Category Archives: Week 13

My final 343 Post: Abstraction

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve revisited a couple of the most important concepts of Object Oriented Programming, Polymorphism and Encapsulation. This is my final post for my CS-343 blog entries, and I have decided to continue in this trend. Today’s topic is Abstraction. This week I’ve gone to a favorite resource of mine, geeksforgeeks. Their article on Abstraction covers almost every question that comes up with Abstraction.

I feel it is best to first specify what an abstract class is, and how to make use of one. In Java, an abstract class is defined with the abstract keyword. An abstract class cannot be directly instantiated because of the abstract methods inside the class. An abstract method, is a method that does not have an implementation but must be present in all children classes. This is done via overriding the method(s) in the children classes. Only one method has to be abstract, meaning that there may be other methods that have complete implementations that are reused in their entirety by children classes. Similar to how we implement an interface, we extend abstract classes.

Like my other blog posts, I feel that the best way to learn a concept, is through examples. More importantly, the examples need to be practical, and ones we can relate to. For abstraction, the article on geeksforgeeks uses the classic Shape example that we’re all familiar with.

Our abstract class is the Shape, with three methods and one variable, or attribute. Each Shape has a color, getColor method and two abstract methods, area and toString. A Shape fits exactly into what an abstract class should have, and shows exactly what we can know, based on the object simply being a Shape. A Shape has to have a color, but the formulas for finding the area are different depending on the type of Shape, and the same goes with the toString method.

The children classes presented in the example are the Circle and the Rectangle. The UML from the original article even shows the extends declarator for the children classes. It’s important to note that the abstract methods are not rewritten in each of the children classes. This is because we have to implement them, and thus, they are carried over when we apply the extends declarator. The only new pieces of information in the UML are the attributes we can use for our abstract methods, radius for Circle, and length and width for Rectangle. As seen in the code blocks below the UML, these are used to calculate the area and then the toString.

Abstraction is one of the most important tools that any object oriented developer must have in their toolbox of concepts. This is used in almost every full scale application and often numerous times throughout. A lack of understanding of abstraction will lead to failure to excel in the software engineering world.

Original post here:


From the blog CS@Worcester – Learning Software Development by Stephen Burke and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Evaluating Software Testing Strategies

From the blog CS@Worcester – Caleb's Computer Science Blog by calebscomputerscienceblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

WebStorm Shortcuts

Before I started using WebStorm for my TypeScript project, I mainly used Microsoft Visual Studio or Eclipse. Sometimes you really take for granted being able to quickly perform certain actions using shortcuts for a specific IDE. While I could have continued to use Visual Studio for TypeScript, I figured it would be best to work with WebStorm given that my professor was using it. If I ran into a Visual Studio specific problem, he wouldn’t be able to help me, so to save any potential headache I decided against using it.

Of course, it’s not like WebStorm doesn’t have its own shortcuts. In fact, I found myself instinctively using shortcuts from Visual Studio that also ended up working in WebStorm, such as the comment shortcut (Ctrl+/). Knowing these shortcuts will likely save me time in the future, so I set out to find a list of useful WebStorm shortcuts.

10 WebStorm Shortcuts You Need to Know

In the JetBrains blog 10 WebStorm Shortcuts You Need to Know, Ekaterina Prigara shares a list of the essential shortcuts that everyone should try:

  • Search everywhere: Shift+Shift
  • Navigate to declaration: Ctrl+B or Ctrl+Click
  • Code completion with replace: Tab
  • Show intention actions: Alt+Enter
  • Extend selection: Ctrl+W
  • Run: Alt+Shift+F10
  • Expand Live template: Tab
  • Multiple cursors: Alt+Click
  • New Scratch file: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Insert
  • Refactor: Alt+Control+Shift+T

Under each command she provided an explanation of the shortcut as well as a very useful visual of the command in action. She also provides a useful resource containing a list of all the WebStorm shortcuts for OS X, Windows, and Linux located here.

I hadn’t known about the majority of these commands. The “Code completion with replace” command is particularly useful because I recall auto-completing code while trying to replace a variable and ending up with both the new and original variables. “Multiple cursors” is one of the more interesting commands in my opinion. Being able to type the same code in multiple places at once, while pretty situational, would have been able to save me a lot of time, particularly on the HTML of some of my components. Also, Scratch files are a great idea that I had no idea even existed. Being able to create code samples or make notes directly in the IDE without affecting the rest of the project is a godsend. Not only that, but the Scratch files are saved in WebStorm if I need them later.

These commands, as well as the commands found on WebStorm’s key map reference card, are probably going to save me a lot of valuable time in the future, so it’s important to learn them as early as possible when using a new IDE.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Andy Pham by apham1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

WebStorm Shortcuts

Before I started using WebStorm for my TypeScript project, I mainly used Microsoft Visual Studio or Eclipse. Sometimes you really take for granted being able to quickly perform certain actions using shortcuts for a specific IDE. While I could have continued to use Visual Studio for TypeScript, I figured it would be best to work with WebStorm given that my professor was using it. If I ran into a Visual Studio specific problem, he wouldn’t be able to help me, so to save any potential headache I decided against using it.

Of course, it’s not like WebStorm doesn’t have its own shortcuts. In fact, I found myself instinctively using shortcuts from Visual Studio that also ended up working in WebStorm, such as the comment shortcut (Ctrl+/). Knowing these shortcuts will likely save me time in the future, so I set out to find a list of useful WebStorm shortcuts.

10 WebStorm Shortcuts You Need to Know

In the JetBrains blog 10 WebStorm Shortcuts You Need to Know, Ekaterina Prigara shares a list of the essential shortcuts that everyone should try:

  • Search everywhere: Shift+Shift
  • Navigate to declaration: Ctrl+B or Ctrl+Click
  • Code completion with replace: Tab
  • Show intention actions: Alt+Enter
  • Extend selection: Ctrl+W
  • Run: Alt+Shift+F10
  • Expand Live template: Tab
  • Multiple cursors: Alt+Click
  • New Scratch file: Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Insert
  • Refactor: Alt+Control+Shift+T

Under each command she provided an explanation of the shortcut as well as a very useful visual of the command in action. She also provides a useful resource containing a list of all the WebStorm shortcuts for OS X, Windows, and Linux located here.

I hadn’t known about the majority of these commands. The “Code completion with replace” command is particularly useful because I recall auto-completing code while trying to replace a variable and ending up with both the new and original variables. “Multiple cursors” is one of the more interesting commands in my opinion. Being able to type the same code in multiple places at once, while pretty situational, would have been able to save me a lot of time, particularly on the HTML of some of my components. Also, Scratch files are a great idea that I had no idea even existed. Being able to create code samples or make notes directly in the IDE without affecting the rest of the project is a godsend. Not only that, but the Scratch files are saved in WebStorm if I need them later.

These commands, as well as the commands found on WebStorm’s key map reference card, are probably going to save me a lot of valuable time in the future, so it’s important to learn them as early as possible when using a new IDE.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Andy Pham by apham1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Understanding Inversion of Control

So for this week I have decided to read “Inversion of Control- An Introduction with Examples in .NET” from the joelabrahamsson website. The reason I chose this article is because with the subject of automatic testing, Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection is what I do not get mostly. It is usually a topic that I do not hear that much, so I believe this will help in understanding on the purpose of using both principles.

This article basically by the title goes over Inversion of Control from the definition to the ways of using it. So Inversion of Control is essentially a way to the invert the flow of control in comparison to procedural programming. It means that every module can focus on what is it designed for and ensures clarity with little complications. The benefits in using Inversion of Control is that when changing the interface of a particular class uses in runtime, that class can no longer be dependent on another class and the code can be decoupled. This means that the class is provided the ability to swap dependency implementations in different environments and allows a component be tested through mocking of dependencies. When having to apply Inversion of Control and getting the instance, there are two ways to get it without having to know about any concrete implementations. These ways are Dependency Injection and Service Locator. Dependency Injection injects an instance by using construction injection or property injection while Service Locator injects an instance based on the configurations of the concrete class. Dependency Injection is mostly used than that of Service Locator, but Service Locator can be used when there are situations Dependency Injection seems impractical.

Based on the content of this article, I would say that it was a good overview about the ideas of Inversion of Control. The author was able to give a few examples of using it and have the UML diagrams to back up with the codes provided. What I did before to understand Inversion of Control was to envision real life scenarios to compare without and with it. The concept is that without it, there is limited options for a software consumer. But by implementing Inversion of Control, there are more options over the software. With that in mind, it made envisioning scenarios easier than it seems.

What I learned from this article is that Inversion of Control shall not be used in all cases because of program flow. The idea is that while it is a useful way to design methods when writing a library that will be reused, it is only critical if there are many cross-cutting concerns. For future practice, I shall try to use Inversion of Control when it is necessary to change a small part of code. This is because it is a practical way of reducing code duplication and it is strong for coding against interfaces instead of implementations.


Link to the article:


From the blog CS@Worcester – Onwards to becoming an expert developer by dtran365 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Design Patterns


This week, for my final blog, I’ve continued the recent trend of developing the fundamentals of software engineering.  To have any hope to be a decent programmer I need a good foundation of knowledge so I can adapt and learn easily in my career.  This week, I took the time to make sure I understood the different types of design patterns.  I.e. creational, behavioral, and structural.  I chose the source above because it gave me exactly what I wanted.  A concise definition of what the types were.  The website also goes in depth about the GoF patterns as well in other articles so it’s a good resource overall.

Before explaining what the types are, we’re given a summary of what patterns are, the GoF design principles, and why we use design patterns.  In this part of the article, only one thing stuck out to me.  My opinions of patterns shifted somewhat.  These patterns are documented so that newer developers can learn design in a much easier, faster way.  There’s no need to reinvent the wheel, I should learn from my predecessors’ work.  The patterns exist to solve common problems in object oriented design so it’s best I know what problems they solve, or at least, where to look for a solution.

That’s why understanding the pattern types is essential. And, although it’s an admission of ignorance, I can say that I understand the types better now.  Or rather, what they achieve.  Creational hides creation logic while giving more flexibility for deciding what objects are needed.  Structural helps organize class hierarchy and relationships.  And, lastly, the only type I’ve active experience with, behavioral.  It concerns itself with the communication between objects of a program.  Not new to me but it’s a better articulation than my previous understanding.

From this source, I know I’ll be a more complete, competent developer.  It’s immediately applicable both as a student and an employee.  With this knowledge I’ve got an insight into what the individual design patterns achieve. As a student, which all developers are, it’s vital to my research and growth.  Knowing their nature also helps with designing since I now know I have a resource for solving Object orientated problems.  Whether I’m working in a team or on a solo project, there’ll be times I need to think for myself and solve problems.

This is an extremely basic topic and my past few post have been near the same level.  But I think it’s imperative that I understand core concepts and basics completely.  I wont always know how to do something, but knowing what to do is the first step to getting past obstacles.

From the blog CS@Worcester – W.I.P. (Something catchy) by aguillardcsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Programming Flaw: Constructor That Does Real Work

This blog post talks about why having a constructor do too much work is a bad programming practice. When a constructor instantiates and initializes its collaborators, the result is often inflexible and can shut off the ability to inject test collaborators. The author gives a few reasons why this is a flaw:

  • It violates the Single Responsibility Principle – Mixing collaborator construction with initialization suggests that there is only one way to configure the class. Having object graph creation take place in the constructor violates the Single Responsibility Principle
  • Testing directly is difficult – If a constructor does a lot of work, you will have to do that work when creating the objects while testing
  • Subclassing and overriding to test are still flawed – When you use subclassing you will fail to test the method that you override
  • It forces collaborators on you – You don’t always want to create all an object’s collaborators when you test it

Signs that a constructor is doing too much work:

  • new keyword in the constructor
  • Static method calls in a constructor
  • Object not fully initialized after the constructor finishes
  • Conditional or looping logic in a constructor
  • Complex object graph creation in a constructor rather than using a factory or builder
  • Using a initialization block

Fixing the Flaw:

To fix this flaw you should remember to pass collaborators into your constructor rather than create them there. The responsibility for object graph creation and initialization should be moved into another object such as a builder, factory, or provider. These collaborators can then be passed into the constructor.

Overall, the phrase “work in the constructor” means doing anything that makes instantiating your object difficult or introducing test-double objects difficult.

I thought that this blog did a very thorough job of explaining why doing work in a constructor is a flaw that should be avoided. It did a good job explaining why it is a flaw, recognizing when it is happening, and explaining various methods to fix it. There are also a lot of code examples that demonstrate the problem more concretely and show how it can be fixed. After reading this blog I now have a better understanding of what should and should not be included in a constructor. This blog also introduced me to some new object-oriented programming concepts that are too specific to be covered in the classroom. Overall I thought this blog was very informative and I expect to use what I have learned in future programming projects.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Blog by rydercsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Positioning in CSS

Recently while working on our final project, my partner and I ran into an issue involving the positioning of courses on a schedule. We were trying to figure out a way to place elements (courses) on top of another element (the schedule). Naturally on our way to a solution, we stumbled upon absolute positioning. Using this we were able to place the courses in their correct positions on the schedule.


Even though that solution seemed to work, there was something about it that didn’t sit right with me. For whatever reason, the thought of using an absolute position on the page to place elements on another element just did not seem like a smart thing to do. What would happen if I added elements above the table?

Oh no! What happened?


Because the table uses the default position, its placement is based on its order in relation to other elements. However, the courses are using an absolute position relative to the page.

The course CS248 is positioned relative to the page.


The solution to this is relatively simple, but not necessarily one of the most obvious solutions for those who are new to CSS.

CSS Positioning Blog

In the blog CSS Positioning: A Comprehensive Look, Louis Lazaris discusses the main types of positions used in CSS’s position property. The positions are:

  • static – positions the element statically, following the normal flow based on its order in relation to other elements, typically unnecessary.
  • relative – behaves the same way as a static element, except that if you give it a positioning attribute, such as: “left: 20px;”, it will be offset 20px left from its original spot.
  • absolute – causes the element to be completely removed the the document’s normal flow, no longer interacting with other elements. Absolute elements are positioned relative to the page, or to its parent assuming its parent is relatively positioned.
  • fixed – behaves similarly to absolute elements, however it won’t move when the document is scrolled or relatively to its parent element.

The key part of this is that absolutely positioned elements can be changed by added a relatively positioned element as its parent. Thus the simple solution to our problem was just to change the schedule (or table) to use a relative position, even though we weren’t making any changes to its position visually.

The course CS248 is positioned relative to the schedule, its parent element.

Not only does this change where the elements are positioned relative to, it also makes it so that if I were to set the width or height of the course’s container using a percentage instead of pixels, it would be relative to the size of the schedule instead of the page.

The reason I chose this blog was because it contained exactly what I was looking for: a way to place absolutely positioned elements relative to its parent.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Andy Pham by apham1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Code Review vs Unit Testing

With this semester coming to a close, I thought it would be appropriate to write about our most recent topic discussed (code review) and compare it with something widely covered during this course: unit testing. I found a great Codacy blog to aide my exploration of the similarities, differences and importance of these two topics.

Codacy explains that code review generally means to manually inspect the code, whereas unit testing is implemented to automatically detect bugs within the code. It seems to me that unit testing is focused solely on finding malfunctions (bugs) in a product, whereas code review considers the overall style, readability and functionality of that code as well.

Rather than asserting that one is superior to the other, Codacy suggests that both code reviews and unit testing ought to be done in all software projects. I feel software developers can produce efficient and supreme quality products when appropriately combining the two techniques. Thus I have to agree with Codacy regarding the implication that unit testing should not replace code reviewing, and vice versa.

The blog author gives a great example of why unit testing alone should not replace code review. It seems that there was an actual situation that occurred where a vast series of unit tests were run to ensure the integrity of a very important governmental system. But when the program was scheduled to go live, it failed to run. It turns out that the system was scheduled to launch on a Sunday, but the unit testing team only worked weekdays, thus unit tests were not run on the weekends. For one reason or another, it seems that code reviews had failed to be conducted for this governmental system.

My takeaway from the scenario described above is the fact that code reviews should have certainly have taken place. This is because I feel that code reviewers, through proper analysis, could have identified there was a flaw within the code that made the system inoperable during Sundays. Examples such as this solidify my belief that human analysis should be coupled with computerized testing. In a sense, code reviews “double check” the work of automated unit tests.

On the other hand, I also agree with Codacy in the sense that code review should not replace unit testing either. In regard to automated unit testing, computers generally have the capacity of identifying bugs at a speed that far exceeds the capability of the average person. Trying to manually replicate the work of automated tests in this sense just seems inefficient to me.

I found Codacy’s blog regarding “Code Review vs Unit Testing” to be engaging and informative. Based on what I’ve learned from the real world examples given by Codacy, I feel that code reviews and unit testing are equally important. My goal is to continue to learn and improve my expertise in code review and unit testing. I am confident that I will need both of these skills during my professional career.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Jason Knowles by Jason Knowles and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Software Craftsman 11 & 12 Week 13

The first section of the reading discusses how you as the interviewer should conduct the interview and what type of questions to ask. This chapter basically tell you what not to do when interviewing a potential employee. This such as don’t ask brain-teasers, don’t ask them to code on paper, don’t block the internet and dont ask questions you don’t know the answer to. Basically you want them to feel like they are in a work environment.

The next chapter is about keeping up the moral in the office. Low moral will cost the company money, developers will not work as well if they’re moral is not high enough. You need to keep you employees happy, you can’t MAKE them happy but you can do your best to keep the office in a general sense of content. You want your employees to have passion for the work that they’re doing and not think of it as “just a job”. A few things you can do is have daily meetings or bringing in developers that are very passionate to help bring out the passion in the other developers.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Software Testing by kyleottblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.