Category Archives: Week 12

Record What You Learn


Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


The solution the text offers is to keep a record of your journey in a journal, wiki, or blog. Having a chronological record of the lessons you’ve learned can help those you mentors you, it can also be a vital resource to draw upon when needed. Those who follow this pattern sooner or later realize they’re trying to solve a tough problem and use what you’ve recorded to solve the problem. Try to avoid writing lessons down and then losing the information and forgetting to keep it updated. An example the text offers is someone who keeps a wiki for his private thoughts and the other for sharing with the world.

I think the pattern is good advice, I like the idea of keeping a blog to update as I start my career as an apprentice. I liked the idea of having two wikis, one designed for personal use and one to share with others. Having a more personal blog or wiki allows you to be painfully honest with yourself and the progress you’re making. Having something to go back to and refresh yourself has many benefits and can help you in a bind when you might not have anyone to ask. I keep cheat sheets at the current job I work and having that information saved makes my job much easier. Another good suggestion from the text is creating a textfile or page on a blog or wiki to save tidbits of information or quotes from software craftsmen, in the example the book noted, someone uploaded all their saved quotes online for others to learn from. I like how this patterns ties into the Breakable Toys pattern, you can start projects that you can share online, creating a chronological history of every step of the project, where things went wrong, and what you did to fix it. I think during my time as an apprentice I will continue to blog what I learn and keep the lessons I learn from mentors and colleagues. I like the idea of Sharing What You Learn, a lot of the lessons I’ve learned have come from other people who’ve taken the time to create blogs posts or YouTube videos describing the steps they took.

The post Record What You Learn appeared first on code friendly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – code friendly by erik and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Record What You Learn

The ideas discussed in this pattern are often ignored by a lot of people including me. Documenting what you learn will not only serve as a further reference but will also save you a lot of time refreshing your mind on topics that you might have lost ideas. In the other hand, you may still remember what you have learned on a problem but the issue is that you have got only the main ideas, forgotten the details in it.

I got to realized how ignorance I am about recording what I learn after reading this pattern. I think I have never learn why I fails sometimes because on my reflection, I realized that in most cases, I overlook  some of the things I learn as a real event and therefore don’t  think I will ever forget them. But in the long round I lose track of most things as time goes on. On reflecting on why I sometimes don’t document what I learn, I couldn’t find a particular reason for that.  Gone on the days when there was limited storage in our computers, and in the worst case, no internet access, we could record what we learn on note books. The only problem I had with that was, as time passes, you turn to have more books and you overlook their important. Sometimes you are tempted to trash your entire old document thinking you have enough knowledge that can deal with issues coming from these documents. But I realized this is not true because not long ago, I have encountered a situation where I have to go all the way back to my high school note book for the solution.

After reading this pattern, I think I will not ignore the power of recording what I learn anymore.  With internet access, recording is going to be more convenient and effective. For some time now, I have been saving what I learn in goggle docs but after reading this pattern I have taken another twist to blog all my learning. I think this can help me easily managed and share what I learn with others.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Exploration by ioplay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns: Nurture Your Passion

I chose this pattern this week because I really need to work on growing my passion for the craft. I need to sit down and find something I love and make a correlation to software. This pattern taught me different ways to nurture and grow your passion so that you can dive deep into complicated projects, for fun. The authors mention 3 other patterns to help you grow your passion. These other patterns are Kindred Spirits, Study The Classics and Draw your own map. These three patterns will help you take the next step to loving the software craftsmanship.

My favorite excerpt form this passage was:

“To grow your passion, set clear boundaries that define the sort of environment you are willing to work in. This might mean you leave work while the rest of the team stays late, that you walk out of a meeting that has become abusive, that you steer a cynical conversation toward constructive topics, or that you refuse to distribute code that doesn’t meet your minimum standards. The result could be that you get passed over for pay raises, promotions, kudos, or popularity. But these boundaries are necessary if you are going to break free of hostile conditions and keep your passion strong.” – Adewale Oshineye, Dave Hoover

Basically, the authors are saying to stick to your code and don’t let yourself be abused. If you or your skills are being abused in the work place, it can greatly damage your passion for working on software. You want to stay positive and continue to love what you’re doing, it is the only way to cease your passion from leaving.

As I mentioned before, this pattern is important to me because I need to work on finding my passion. It isn’t always easy to sit down and work on a fun project just for the hell of it, but this pattern shows me that it truly is invaluable. All you need is time and patience to further your knowledge and skills of the craft. Developing a passion is something that I have been trying to do with school projects and what not but it needs to be more. Being passionate about a project would just be a kickstarter to become passionate for every step of software development.


You can find this pattern here:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Post #28 – Reflection on the “Practice, Practice, Practice” Pattern

This week, I will be writing a reflection on the “Practice, Practice, Practice” pattern.  This pattern addresses developers who want to get better at programming and to expand your diversity of concrete skills.  I chose to reflect on this pattern because I recently accepted an offer for a summer internship and I intend to put in quite a bit of practice before I begin working in June.   Oshineye and Hoover provide solid advice on how to exercise programming skills for those in the ideal situation of having a mentor and those who are left to their own devices.

They begin by saying “Take the time to practice your craft without interruptions, in an environment where you can feel comfortable making mistakes”.  I think environment is a very important element in getting the most out of practice.  The environment in which you practice should allow you to focus completely on the skill you are trying to improve.  Ideally, this environment would also include a mentor that can help guide your practicing and gauge your progress.  Personally, I think an ideal environment could also include peers who are also developing their programming skills because it would provide more outlets for each individual to discuss their work and mentor one another.

They go on to say that the key to this pattern is finding time to develop software in a stress-free environment with no due dates production issues, or interruptions.  This pattern, like the “Breakable Toys” pattern, also stresses the importance of short feedback loops in practice sessions.  Short feedback loops refer to the cycle of completing exercises and quickly receiving feedback on your performance for the purpose of gauging a person’s progress toward a goal.  Short feedback loops can be found in the form of feedback from a mentor or in your own incremental completion of progressively more difficult tasks.

To implement this pattern, Oshineye and Hoover advise developers to find exercises or create their own, and ensure that those exercises will challenge them to at least some degree higher than what they know they are capable of.  They also advise that you should solve and resolve the same issue over some period of time, so that you can see how your solutions change and progress.  I have been motivated by this pattern and I intend to implement it in the coming weeks as I prepare for my internship.

From the blog CS@Worcester – by Ryan Marcelonis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Thoughts on “Reading List”

“Reading List” is the first in a set of design patterns written to help the apprentice craft a learning curriculum.  As more and more material becomes available, it’s important to carefully select a set of materials that can effectively guide oneself.

This particular pattern is focused on managing material, not necessarily curating it (although it does recommend asking mentors for suggestions).  The recommendation here is to create a list of reading material, and maintain it in a way that lets you see what you have read as well as what you have yet to read.  This allows you to fill in gaps as you go, even if the original list was not particularly comprehensive.  The basic form of the pattern is to keep a text file as a reading list.  In more complex implementations, you can use a version control system to track changes, or use a public form (like a wiki) so that others can benefit.

I am not sure how helpful this pattern will be to me.  While I do understand the need for continued education, and I do enjoy reading, I’ve found that I learn far better from practical, hands-on experience than books, blogs, or powerpoint slides.  While I definitely got a lot out of Clean Code, I got more out of taking Uncle Bob’s suggestions and putting them into practice.  I also tend not to take well to to-do lists, either making or sticking to them — although, perhaps, this pattern would give me an opportunity to expand my horizons in personal organization as well as software craft.

My implementation of this pattern might be a bit more complex than the simple suggestion of keeping a version-controlled text file.  I would prefer to curate a list of resources that contain practical, hands-on components (like Apprenticeship Patterns, although many of those are fairly abstract), or to learn from tutorials that give me room to experiment.

You could even apply this pattern to parts of a book (like Apprenticeship Patterns) that is more fragmented, or easier to digest across multiple readings.  Perhaps also to a video or article series.

From the blog CS@Worcester – orscsblog by orscsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Breakable Toys

When starting in a new work environment, especially when stepping into a new craft as an apprentice you only want to produce positive results, even though failing is a great learning tool.  A good apprenticeship pattern to develop is to create breakable toys. Develop personal projects that you can afford to fail on and break so that you can learn these valuable lessons without it having an impact on your performance review and without risking your job.  These can be programs, servers or anything else that mimics your work station and helps develop your toolset. The important part though is to remember that it while it should mimic your workstation it should not intermingle with your work by any means. This could lead to massive problems if you break your toy and it negatively affects your work.  You also don’t want to run the risk of breaking any confidential agreement that may lead to legal trouble beyond just losing your job. This is not a pattern that should just be applied blindly; you need to apply a basic level of common sense of whether or not it would be ok to include things that you may have gotten from work onto an unsecured system.

When I start my new career I intend to mock my work station at home to the best of my ability.  I will use this to create similar projects to the one that I am working on so that way I can have more freedom trying solutions.  While that is part of what version control fixes this will allow slightly more freedom to try things that shouldn’t work and take the time to see why they don’t work as a viable solution to the task at hand.  Then as time permits I can create new projects that are not associated with work and expand my toolset to work on mastering new areas of my craft. I know for myself that I learn better by doing something hands on rather than in a visual manner.  Creating a personal workstation will allow me to further develop my craft and skills that I need to succeed in this new role. It will also allow me to explore and create any personal projects that I may find interesting that will help develop a broader toolkit that may come in handy later in life.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim's Blog by nbhc24 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Pattern : Reflect as You Work

Pattern Overview :

The author begins this chapter by introducing the importance of reflections in one’s career. As a software developer, the more progress  and tasks you complete everyday in your line of work inches you daily to mastery level. This comes along with an acknowledgement of strengths by your leaders thereby often leading to a promotion or elevation in position where your knowledged skills and expertise can be passed on to someone else. This is why the author encourages us in this pattern to constantly reflect back on our work. Being a good leader covers a wide range of expectation but one of the biggest  leadership qualities is to be able to lead by example. You can’t preach clean coding when you haven’t taken the time to introduce clean coding in your own coding practices. 



I agree with the author on this pattern greatly. This is because through out my little experience in life, i have had many opportunities to lead and i have realized that understanding yourself, methods, shortcomings and practices helps you become the best leader you can be. And the only way you can accomplish all the above mentioned feats is to take the time and reflect. I bring up all these points because as you continue to lead the team, there will be days when the questions and daily challenges will force you to define and defend your views and methods as a leader. If you have not taken the time to reflect and acknowledge what needs to be acknowledged about you, moments like this will eventually be your downfall as a leader. It will send a messages of incompetence.  As a leader, its part of your job to ensure that your voice somehow become the sound of reason for your team when things go downward. 

Conclusion :

I would advice everyone to practice some of the methods the author talked about especially the personal practice map. This is because, it gives you a vivid image of your progress through the years and also gives you a reference point to share with your team members who have similar issues and questions. It also helps you to highlight your observations, reflections, and changes that has happened throughout your programming years.  

From the blog CS@Worcester – Le Blog Spot by Abranti3 Dada Kay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Confronting Your Ignorance

This apprenticeship pattern is the flip side of last weeks pattern, expose your ignorance. Now you have to confront the ignorance that you exposed to your team mates and coworkers . You start simply by choosing one thing you do not understand fully, and then researching and working on it until you fill in the gaps in your knowledge about that tool or framework or some such. You work on fixing your ignorance on your own time, until a point where you decide to continue working on it or move to something else you are ignorant in.

This is a very necessary pattern for an apprentice, especially paired with the previous pattern of exposing your ignorance. They both need to go hand in hand for an apprentice to advance themselves as a craftsman. What happens if one uses one pattern but not the other?

If someone uses the expose your ignorance pattern without confronting their ignorance, then they do nothing but stay ignorant. Whenever you are tasked with doing something you are ignorant of, you simply state your ignorance and then… that is it. You just shrug and say that you ca not do it. Without ever learning about things you do not know, you can never advance as a craftsman.

However, while confronting your ignorance does lead to learning and advance in oneself as a craftsman, doing only that without exposing the ignorance in the first place can be problematic. If apprentices only ever learn in their own time without letting anyone know that they were ignorant in the first place, everyone would silently work on their own problems without ever asking for help. There would be no discussion of issues, or allowing others to help you get through something you are having a large amount of trouble with. The reason one exposes their ignorance is to gain help from those on the team more experienced than them.

This pattern made a lot of sense to me. The part of the pattern section that discussed what confronting your ignorance without exposing it is was like was familiar to me. In the past I had moments where I would try to work on a project on my own for a long period of time, and bash my head against a wall until I figured it out. Then realizing I could have just asked someone else for help and reduce my frustrations by an enormous amount. Nowadays I was always strive to get past my pride and ask for help, to avoid a lot of headache and to help myself learn more effectively.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Fu's Faulty Functions by fymeri and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Preparing to Migrate a WordPress Site

Now that I’ve got a functional website built for the MassHOSA project, it is time to start preparing to move it the website to its permanent home. Development has been straightforward partly because it has taken place while the server has been living on my personal virtual private server. With full SSH access to the development server, it was much easier to make server-side tweaks to various environment settings. Many of these tweaks had more to do with my server being misconfigured than with WordPress, however. I am hopeful that the permanent hosting environment that is selected will require minimal modifications. Many of the hosts that we’ve looked at, for example, have environments tailored specifically for WordPress hosting.

To begin preparing, I copied the entire WordPress directory to my local machine using SCP. While this took some time, I wanted to be sure that everything was transferred and remained intact. I did not necessarily trust that FTP was up to the task, as I have had some problems with file integrity after using FTP for large-scale file transfers. While there may have been many other contributing factors, I thought I would try SCP instead this time, at least for the downloading of the website files to my local computer. FTP may be the only option for uploading the files to the new host, as many shared hosts do not allow SSH access.

The next step of the preparation process was to export and download the contents of the database associated with the installation. Choosing how I export the tables is important, because of the limited privileges that may be available for importing the data on the new host. To ensure that I would be able to import the tables on the new host, I used the account used by WordPress to access the database, and exported all of the tables in the database. This way, even if the new host allows only one database, I will be able to migrate all of the necessary tables and simply update the wp-config file to point to the correct database.

Thankfully, if anything goes wrong during the setup of the site on the new host, I have the working installation on my virtual server to fall back on while working things out. I hope that I have not overlooked anything and that the migration will be straightforward and painless.

From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Technical Review

In class we did a group activity which had us work together in teams of five and conduct a software technical review. In a software technical review you have a specific role in which you must fulfill specific duties. There are four roles. The producer, review leader, recorder, and reviewers.

Producer–  The producer is the person who created the work that is being reviewed.

Review Leader–  The review leader schedules the review meetings, prepares materials for meetings, conducts meetings, and writes the review report.

Recorder- The recorder’s job is to take notes of what is being said. They also document anomalies, decisions and recommendations.

Reviewer– The reviewer(s) job is to prepare an individual reviewer issue sheet that is given to the review leader before the meeting. The sheet contains all of the issues that the reviewer found with the code.

There are three different types of software technical reviews. The walk through, technical inspection and an audit.

Walkthrough- A walkthrough is an informal meeting with the producer and the colleagues. There is little preparation and little documentation.

Technical Inspection- A technical inspection is a formal process and includes training.  There is sufficient and budgeted preparation time and the team ic very carefully selected.

Audit– An audit is a review that is held by an external group. The purpose of audits are to ensure that you are conforming to standards.

Why would we waste our time with such a complicated process when we could just look for faults individually? Well, there are many good reasons why we hold reviews and why the process is so important.

Reviews push developers to communicate with one another, it gives an opportunity to train new employees, it helps management report progress in the business, you find defects, it builds team morale and it gives the customer reassurance that the product comes out the way it should.

Going into your first review is probably nerve wracking. If you can remember the proper review etiquette, you should be golden!

Be prepared– There is nothing worse than an unprepared team member

Be respectful- it is the golden rule after all. Review the product not the producer.

Avoid discussions of style- Not everyone likes the same thing you do, as long as it is not wrong leave it be.

Provide minor comments to producer at the end of meeting 

Be Constructive- help others, don’t bring them down.

Remain focused- identify issues and don’t try to solve them yet.

Participate- Do not try to get the spotlight, it can be annoying.

Be open- the results of the review should be available to the entire organization.


My source of information was our class slides, but you can learn more about software technical reviews here:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Rookey Mistake by Shane Rookey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.