Writing software is fun. Mostly.
When I look back on the projects I’ve made, a couple big ones stick out which were mostly not fun. For example, I made the mistake of trying to build an Android app before I fully understood what a class is. Design patterns were not even something I had considered. The consequence was a fairly simple app with code that was supremely complicated and confusing.
For my next project, I tried to do better with the lessons I had learned. I continuously had errors that I didn’t understand; errors that were seemingly unrelated to the changes I had made. After a couple weeks of struggle I deleted all my files and uninstalled Android Studio. The frustration was so bad it made me want to quit programming. The frustration could have been prevented.
This is where tests, and specifically Test-Driven Development (TDD) could have saved me.
James Grenning has a blog post discussing how he feels about TDD, after years of writing software without it. TDD forces you to think through what you want your code to do. If you can’t test your code it’s likely a sign of bad design, so TDD indirectly leads to a better software architecture. Tests describe what the code is supposed to do, and the tests will always be there. If the code stops doing it in the future the tests will fail, acting as a permanent, enforced documentation. This leads Grenning to bring up the concept of regression tests, which confirm that your new changes don’t modify legacy behavior. The suite of regression tests that you slowly build over time will make sure nothing is inadvertently broken. But as you write new tests, you’re also getting instant feedback that your new code is performing to specification.
My life as a programmer is much better with TDD.
James Grenning
TDD brings you back to the programming exercises you did when you first started learning. It is satisfying as it is to struggle through a problem and make your project do what you want. But it is so much more satisfying to see a big green bar that tells you everything is working, including everything you’ve done since the beginning of the project. Then you can play with your new features manually if you so desire.
There are some downsides to TDD. More code means more time and more to maintain. Sometimes you’ll have to change tests because what your code is doing also changes. Furthermore, TDD is an art in itself and must be learned, meaning you may need to break old habits of bad design to write code that is testable. I’m inclined to agree with Grenning that debugging a complex system is much more time consuming that these downsides.
It only took a couple weeks of clear thinking to realize I had overreacted when I uninstalled Android Studio. I learned to have a lot more patience and take the time to do things the proper way. I still forgo testing and TDD for small, personal projects, but the benefits of TDD greatly outweigh the downsides for any important project.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Inquiries and Queries by ausausdauer and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.