Category Archives: Week 13


Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well. As this is the final week, I would like to wish you all Goodluck with your finals. In this week’s blog, I would like to talk about Refactoring as it is one of the important parts of programming. Refactoring is a process of restructuring code while making sure it does not change the original functionality of the code. The main goal of refactoring is to improve internal code by making small changes without altering the code’s external behavior.

Computer programmers and software developers refactor codes to improve the design, structure, and implementation of software. Refactoring improves code readability and reduces complexities. It also helps software developers find bugs or vulnerabilities hidden in their software. Refactoring improves codes by making them more efficient by addressing dependencies and complexities, becomes more maintainable and reusable by increasing efficiency, makes the code cleaner which then makes the whole code easier to read and understand, these are a few purposes of refactoring.

Refactoring can be performed after a product has been released, this should be done before adding updates and new features to the existing code or it should be done as a part of day-to-day programming. There are several benefits of refactoring like it makes the code easier to read, encourages a more in-depth understanding of code, improves maintainability. It also comes with various challenges like this process will take extra time if the development team is in the rush to finish the product and refactoring is not planned for, without clear objectives refactoring can lead to delays and extra work, Refactoring cannot address software flaws by itself, as it is made to clean code and make it less complex. There is various technique to refactor the code some of the examples include moving features between objects, Extracting, refactoring by abstraction, and composing. The best practices to follow for refactoring include Planning for refactoring when a project starts, Developers should refactor first before adding updates, refactor in small steps, Test often while refactoring, fix software defects separately, Understand the code before refactoring, focus on code deduplication, use of Automation tools make refactoring easier and faster.

I choose this article because it has a clear definition of refactoring and purpose of refactoring, benefits of it, explains different techniques to perform code refactoring, and gives best practices to follow for refactoring and since it is very helpful for software engineers, in the future these practices will help me do my job easier and help me do my job in an effective way.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Mausam Mishra's Blog by mousammishra21 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Solo Project Management Using Government-Grade Advice

Something I struggle with quite a bit is directing my personal software projects. Staying committed, composing large pieces of code with each other correctly, and even figuring out what I want to do in the first place are all things that I just sort of play by ear, with limited success. In an attempt to gain some insight, I found this article published by a technology and design consultancy for the US government, directed at non-technical project managers. The gist of it is that these managers must understand six concepts: user-centered design, Agile software development, DevOps, building with loosely coupled parts, modular contracting, and product ownership. I won’t go into all of these, since some are still more technical than others, but I want to highlight a few.

One of my favorite points in the article is something that I’ve believed for a long time, which is that all development should be centered on the needs of the end user, rather than stakeholders. Project risk is reduced by ensuring the software is solving actual problems for actual people, and the problems are identified via research tactics like interviews and testing for usability. It would be kind of silly to interview myself, but I think this is a good mindset to have. It kind of sounds meaningless when stated so directly, but if you want a product you have to focus on creating the product, rather than daydreaming about every possible feature it could have.

Another point I liked was the discussion of Agile software development. Without getting too into the weeds on details, the basic problem it seeks to solve is that detailed, long term plans for major custom software projects generally become incorrect as the project proceeds and new technical considerations are discovered. To combat this, agile developers plan in broad strokes, filling in details only as necessary. In a way, it kind of reminds me of an analogy I heard once to describe Turing machines – an artist at their desk, first drawing a broad outline and then focusing on specific sections and filling in details (it may or may not be obvious how this is related to Turing machines but that’s not relevant). The primary metric is how fast documented and tested functionality is delivered.

I found two other somewhat related points useful as well, both of which deal with modularity. The first is the idea of “building with loosely coupled parts”, which essentially boils down to the idea that if one agile team is in over their head, they should split the work into two or more distinct products each with its own dedicated team. Modular contracting is just applying this concept before even beginning a project. Together, I think this a helpful way of possibly connecting all the small fleeting app ideas I have – rather than one unfocused monolith, I could work on a small ecosystem with a shared API that I add and remove things from as needed.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tom's Blog by Thomas Clifford and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

API calls

We know api but how are they called?

The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the server or external software whose data you desire is the first thing you need to know when making an API request.
This is essentially a digital version of a street address.
You won’t know where to send your request if you don’t have this. For example, the HubSpot API’s URI is It’s worth noting that most APIs have several endpoints, each with its own set of end routes. Consider the case when you want to stream public tweets in real time. Then you could utilize the filtered stream endpoint on Twitter. The base path is, which is shared by all endpoints.
/2/tweets/search/stream is the filtered stream endpoint. You can either add that to the end of the base path, or just list the endpoint in your request.

Add an http verb

Once you’ve got the URI, you’ll need to figure out how to make the request. The first thing you must include is a verb that expresses a request. The following are the four most fundamental request verbs: To retrieve a resource, use the GET command. To make a new resource, use the POST command. To alter or update an existing resource, use the PUT command. TO DELETE A RESOURCE, USE THE DELETE KEY. Let’s say you want to see a list of the nearest alternative fuel stations in Denver, Colorado, and you use NREL’s Alternative Fuel Station API. Then you’d make a GET request that looked something like this:


This instructs the server to look for a list of alternative fuel stations in Denver in the database. If that list exists, the server will return an XML or JSON copy of the resource along with a 200 HTTP response code (OK). If that list doesn’t, then it will send back the HTTP response code 404 (not found).

Test API calls

Making API calls to various endpoints, receiving responses, and validating the status codes, response times, and data in those answers are all part of API testing. ReqBin, for example, is a software tool or web service that does this type of testing. Although the processes are similar, they will differ depending on whatever tool or service you use. The steps for utilizing ReqBin to test an API are listed below. Enter the URL of the API endpoint. Select the appropriate HTTP method like GET POST etc., Enter your credentials in the Authorization tab, Click Send to submit your API request.

Why this topic?

I chose this topic since it was the subject of a school assignment.
I followed the directions in the readme file you provided, but I wanted to learn more about why we use the GET method and why we use the POST method in which situations.
Overall, this topic piqued my interest, and I believe it is critical knowledge for all students aspiring to be software developers.


From the blog cs@worcester – Dream to Reality by tamusandesh99 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Encapsulate What Varies

When we write code, we try to think ahead to what possible changes we may need to implement in the future. There are many ways that we can implement these changes, ranging from slapping together a quick patch, methodically going through the code and changing all the affected parts, or writing the code in such a way that anticipated changes can be added in with just one or two small adjustments. This last method is what “encapsulate what varies” means. Writing code will often cause us to think about what future changes we need, and by isolating those parts of the code we can save ourselves time in the future. I found an article that does a good job explaining this concept, and while reading through it I was reminded of a recent project where using encapsulation ended up saving me a lot of time and headaches in the future.

The specific event that the article caused me to remember occurred during my most recent internship. One of the projects I worked on was a script that would automatically assemble 3D CAD models of of any of the systems the company was working on at the time. This script needed to read the system specifications from a database and then organize that data, identify key parts of the system, and figure out how it is assembled so that it can then send those instructions to the CAD software and create the 3D model. It was a big project, and I and the other intern working on it were daunted by the amount of ever changing data that would need to be accounted for. Many systems were of a unique design, and as such we couldnt use the same exact code for all systems. The engineers we were attatched to for this internship introduced us to something called python dataclasses. These essentially allowed us to structure parts of our code that we knew were going to be subject to change in such a way that adding or removing certain data points from the database doesn’t break the overall program. If any changes arise, we only need to alter the related dataclasses for the rest of the code to be able to work with the new change. Without these we would have had to create new methods/classes for each unique change every time it came up; which is not something anyone wanted. I am glad I found out a way of “encapsulating what varies” since I can now write better and more future-proof code by isolating the parts that I believe will be changed the most often.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Sebastian's CS Blog by sserafin1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


What is GRASP?

GRASP, standing from “General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns” is a design pattern in object-oriented software development used to assign responsibilities for different modules of code.

The different patterns and principles used in GRASP are controller, creator, indirection, information expert, low coupling, high cohesion, polymorphism, protected variations, and pure fabrication. GRASP helps us in deciding which responsibility should be assigned to which object/class.

The following are the main design principle

  1. Creator
  • Who creates an Object? Or who should create a new instance of some class?
  • “Container” obejct creates “contained” objects.
  • Decide who can be creator based on the objects association and their interaction.

2. Expert

  • Provided an object obj, whoch responsibilities can be assigned to obj?
  • Expert principle says that asign those responsibilities to obj for whoch obj has the information to fultill that responsibility.

3. Low Coupling

  • How strongly the objects are connected to each other?
  • Coupling – object depending on other object.
  • Low Coupling – How can we reduce the impact of change in depended upon elements on dependant elements.
  • Two elements can be coupled, by following if:
    • One element has aggregation/composition or association with another element.
    • One element implements/extends other element.

4. High Cohesion

  • How are the operations of any element are functionally related?
  • Related responsibilities in to one manageable unit.
  • Prefer high cohesion
  • Benefits
    • – Easily understandable and maintainable.
    • – Code reuse
    • – Low coupling

5. Controller

  • Deals with how to delegate the request from the UI layer objects to domain layer objects.
  • It delegates the work to other class and coordinates the overall activity.
  • We can make an object as Controller, if
    • Object represents the overall system (facade controller)
    • Object represent a use case, handling a sequence of operations

6. Polymorphism

  • How to handle related but varying elements based on element type?
  • Polymorphism guides us in deciding which object is responsible for handling those varying elements.
  • Benefits: handling new variations will become easy.

7. Pure Fabrication

  • Fabricated class/ artificial class – assign set of related responsibilities that doesn’t represent any domain object.
  • Provides a highly cohesive set of activities.
  • Behavioral decomposed – implements some algorithm.
  • Benefits: High cohesion, low coupling and can reuse this class.

8. Indirection

  • How can we avoid a direct coupling between two or more elements.
  • Indirection introduces an intermediate unit to communicate between the other units, so that the other units are not directly coupled.
  • Benefits: low coupling, e.g Facade, Adapter, Obserever.

9. Protected variation

  • How to avoid impact of variations of some elements on the other elements.
  • It provides a well defined interface so that the there will be no affect on other units.
  • Provides flexibility and protection from variations.

I chose to talk about GRASP because as a computer science major interested in software development, I was curious to learn more about this and how GRASP is used to assign responsibilities for different modules of code, how it provides a means to solve organizational problems.

rao.pdf (

GRASP (object-oriented design) – CodeDocs

From the blog CS@Worcester – Gracia's Blog (Computer Science Major) by gkitenge and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

‘NoSQL’ Comparison

SQL databases use tables and relations to store data which makes them rigid in the way data is managed. Developers are forced to store data in a predefined way according to the table and database specifications. This strictness makes working with the data easier in the future because the data is highly structured. Given the table properties, a developer will be able to know the properties on each row of the table. The downside of the rigidity of SQL databases is that making changes and adding features to an existing codebase becomes difficult. In order to add a field to a single record, the entire table must be updated and this new field is added to all records in the table. In PostgreSQL, there can be JSON columns where unenforced structured data can be stored for each record. In this way, it is a workaround for the highly structured nature of SQL databases. However, this approach is not ideal for all situations, and querying data within a JSON field is slower than if it was in a table. SQL databases use less storage on average than NoSQL databases because the data is standardized and can be compressed using optimizations. However, when a SQL database grows, it usually must be scaled horizontally. Meaning the server running the database must have upgraded specifications rather than spreading the resources throughout more instances.

NoSQL databases use key-value pairs and nested objects to store data making them much more flexible compared to SQL databases. One of the most popular NoSQL databases is MongoDB. In these databases, tables are replaced with collections and each entry is its own object rather than being a row in a table. The document-based storage allows for each record to have its own fields and properties. This allows for code changes to be made quickly. The downside of having no enforced structure is that required fields can be omitted and expected data when it is not present on the object. MongoDB fixes the issue of no enforcement with features called schemas. Schemas are a way to outline objects with key names and the data type associated with them. Ensuring each object in a collection follows the same format. NoSQL databases are scaled horizontally easily, easing the resources by distributing the workload on multiple servers.

I selected this topic to learn more about the different use cases between SQL and NoSQL databases such as MongoDB and PostgreSQL. I will use what I learned on future projects to ensure I select the right database technology for the project I am working on.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Jared's Development Blog by Jared Moore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

JavaScript Best Practices

As a trend from the previous posts, I am still working with JavaScript, and I am still learning more and more about it. In this article I learn some best practices around JavaScript itself. Some new things and some things common for any programming language.

There is not much to summarize for this article as it is simply some best practiced coding techniques for proper JavaScript coding. Like mentioned earlier it does include some things that by now I should already know and practice. As in comments should be as needed but not in excess, naming conventions should be simple and understandable, Big O notation matters and to optimize your loops and avoid nesting them and keeping to clean code style of one function one purpose instead of excess purposes inside a function that might be iterated out later or nonsensical to someone code reviewing. But there were some more JavaScript specific practices that were more related to web development.

                Progressive Enhancement is a concept that I get on a basic level just thinking in terms of providing a service to someone means going through the barriers of your platform to make sure they have access to it, like Microsoft office products working on mac. In this article it mentions the idea that when scripting or perhaps even JavaScript itself is not available to a platform that you need to manage the code in a style that will work with any platform. To me that seems easier said than done but it does make sense that if the interface to the user can be managed by something else before scripting is done then you achieve your goal of progressing your user base and opening your code up.

                Another practice I learned was regarding data security. That at any time any data being passed through my code should be checked first. I have heard examples of specific businesses being hacked due to a very specific fault in the design itself that left open vulnerabilities which lead to personal information being stolen. Most cases I have heard is simply the human aspect in security vulnerability where a hacker just calls to get access to a password for an account that can then access that data. But in the examples given in the article it is specific to making sure that the data passed to you does not fault in error and that there is some methods that allow you to discern data types from another to avoid further conflicts or generally avoid validation on the users end to prevent them messing with your own websites code.

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Boolean Not An Or by Julion DeVincentis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Anestiblog #7

This week I read a blog post that I thought really related to the class about custom software development. The blog started with a section about the process of custom software development. It consists of research, UI design, MVP development, testing, maintenance, and monitoring/support. The blog then goes into why it can be for you. It gives reasons like how it makes your business more unique, and personalized to the needs of your business. The next section finally goes into the 7 benefits. They are a personalized process, cost-effective, reliable, continuous support, flexibility, seamless integration, and exclusive ownership. I see all those benefits as a definite win, especially how you would be making it your own, and nobody can take it from you. The blog ends by going over how the advantages outweigh the negatives, and how they are too evident not to use.

 I selected this blog post because software development is my dream job, and I thought it would be interesting to read about custom software development since I have never heard of it before. This blog did not disappoint in that aspect, and I think it will help tons of others as well.

 I think this blog was a great read that I recommend for many reasons. One reason I would recommend this blog is because it goes in-depth on the different benefits. It makes a section for each benefit, and explains how it is a benefit. An example of this is with the cost-effectiveness benefit. The blog writes about how this is a huge benefit because since it is custom, you will only be paying to make it, but in the long run it will last you the entire time. Another reason is because custom software development could be something that you will need to know to do in the future, and it is good to know why it is so important. Then, when the time comes in the future, you will be ready. The final reason I will be going over is because it shows how the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. If anyone thinks custom software development is not worth it, maybe this blog could help them change their mind.

This blog taught me about how custom software development is really beneficial, and it should be used the most often. The material affected me heavily because it showed me that custom software development will be widely needed in the future, so I got to understand it. I will use this knowledge to try and further software development in my future.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Anesti Blog's by Anesti Lara and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Dont Repeat Yourself

DRY, or “Dont Repeat Yourself” is an approach to writing code that emphasizes avoiding repetition in your code. In other words, “Dont Repeat Yourself” is essentially a way to tell developers to write methods for anything they think they might need to use in more than one place. For example imagine you are writing a program where certain parts of the code need to do similar things. One way to approach this problem is to write a segment of code to do the necessary task each time the need for it comes up. While this would work in practice, it is far from the best way to approach this issue. Solving the same problem by creating a separate method that achieves the intended goal and can be called whenever it is needed is a far better and more time efficient solution. Geeks for Geeks has a great concise article about this, and even gives some example using java code.

And that really it as far as “Dont Repeat Yourself” goes. Its a straightforward rule that helps keep developers from wasting time writing repetitive code snippets. While it may seem simple to implement, I know for a fact that I have had plenty of experience writing repetitive code. During my first internship especially. The issue came down to the ever changing project requirements, and my need to adjust my code to meet those requirements. In doing that I know that I definitely wrote repetitive code that could have been its own separate class or function, however as I was working on many different files and pieces of the code, it didnt resonate with me at first that some of this code can be written as one method and called as needed. Eventually while I was polishing up some of the code I realized this mistake and corrected for it. I wrote functions that accommodated most of what the repetitive code was supposed to do and replaced that code with calls to these new methods. This ended up causing many small bugs to pop up however, and I had to spend more time looking for them and fixing them. Had I slowed down when writing my code I would have been able to plan ahead and create these functions from the get go; saving me time and energy in the long run. Going forward I try to be more careful with the code that I write; and try to think ahead to what may need to be reused. Once I figure that out I can create a function for it and save myself time and energy later on.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Sebastian's CS Blog by sserafin1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Habits of Efficient Developers

This is a presentation given at the WeAreDevelopers World Congress 2018. WeAreDevelopers is a Vienna based company designed to connect developers seeking jobs with companies presenting employment opportunities. They primarily do this through conferences and events where they host speakers discussing myriad topics relating to IT and Software Development. This specific presentation was given by Daniel Lebrero and he discusses four habits that he’s noticed that efficient developers have. He breaks all four of these habits down into smaller facets that exemplify the habit. E.g. breaking down “Fast Feedback” into “Test-Driven Development”, “REPL”, “Code Reviews” and “Continuous code reviews.”

I chose this specific presentation because it directly relates to what we do in class on a daily basis. Everyone should be making continuous progress to be more efficient in their work and being able to hear directly from someone in the industry what makes someone efficient, is one of the fastest and easiest ways to improve yourself. The speaker was clear and provided cogent, real world, examples of the habits discussed. He even coded little .js programs to show how a developer would utilize simple scripts to automate tedious work and explored different IDEs and CLIs that he was familiar with.

I found a lot of what he was saying held a lot of truth. I have noticed similar habits in hiring directors and successful people in the IT field. The two things in particular that resonated with me were the topics of “Focus” and “No menial work.” One thing that plagues my development cycles, whether that doing school work for one of my classes or tasks at my actual occupation, is distractions. Mr. Lebrero advises disabling notifications, to the point where you don’t even have the push notification number showing how many unread notifications you have. He claims that it takes between ten and fifteen minutes every time your work is interrupted to get back on task and to return to the headspace you were in prior to the interruption. I agree that, while I am working, any little distraction throws me completely off track and makes it difficult to work. It’s important to have a quiet and clean workspace and lines of communication that don’t impede your work flow. Of course if something is urgent and worth the ten or fifteen minutes it takes to get back to work, that’s something completely different. On the matter of “No menial work” however, there really shouldn’t be any excuses. Whether a task is worth automating comes with experience and perspective, it’s important to fully understand your task and what’s being asked of you before you try to automate it; as it may take longer to code a small automation script than to just tough it out.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Jeremy Studley's CS Blog by jstudley95 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.