Unit Testing
Unit testing is a process in software testing where the smallest functional unit of code is tested. A common practice for unit tests is to first write the tests as code. Then the test code can be run automatically when changes are made. Doing this allows errors to be found, and isolated quickly if a test fails. Automating tests helps to ensure that efforts are focused on coding, rather than running tests.
As stated previously, a unit test is a block of code that verifies the accuracy of the smaller blocks of the code such as a function. The unit test checks that the block of code runs as expected, determined by the developer’s logic. A block of code may have more than one unit test assigned to it, in order to cover the full behavior of the block of tested code.
A block of code cannot be tested using a unit test because a unit test cannot use external data. Therefore the unit test needs to run in isolation. Because unit tests must run in isolation, this helps to improve the design of the code base to ensure that no function relies too heavily on other parts of the system. Doing this prevents code smells which can lead a rigid system due to insufficient modularization.
Unit testing strategies
There are strategies used when creating unit tests to ensure coverage of all test cases. Some of these strategies include error handling and numerous checks such as logic, boundary, and object oriented. Boundary checks and error handling are similar in the sense that they both check the behavior of the system based on inputs that are invalid/outside the expected input range. Object oriented checks ensure that the state of persisted objects are updated correctly. Lastly, logic checks ensures that the system performs as expected given a valid input.
Benefits of unit testing
A major benefit to unit testing is the increased efficiency when testing code and discovering bugs. Whenever the system code is changed, the same set of unit tests are run. If a test fails, it is easy to identify what caused the failure because tests are small and isolated. Therefore, unit tests help catch any bugs before the system reaches production. Another benefit to unit testing is unit tests act as another form of documentation. Unit tests act as documentation because developers can read the tests to see how to code should behave. Having accurate documentation is an important part of software, so that other developers know exactly what the expected behavior of the code is.
This article was chosen because I enjoyed that it explained when unit testing is less beneficial unlike other resources. This allowed me to understand when unit testing should, and should not be used. I enjoyed learning more about unit testing outside of class as it is such as integral part of software development. Therefore, I plan to implement unit testing in future projects to ensure system accuracy.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Zack's CS Blog by ztram1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.