language you already know and unlearn how to code in that old language you will end up never learning how to use some of the new features of the new language. This is the overall idea and point of the white belt apprenticeship pattern.
I like and agreed with applying this pattern and its main point. I like how it says that in order to learn something you have to start from the beginning and let go of how preconceived notions about how code should be written. I agree with how it says if you don’t do that you won’t be able to write in the new language the way it was meant to be used. I also agree with how it says also that if you dont you will miss out on some features of the new language.
I found a lot of it interesting and useful. I found it interesting how there was a saying about writing a new language like the old language. I found it useful to remember that when learning a new language it’s important. I found it thought provoking how it says that it’s important to unlearn before you learn. It’s kinda the opposite of what you would think at first. However it makes sense. I will definitely keep this in mind and use this in my future career when learning new languages or skills. Overall I really like this pattern.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim's WebSite by therbsty and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.