Category Archives: Week 13

Apprenticeship Patterns: Passion

I decided to once again choose patterns that cover related issues, this one being about passion. This is something that I find myself struggling with on and off between projects, where I have moments of excitement starting a project and successfully implementing a function, but often encounter issues that can stifle this passion. Beyond this I simply have times where I lose the drive to work on personal projects and struggle to find the desire to continue working with software design of any sort. Thus for this post post I chose to focus on the Nurture Your Passion pattern.

There are a few key points mentioned to help with this issue. The first mentioned is that you might just have to put any current work you are struggling with aside if possible to focus on another aspect that interests you. This can be in the form of a different part of the system you are currently working on or even just a breakable toy that will help you learn and grow, rather than stifling this advancement. Additionally, you should try to find a community that you can participate in. More often than not there are others in similar situations, and if you look online you can find discussion boards or even whole websites that have a variety of programmers discussing with each other. Getting different perspectives on the craft from others can reveal new insights to you, reigniting your interest in what you do. Furthermore there are even online study groups if you need particular help with specific issues. Beyond this you can also try reading some of the classic, well-regarded books in your free time. This will allow you to learn in a very low risk environment, removing the immediate stress of having to have functional code and allowing you to enjoy the intricacies of whatever is discussed in the book. Finally, if you are in a professional setting, you have to set work environment standards ahead of time. This can mean setting a hard time for when you stop working to ensure any toxic conversations are steered towards a productive topic.

While I am not in a professional setting yet, this information has helped me. I have never really thought about having to set standards for myself going into a job and will keep that in mind for the future. Many of these tips, as always, sound like they will be very helpful in the future and i have nothing to disagree with.


From the blog CS@Worcester – My Bizarre Coding Adventures by Michael Mendes and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns: Failure

Something that I am sure many others who have pursued a career in computer science have encountered is failure. Throughout my attempts at coding, I have found that a vast majority of my time is spent trying to fix my own failed programs. This was, and can still be, a pretty large barrier to my enjoyment of programming, as simply trying to fix your own broken code over and over give the impression that you are not really making progress. To get a different perspective on this issue I chose to cover the Learn How You Fail pattern for this week.

This pattern gives a few key ideas to keep in mind when you feel like you find yourself stuck in a rut of failure. Firstly you should try not to focus on the disappointment of your failure, but focus on determining what happened that caused this failure. Work back through what you did to get to the point of failure and determine exactly what you did that caused this, then make note of the cause. If you can record these issues you will be able to determine your own strengths and weaknesses. This may lead you to realize that you have to put in a large amount of effort for seemingly small gains, but this will allow you to set accordingly realistic limitations on your goals. Accepting these limitations is also important, as it allows you to determine where you should and should not spend your time, which may require you to drop some projects for now. This will allow you to focus on any other issues you are encountering, and you can always return to the previous issue later.

So far I have found that failure is something that goes hand-in-hand with software design, especially when learning something new. Personally, I have always taken the very straightforward hit your head against the brick wall until it breaks method with failure, often  spending a long time solving small issues. After reading this pattern I have realized I should be recording what I am doing wrong each time, and that would certainly save me some time in the long run. Though I am still early in my career I found this pattern to be useful yet again and had nothing to disagree with.


From the blog CS@Worcester – My Bizarre Coding Adventures by Michael Mendes and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Use the Source

 When working on an open-source project, please get in the habit of downloading the latest version of the code (preferably from their source control system), so you can review its history and track future developments. Please take a look at the codebase structure and think about why it is organized the way it is. Look at how developers manage their code modules to see if it makes sense and compare them to how they might have used them. Try to refactor the code to understand why its coders made the decisions they did, and think about what the code would look like if you were the one coding it. It will give you a better understanding of the projects; Also, make sure you can build those projects. If you’ve found a better way to do something, you’re ready to contribute code to the project. Inevitably, as you go through the code, you’ll come across decisions you completely disagree with it. Ask yourself if the developers of the project might know something you don’t or vice versa. Consider whether this is a legacy design that needs to be refactored; consider whether making a toy implementation for the relevant feature would help clarify the issue.

You end up with a toolbox filled with all sorts of quirks that you’ve collected from other people’s code. This will hone your ability to solve minor problems more quickly and quickly. You’ll be able to tackle issues that others think are impossible to solve because they don’t have access to your toolbox. Take a look at the Git distributed source control system written by Linus Torvalds or any code written by Daniel J. Bernstein (known as DJB). Programmers like Linus and DJB occasionally use data structures and algorithms that most of us have never even heard of. They’re not magicians — they’ve just spent their time building bigger and better toolboxes than most people. The great thing about open source is that you can look at their toolbox and make their tools. One of the problems in software development is the lack of teachers. But thanks to the proliferation of open-source projects on sites such as SourceForge. Net and GitHub, you can learn from relatively representative code examples from the world’s programmer community.

In ODS, Bill Gates says: “The most subtle test of programming ability is giving the programmer about 30 pages of code and seeing how quickly he can read through it and understand it.” He realized something significant. People who quickly learn directly from the source code will soon become better programmers because their teachers are the lines of code written by every programmer in the world. The best way to learn patterns, idioms, and best practices is to read the open-source. Look at how other people to code. It’s a great way to stay relevant, and it’s free. — Chris Wanstrath at Ruby 2008 [

Pick an open-source project with deep algorithms, such as Subversion, Git, or Mercurial source control system. Browse through the project’s source code and jot down any algorithms, data structures, and design ideas that seem novel to you. Then write a blog post describing the project’s construction and highlighting the new ideas you’ve learned. Can you find a situation in your daily work where the same concept can be applied?

From the blog haorusong by and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

MongoDB in Five Minutes

This week I wanted to look more into MongoDB. I found an introduction video titled “MongoDB in 5 Minutes with Eliot Horowitz” from MongoDB’s YouTube channel to do so. I wanted to learn more about MongoDB because we have been using it a lot in class, but I do not yet have a clear idea of what it is and how it works. I have already taken a relational database course, so I have a clear mental image of what an SQL database is and how it is organized. I know MongoDB is not a relational database but that is the extent of my knowledge.

They start by describing relational databases as excel sheets on steroids, which is a pretty close comparison. They then use an example of a patient record keeping system for a doctor’s office. A patient information table might need multiple phone numbers and addresses, and these columns would end up being mostly empty in a relational database. We might also have the patient’s information spread over many tables, adding complexity. When this database is used in in application it makes the application inefficient and hard to maintain.

MongoDB uses documents and each document can be different. Not all the documents in this case would have to have the same number of phone numbers or addresses. They don’t need the same number of columns like records in a relational database table.

This video is very short and was also created by MongoDB. It is not surprising that they only show one use case where MongoDB is better than relational databases. If relational databases are Excel then MongoDB is kind of like Microsoft Word. It is important to remember that relational databases enforce things like integrity that MongoDB doesn’t, making it better in certain situations. Using multiple tables also isn’t too much of a problem; that is what joins are for. I can definitely see the advantages of using MongoDB now though. The idea of documents is so simple and it is easy to grasp compared to relational databases. This provides a good start to look more into MongoDB. I may have needed this knowledge for the final project, though we won’t have one anymore. I will definitely be using MongoDB in the future though as it is just becoming more and more popular.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Learning JavaScript

As my interest in learning Javascript grows, I have started to try and strategize how I should go about learning it. I have heard of several JavaScript frameworks, so I was wondering if I should start with one like Angular, Vue, Ember, or something, and in my research I found a blog post by Francois-Xavier P. Darveau with a very telling title: Yes, You Should Learn Vanilla JavaScript Before Fancy JS Frameworks. This is a post which details why Darveau believes that learning vanilla JavaScript is so important. He starts with a short story of his time in college in which he started to learn Node.js for a project and rather than quickly find libraries and do some Stack Overflow style copy/pasting to get the project working, he dove in and tried to do everything himself. Although it was time-consuming and arduous and was not exactly optimal, he had learned far more behind the scenes than he would have otherwise. He emphasizes that learning all the shortcuts from frameworks and libraries without knowing the how’s or why’s is more akin to pretending than real knowledge. He then explains the meaning of vanilla JavaScript, if not inferred before, as “plain JS without any additional libraries.” He notes that, of course, frameworks and libraries can be extremely useful and time-saving, a lack of vanilla JS knowledge can leave one helpless if something goes wrong or the field collectively decides to hop over to the next new best framework. Some framework pros and cons are detailed as well. Pros: abstracting hard code, shipping code faster and increasing development velocity, and focusing on an app’s value instead of its implementation. Cons: When work scales up and apps become more complex or multiple teams are working on multiple apps, there will no doubt be times when a deep JS understanding is needed to get everything to go smoothly. If a vanilla JS foundation is strong, the only thing changing when getting into a new framework will be mainly syntax. The speed at which new useful frameworks come out is faster than one can master them on their own, but with a vanilla JS understanding, you can already be a step ahead. He then provides plenty of resources for how to learn JS and where it can be studied. I found this very useful as I hope to learn much more JS soon. I have just done some work with Node.JS in order to implement a new REST API endpoint and I hope to get down JS as it becomes increasingly prominent in the CS world. I am also doing an independent study related to mathematical modeling and linear algebra using MATLAB in the upcoming semester, so maybe there will be an opportunity there to apply my JS knowledge.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

What is software architecture design?

I. Concept of system architecture

By Edward Crawley, Bruce Cameron, And Daniel Selva co-authored SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE: Strategy and Product Development for Complex Systems. In the book, the word “system” is defined in this way: a system is a set of entities and their relationships, whose functions are greater than the sum of their respective functions.

In other words, the function has to be 1+1>2, which is called emergence. For example, a pile of bricks and wood cannot provide shelter from the wind and rain, but they can form a warm house. The function of the house is greater than the sum of the functions of the pile of materials, so the house is a system.

Now that you know what a system is, let’s look at what a system architecture does:

1) Determine the form and function of the system. To put it bluntly, it’s analyzing requirements.

2) Determine the entities, forms, and functions of the entities in the system. It’s dividing up the system. To accomplish this task, the book proposes some points of attention: identifying potential entities, focusing on important entities, abstracting entities, and defining the boundaries of the system and the environment in which the system resides.

3) Determine the relationship between entities. This includes identifying relationships between internal entities and entities located at boundaries and defining the form and function of those relationships. That is to define internal and external interfaces.

4) Forecast emergence. The prediction of final function realization, performance realization, and also the prediction of system failure, is the emergence of non-expectations.

II. The book also explains the architect’s function from another perspective:

1) Disambiguation. That is, the architecture is designed so that you don’t have a vague understanding of the requirements.

2) Define the system concept. Put forward the overall solution, define the key terms in the system, define the key measurement criteria.

3) Design decomposition. The key to breaking down the system into entities and the relationships between entities is to control the complexity of the system and not overscale it.

It can be seen that the system architecture is a step between the requirements and the implementation, which not only analyzes the requirements but also proposes a feasible implementation scheme.

The system architecture is suitable for a team composed of one or a few people because many people will lead to insufficient integrity of thinking. If multiple people work together, the best form is also to divide up the hierarchy, with a hierarchy of units to be completed by a single person. This requires a high level of knowledge, synthesis, analysis, and imagination on the part of the architect.


Click to access Preface.pdf

From the blog haorusong by and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Running Bash Commands in Node.js


This is not explicitly a “guide”. There are far better resources available on this topic; This is simply a discussion about the child_process module.

Anecdotal Background

I’ve been in the process of creating programs to automate the running of my Minecraft Server for my friends and I. In that process, I’ve created a functional system using a node server, a C++ server, and a lot of bash files. While it works, I can’t be sure there aren’t bugs without proper testing. Trust me, nothing about this project has has “doing it properly” in mind.

When learning front-end JavaScript, I recall hearing that it can’t modify files for security reasons. That’s why I was using a C++ server to handle file interactions. Little did I realize node can easily interact with files and the system itself. Once I have the time, I’m going to recreate my set up in one node server. The final “total” set up will involve a heroku node server, a local node server, and a raspberry pi with both a node server (for wake on lan) as well as an nginx server as a proxy for security for the local node servers.


As a bit of a prerequisite, I’ve been using a basic module for a simple improvement on top of console.log. I create a log/index.js file (which could simply be log.js, but I prefer having my app.js being the only JavaScript file in my parent directory. The problem with this approach, however, is that you end up with many index.js files which can be hard to edit at the same time).

Now, depending on what I need for my node project I might change up the actual function. Here’s one example:

module.exports = (label, message = "", middle = "") => {
    console.log(label + " -- " + new Date().toLocaleString());
    if(middle) console.log(middle);
    if(message) console.log(message);

Honestly, all my log function does is print out a message with the current date and time. I’m sure I could significantly fancier, but this has proved useful when debugging a program that takes minutes to complete. To use it, I do:

// This line is for both log/index.js and log.js
const log = require("./log"); 


Maybe that’ll be useful to someone. If not, it provides context for what follows…


I’ve created this as a basic test to see what it’s like to run a minecraft server from node. Similar to log, I created an exec/index.js. Firstly, I have:

const { execSync } = require("child_process");
const log = require("../log");

This uses the log I referenced before, as well as execSync from node’s built in child_process. This is a synchronous version of exec which, for my purposes, is ideal. Next, I created two basic functions:

module.exports.exec = (command) => {
    return execSync(command, { shell: "/bin/bash" }).toString().trim();

module.exports.execLog = (command) => {
    const output = this.exec(command);
    log("Exec", output, `$ ${command}`);
    return output;

I create a shorthand version of execSync which is very useful by itself. Then, I create a variant that also creates a log. From here, I found it tedious to enter multiple commands at a time and very hard to perform commands like cd, as every time execSync is ran, it begins in the original directory. So, you would have to do something along the lines of cd directory; command or cd directory && command. Both of which become incredibly large commands when you have to do a handful of things in a directory. So, I created scripts:

function scriptToCommand(script, pre = "") {
    let command = "";

    script.forEach((line) => {
        if(pre) command += pre;
        command += line + "\n";

    return command.trimEnd();

I created them as arrays of strings. This way, I can create scripts that look like this:

    "cd minecraft",
    "java -jar server.jar"

This seemed like a good compromise to get scripts to look almost syntactically the same as an actual bash file, while still allowing me to handle each line as an individual line (which I wanted to use so that when I log each script, each line of the script begins with $ followed by the command). Then, I just have:

module.exports.execScript = (script) => {
    return this.exec(scriptToCommand(script));

module.exports.execScriptLog = (script) => {
    const output = this.execScript(script);
    log("Exec", output, scriptToCommand(script, "$ "));
    return output;

Key Note:

When using the notation to add a function to a node module, you don’t need to create a separate variable to reference that function inside of the node module (without typing module.exports every time). You can use the this keyword to act as module.exports.


Overall, running bash, shell, or other terminals in node isn’t that hard of a task. One thing I’m discovering about node is that it feels like every time I want to do something, if I just spend some time to make a custom module, I can do it more efficiently. Even my basic log module can be made far more complex and save a lot of keystrokes. And that’s just a key idea in coding in general.

Oh, and for anyone wondering, I can create a minecraft folder and place in the sever.jar file. Then, all I have to do is:

const { execScriptLog } = require("./exec");

    "cd minecraft",
    "java -jar server.jar"

And, of course, set up the server files themselves after they generate.

From the blog CS@Worcester – The Introspective Thinker by David MacDonald and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Agile Software Development

This week on my CS Journey, I want to focus on Agile software development and its methodologies. Agile methodology is a type of project management process, mainly used for software development. It evolves through the collaborative effort and cross-functional teams and their customers. Scrum and Kanban are two of the most widely used Agile methodologies. Today I want to focus mainly on Scrum. Recently I saw that employers are looking for candidates who have experience in scrum and agile development, so it is important that we learn more about it.

 Scrum is a framework that allows for more effective collaborations among teams working on various complex projects. It is a management system that relies on step by step development. Each cycle is consisting of two-to four-week sprints, where each sprint’s goal is to build the most important features first and come out with a potentially deliverable product. Agile Scrum methodology has several benefits,  it encourages products to be built faster since each set of goals must be completed within each sprint’s time frame.

 Now let’s look at the three core roles that scrum consists of scrum master, product owner, and the scrum team. The scrum master is the facilitator of the scrum. In addition to holding daily meetings with the scrum team, the scrum master makes certain that scrum rules are being enforced and applied, other responsibilities also include motivating the team, and ensuring that the team has the best possible conditions to meet its goals and produce deliverable products. Secondly, the product owner represents stakeholders, which are typically customers. To ensure the scrum team is always delivering value to stakeholders and the business, the product owner determines product expectations, records changes to the product, and administers a scrum backlog which is a detailed and updated to-do list for the scrum project. The product owner is also responsible for prioritizing goals for each sprint, based on their value to stakeholders. Lastly, the scrum team is a self-organized group of three to nine developers who have the business, design, analytical, and development skills to carry out the actual work, solve problems, and produce deliverable products. Members of the scrum team self-administer tasks and are jointly responsible for meeting each sprint’s goals.

Below I have provided a diagram that shows the structure of the sprint cycles. I think understanding the Agile methodologies Is helpful because most of the major companies help teams and individuals effectively prioritize work and features. I highly recommend visiting those websites it provides detailed explanations of how a scrum cycle works.



From the blog Derin's CS Journey by and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello everyone and welcome to week 13 of the coding journey blog. In this week’s post I will be talking about a popular container that many software developers use called docker. Docker is very helpful in today’s world and helps manage as well as deliver software much more efficiently.

So what exactly is docker is a question that many people when they first hear the term. Well docker is basically an open platform that is used for developing, shipping and running applications. The reason why docker is so important and useful is because it allows you to separate your applications from your infrastructure, which results in quicker software release. Timing is everything in today’s world and so a tool like docker is needed for a faster approach in software. With docker, the infrastructure of the software can be managed the same way as applications and so this shortens the gap between producing and releasing code for production use. The tool docker has is it allows an application to be run in a separate environment known as a container. This isolation as well as heightened security allows users to run many containers on a certain host. Containers are efficient because they run directly through the host machine’s kernel and so you can run more with this process than a virtual machine. The process for docker first starts with you developing your code and other parts using the docker containers. Then docker becomes helpful in testing your code as well as sharing it through the container. Then when the code is all ready to go, you can deploy your application in the product environment, whether it is local or on a cloud service. Essentially, there are many reasons for using docker when developing code and working on an application. Docker allows applications for more faster and more consistent deployment of applications so it isn’t a hassle if there are any bug fixes that need to change down the line. Containers are known for continuous integration and continuous delivery in the workflow. Docker is also helpful in scaling applications because it allows for highly portable workloads, as it can be changed easily to fit any business needs.

I know for a fact that throughout my journey with developing and learning code, I will use docker to run and create apps. It makes the process a lot more smoother and efficient as this is what most developers are looking for because they don’t want extra hassles. Docker simplifies creating applications and my future projects will be much easier to manage through docker and its ability to use containers.

For more resources check out these links:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Roller Coaster Coding Journey by fbaig34 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


In past few week we have working with REST API, and how it works. we have learned lot of thing about REST-API code and how you implement them to create WEB-order. Today I am going to tack about what is REST API is and how do you implement them using Docker Plate-form. So, What is REST API? REST API acronym is REpresentational State Transfer. There are six Guiding Principles of REST. Client-server, stateless, Cacheable, Uniform interface, Layered system, Code on demand witch is optional.

Client server is Separating the user interface concerns from the data storage concern. Stateless Each request from client to server must contain all of the information necessary to understand the request, and cannot take advantage of any stored context on the server. Session state is therefore kept entirely on the client. Cacheable Cache constraints require that the data within a response to a request be implicitly or explicitly labeled as cacheable or non-cacheable. Uniform interface is applying the software engineering principle of generality to the component interface,  the overall system architecture is simplified and the visibility of interactions is improved. Layered system is style layered, it allows an architecture to be composed of hierarchical layers by construing component behavior such that each component cannot “see” beyond the immediate layer with witch they are interacting. Code on demand witch is REST allows client functionality to be extended by downloading and executing code in the form of applets or scripts. This simplifies clients by reducing the number of features required to be pre-implemented.

The Key abstraction of information in REST is a resource. Any information that can be named can be a resource: a document or image, a temporal service, a collection of other resources, a non-virtual object (e.g. a person), and so on. REST uses a resource identifier to identify the particular resource involved in an interaction between components.

Another important thing associated with REST is resource methods to be used to perform the desired transition. A large number of people wrongly relate resource methods to HTTP GET/PUT/POST/DELETE methods. A lot of people prefer to compare HTTP with REST. REST and HTTP are not same.

Here is example of REST-API from .YML file. In this file you write docker script file to tell how your website to be. In this file image you see the tag, summary, operationID, Response for each code and much more…


From the blog CS@Worcester – </electrons> by 3electrones and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.