Category Archives: Week 3

Intro to Decorator Pattern

For this blog I chose an article on DZone which is basically an online community for software development. I discovered them through the UML exercise in class because of their “refcard” we used as a guide. For the article, I went with “Decorator Pattern Tutorial with Java Examples” because I wanted to learn a design pattern I’d never heard of. Also, with Java examples it would be easiest to follow along for me.

To get started, it’s important to know that the decorator pattern allows class behavior to be extended dynamically at run-time. This means attributes can be added to Objects dynamically which the author relates to the concept of a wrapper object. The decorator pattern is more broadly considered a structural pattern which encompasses many different patterns that focus on identifying a simple way of implementing relationships between entities.

One of the principles of the decorator design is that classes should be open for extension but closed for modification. Two main instances which the decorator pattern is useful are 1) when object behavior should be dynamically modifiable or 2) when concrete implementations should not be coupled to behavior. While sub classing can achieve the same effect, decorator can decrease maintenance by preventing too much sub classing. The author suggests to only use the open/closed principle where code is least likely to change to avoid making the code too abstract and complex.

A good example of the decorator pattern would be a company’s email system. If an email is generated and sent out from a company employee the decorator pattern could account for different scenarios. If the email is sent internally nothing occurs, but if the email is sent externally the system could “decorate” the email with a copyright or confidential statement attached to it.

After reading about the decorator pattern I can see the benefits but I don’ t think I have come across a project thus far that I would have really been able to put this to use. After a quick google search it looks like Java’s I/O streams implementation is a good example for learning more about the decorator pattern. I will probably look more into this as I can’t see how this article really helped me much moving forward. I think after I play around with it I’ll be able to better understand how I could apply it to my own projects. This article was good for a general explanation but not for learning the actual implementation.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Software Development Blog by dcafferky and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Writing Great Unit Tests

Writing Great Unit Tests

Unit testing was one of the types of testing that I had played a little bit before. Therefore, when I found this blog entry about Writing Great Unit Tests: Best and Worst Practices, I decided to choose it to understand more about unit testing and check if all the unit tests that I wrote in the past were good or bad. Below was the URL of the blog entry:

In this blog, Steve Sanderson discussed about unit test and the tips to write great unit tests. He mentioned that it was overwhelmingly easy to write bad unit tests that add very little value to a project while inflating the cost of code changes astronomically. In his opinion, unit testing was not an effective way to find bugs or detect regressions. Unit testing was more about designing software components. He also compared good unit tests with bad unit tests, and provided some tips to write great unit tests.

Steve explained the reason he thought that unit testing was not an effective way to detect bugs or regressions. I agreed with him that only proving component X and Y both worked independently did not prove that they were compatible with one another or configured correctly. Therefore, bugs still might occur when the application was run. This absolutely reduced the effectiveness of bugs detection. Before reading this blog entry, I never realized that unit testing was not that suitable to find bugs like that. Furthermore, Steve provided a table to identify which type of test we should use for different purposes like finding bugs, detecting regressions, or designing software components.

Steve also gave some tips about writing good unit tests. In my opinion, some of them were very basic, but Steve still included them. I thought that was because he saw a lot of bad unit tests had those mistakes. He recommended not to make unnecessary assertions because unit tests were a design specification of how a certain behavior should work. Including multiple assertions only increased the frequency of pointless failures. Moreover, the unit tests’ names should be clear and consistent. Personally, I liked the way he used to name the example unit test. It helped you quickly identify the subject, the scenario, and the result of the unit test. This way of naming was more descriptive than the way I always used. I would apply it the next time I wrote tests.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Learn More Everyday by ziyuan1582 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

UML Diagrams


In this blog, Mohamed Elgendy talked about why do we use model and some of the different kinds of diagrams used in UML.  Mohamed started off by explaining what UML is. He said that “UML is a set of standardized (Unified) diagrams, just like construction has front elevation, electrical diagram, floor plan, etc., UML offers different views of the same system.”. Which basically means that  UML is just a blueprint. In software development, we use this blueprint to better communicate with other people rather than software developers  in a way that they could understand.

In the blog, Mohamed explained different type and use of each diagrams and which team members are responsible for creating the diagram.

Class Diagram describes the structure of a system by showing the system’s classes, their attributes and the relationships among these classes. It display what interacts but not what happens when they interact.  The Class Diagrams are created by the Architects or the Technical Leads.

Component Diagram  are composed of one or more classes or interfaces. It is used to depict how various components of a system show dependencies. The Component Diagrams are used during the technical design and is also created by the Architect or the Technical Leads.

Deploying Diagram shows the physical relationship among the software and the hardware components in the system. In many cases, the component and deployment diagrams are combined in a single diagram. This is also created by the Architect or the Technical Leads.

Package Diagram shows the group of classes called “package”. Similar classes are grouped together if they do the same thing. Sometimes developers choose to display individual classes inside the package for better clarification. The Package Diagrams are created by the Architect or the Deployment Specialists.

Statechart Diagram describes the behavior of a system where  it shows the possible states  an object can be. It is typically drawn for objects that typically have a lot of dynamic behavior.  Statechart Diagrams are created by the Architect.

Object Diagram depicts a complete or partial view of the system at a specific time. Object Diagrams are created by the Developer.

Sequence  Diagram displays the sequence of events between entities of the system to show the dynamic view of the system. It is executed line by line showing the time ordering of messages.

Activity Diagrams describe the sequencing of actions and system’s logic. The starting point of this diagram is indicated by a large black dot and uses arrows to point to the order of actions.  Activity Diagram is typically used for objects are more complex that you would like to present clearly.

I selected this particular blog since we are using UML in Software Construction, Development, and Architecture class. I was actually a bit confused about how we used the diagrams in class. I was thinking that diagrams are just one program like we did in class, but diagrams are actually made to connect with other diagrams to explain how they interact with each other. In this blog, Mohamed added which team members are responsible for each diagrams. After reading this blog it is clear to me now that there are different responsibilities and types of people in a team. I thought that a team would be composed of all software developers, but in reality, some modeling diagrams are done by other professionals.



From the blog cs-wsu – Site Title by csrenz and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Which Came First… The Test or the Code?

In episode 31 of a podcast by Brian Okken on his show titled “Test and Code,” Brian has a discussion with guest Paul Merrill about the testing pyramid and why he is frustrated with certain test-driven development (TDD) models. The discussion began as a Twitter disagreement between the two test enthusiasts and blossomed into a full-fledged “civil discussion.” While both Brian and Paul agree about the importance of testing and see the value in test-driven development, they disagree about how extensive testing needs to be in order to be effective. The two also disagree about how tests should be written and to what extent code should be based on testing versus tests written based on code. Although they do not seem to ever reach a consensus on the issue, each of them make some excellent points and give examples of personal experiences to support their opinions.

Brian, for example, is fed up with the sheer number of redundant unit tests that are written to test the same thing in traditional pyramid testing. Brian presents an example of a hypothetical method that has a test written for handling negative numbers, but the higher-level method that passes values to the first method will never pass a negative value. Brian sees testing the first method’s ability to handle negative numbers as unnecessary and a waste of time. If these same types of tests are written for hundreds of methods, Brian argues, an extraordinary amount of time is wasted on useless testing. As a rebuttal, Paul argues that if changes are made to the higher-level method that allows negatives to be passed down, the tests would already be written. Clearly not convinced, Brian scoffs at this justification for the test he clearly sees no value in.

Paul seems to have some sort of personal experience in all of the obscure areas that Brian dismisses as rare or unusual scenarios. Paul seems to support a bottom-up test-driven development platform, where tests are written that outline how every last detail that a program will perform. Paul argues that this is the best way for tests to effectively drive development. He seems to think that tests are not able to aid in the development process if they are written after development has taken place. Brian, on the other hand, sees this issue from a top-down perspective. He argues that higher, user-level tests should be written first. When the high-level tests are insufficient to further drive development or are too ambiguous to write code for, then lower-level unit tests should be written.

It was extremely interesting to listen to two experienced testers discuss such a controversial topic. While I can see where both men are coming from with their opinions, I seem to lean towards Brian’s side in the argument over test-driven development. I think that the points he makes about a pragmatic approach to testing is important. Rather than generating some ridiculous number of unit tests that may not have any bearing on the actual functioning of the program, the effort should be put into doing what was originally promised by the program specification. I think that I will follow Brian’s advice and also take the pragmatic approach to writing tests, in the hopes of avoiding rewriting tests and code. In the end, its not about how many tests can be written, its about testing for the correct things in order to deliver a bug-free program.

From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A closer look at Singleton Design Pattern

Seeing as we’ve started learning about design patters in class recently, I decided I’d explore a pattern further in depth.  Seeing as the singleton pattern was the last covered in class it was the one I chose.  Where most other sources would just condemn it as a bad practice, the article linked above does a good job of exemplifying both the pros and the cons of using the singleton design pattern.  One of the pros, something I learned as well, was how singleton classes can save memory by using lazy instantiation.  Opting not to assign memory to the variable until called; this method can create errors as well.  If multiple threads access the instance at the same time it will create multiple instances of the singleton class.  There are synchronizing techniques to get around the issue but it’d most likely be easier to use static initialization.  In static initialization, memory is allocated when the variable is declared.  The only difference this makes in the code is moving the creation of the object to where the variable is being declared.  Inheritance with singleton classes seems straightforward enough.   Any class inheriting from it will create more than one instance of the class thus violation the principle that only one instance can exist. However, if you wanted multiple singletons to inherit the same behavior, the code could be provided in an abstract class.  Although this may seem purely a shortcoming, it does prove itself when compared to static classes inability to work from interfaces.  One of the other major drawbacks that I learned about was that singleton classes couldn’t accept parameters which contributes to their limited flexibility.

The singleton pattern has me a bit conflicted with its use in java.  Although it seems like an easy way to create global variables in java, many of its drawbacks seem very limiting or painstaking with more complicated programs.  The linked article does, however, do a great job of showing and explaining how to create singleton classes and will differently be my go to for a reference.  Reading it was a great auxiliary to the lectures given in class.  Seeing how singletons work (and don’t), in depth, has also raised my confidence with working with them.  I’m sure that having a complete understanding of this design pattern will be useful as a tool to compare and understand the behaviors of other patterns.

From the blog CS@Worcester – W.I.P. (Something catchy) by aguillardcsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Is ‘Agile’ really agile?

The Agile software development methodology is based on the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development,” which outlines the values and goals of the platform. For many software development teams, an Agile methodology has replaced the dated Waterfall method. I think that the diagram below does an excellent job of highlighting the key differences between the two methodologies.

(Image source:

The Agile method allows developers more flexibility and involvement in some of the stages of the development that were previously dominated by managers and other higher-ups with no connection to the code itself. In cases where getting a working prototype of a project deployed quickly is of primary importance, the Agile method is the clear choice. In Agile development, responding to changes in the program specification can be done relatively simply through regular meetings and discussions of progress.

The more traditional Waterfall methodology follows a linear sequencing, where each step must be completed in order before the next step is begun. This means that there is often a longer period of development before any product is ready to be deployed. When the product is deployed, however, it will often be more polished and complete. The Waterfall methodology does not respond well to changes in the specification, as this will often require backing up in the process and then reworking each of the steps.

Now, with a general idea of the two methodologies, I could begin to understand where user ayasin is coming from in his rather intense post titled, “Agile Is The New Waterfall.” The post on generated quite the buzz of controversy, and even attracted the attention of well-know computer science figures including Uncle Bob. In his post, ayasin argues that Agile has become the tiresome, outdated successor of Waterfall. While he does not offer any solutions, he sure presents a lot of problems with Agile. Ayasin describes the Agile development process as follows, “You just throw stuff together as quickly as possible because you know it’s mostly trash anyway.” This hardly seems like a way to produce quality software. What’s more, ayasin argues, is that more of the responsibility (and potentially blame) is placed on the developers themselves, as they are given the illusion of involvement in the process without any real control of the outcome.

Before finding ayasin’s post on, I had a vague idea of the Waterfall and Agile methodologies. After a bit of research of the two strategies, the post seems to make some excellent points. While I agree with some of them, I’m not sure if ayasin is being a bit harsh on Agile. It would seem that when properly implemented and followed, the Agile methodology has significant advantages over the traditional Waterfall method. Reading about the two methods has given me insight into some of the challenges I can expect to face when working on a project in the future. I feel nervous but prepared for these potential challenges and look forward to someday working on projects like the ones described in my research.

From the blog CS@Worcester – ~/GeorgeMatthew/etc by gmatthew and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Strategy Pattern

Today’s blog post is about the Strategy design pattern. I found a blog on the Strategy pattern called “Design Patterns: Strategy”. This blog talks about the pattern, what it is, and how to implement it. The Strategy pattern is a way to get classes to interact nicely with each other, and keep code somewhat clean and manageable. The author of this blog uses the video game Overwatch as an example to showcase how the Strategy pattern works. In the Overwatch game there is a superclass Player, and Player has many attributes. In this demonstration, the author labels these primary_ability, secondary_ability, and ultimate_ability. These are all subclasses to the superclass Player. This seems like a pretty simple relationship that is easy to manage, which is true until you find out that there are 21 forms of playable characters. This, in essence, means that now all of those classes get multiplied 21 times. This makes code very labor intensive and difficult to organize. There should be a way to connect each of the 21 different character classes to only one primary_ability, secondary_ability, and ultimate_ability classes; rather than write those classes out 21 times. Additionally, each of the 21 classes would have to be overriden to cater to the different character classes. To remedy this, the author creates a series of classes (or “Strategies”) to keep from having to write out the classes 21 times, uniquely each time. Now, each version of the character class can inherit the Strategies, which hold the basic methods, and tailor them to the specific character by overriding them. Then, the character gets passed to the Player class. In the end, the Player class just gets passed a character, without having to know any specifics of attributes.


I chose this article because we just finished learning about the Strategy pattern in class, and we have an assignment coming up which uses this. I want to fully understand this before I take on the assignment, because I want to do the assignment correctly. The Strategy pattern is a rather straightforward software design, but it is extremely effective. I think that this reinforced my understanding of the Strategy design, and helps me to clearly see how the classes relate to each other. Before reading this article, I had a good understanding of the pattern, but the examples presented in this article helped me really get what the Strategy pattern is all about. I hope that now I will be able to implement the Strategy pattern without any issues, when dealing with a parent classes that have a multitude of similar subclasses.

Here’s the link to the blog:


From the blog CS@Worcester – The Average CS Student by Nathan Posterro and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Finding & Testing Independent Paths

Since we have been going over path testing in class this past week I decided to find a blog post relating to that material. The post I found titled, “Path Testing: Independent Paths,” is a continuation of a couple previous posts, Path Testing: The Theory & Path Testing: The Coverage, written by the same author, Jeff Nyman. In this blog post, Nyman offers an explanation into what basis path testing is as well as how to determine the number of linearly independent paths in a chunk of code.

Nyman essentially describes a linearly independent path as any unique path in  the graph that does not contain the same combinations of nodes as any other linearly independent path. He also brings up the point that even though path testing is mainly a code-based approach to testing, by assessing what the inputs and outputs should be of a certain piece of code it is still possible “to figure out and model paths.” He gives the specific example of a function that takes in arbitrary values and determines their Greatest Common Denominator. Nyman uses the following diagram to show how he is able to determine each linearly independent path:

I really liked how he was able to break down the logic in the form of processes, edges and decisions without looking at the code. I feel like sometimes when we are building our graphs strictly based on code it’s easy to get confused and forget about the underlying logic that will determine the amount of tests that are necessary to ensure our code is completely tested. It also helped me understand how basis path testing should work and how it should be implemented.

Nyman goes on by showing that he is able to calculate the number of independent paths using the above graph and the formula for cyclomatic complexity. First he points out that number of nodes is equal to the sum of the number of decisions and the number of processes, which in this case is 6. Then, by plugging numbers into cyclomatic complexity formula (V(G) = e – n +2p), Nyman was able to obtain the following results:


Finally, Nyman ends the post by showing that the same results are obtained when going over the actual code for the Greatest Common Denominator function. He also shows that this same graph could be applicable to something like an amazon shopping cart/wishlist program. I think the biggest take-away from this post was that there is a strong relationship between cyclomatic complexity and testing which can prevent bugs through determining each linearly independent path and making sure they are producing the desired functionality.

October 1, 2017

-Caleb Pruitt


From the blog CS@Worcester – Caleb's Computer Science Blog by calebscomputerscienceblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Post #3

Today, I am going to review and summarize Episode 283 of Software Engineering Radio.  This episode’s guest was Alexander Tarlinder, author of “Developer Testing: Building Quality into Software” The topics covered in this episode are quite relevant to the other posts I have done and one of those topics is specification based testing, which we have discussed in class.  I also selected this episode as the subject of this post because Alexander provides tips on how to test software effectively, both as a developer and as a tester.  The episode begins with Alexander providing an explanation as to why he wrote his book – he felt there were gaps within the software testing literature that needed to be bridged.  He claims that much of the existing literature on software testing will often focus too heavily on documentation, focus on a specific tool too much, or leave out crucial information on what to include in your test cases.  This can be hard to relate to for developers.  He defines general software testing as a process used to verify that software works, validate its functionality, detect problems within it, and prevent problems from afflicting it in the future.  He defines developer testing similarly but with the caveat that developer testing more systematically tackles the hard cases, rather than the rigorous; this is a result of developers being knowledgeable about the programming techniques implemented and the inherent bias that accompanies that.  Alexander argues that bias possessed by developers necessitates the need for additional testing to be performed by unbiased testers.  He insists that it is still necessary for developers to perform their own testing, though.  By performing testing during development, it ensures that at least a portion of testers’ workload will be a more of a “double-check”, allowing them to focus on the rigorous and unexpected cases that developers might overlook.

Alex then summarizes the main points of the discussion and provides tips on how to improve software testing.  The conversation strays a bit, so here is my summary and what I took from it:

  • Encourage developer testing – Developer testing is a necessary practice to both ensure that the finished product is of high quality and functional and to allow testers to work rigorously, which will detect and prevent any potential problems in the future.
  • Adopt an Agile development strategy – Agile development allows for rapid delivery of product and forces developers to adhere to effective working practices.
  • Write code that is testable – Consider a Develop by Contract(DbC) approach where the caller and the function being called programatically enter into a “contract” with one another.
  • Learn various techniques – Specification-based testing is a fundamental testing technique to learn, but it can sometimes lead to an approach that is too focused on where the data is partitioned, neglecting the in-between cases.

I think that this discussion contributed to my knowledge of effective development and testing practices which will help me a great deal when it comes time to implement them in the field (or an interview).

This blog post(2/9) is part of an assignment for the Fall 2017 session of CS443 @ Worcester State University.


From the blog CS@Worcester – by Ryan Marcelonis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Testing: We Shouldn’t Just Take the Happy Path

We’ve been talking about path testing in class, such as tracing the concepts and expected behaviors of our code through a series of program graphs. I wanted to learn more about the different variations of path testing, and I found a good blog regarding this topic.

EngineYard: Ben Lewis – Happy, Sad, Evil, Weird: Putting Use Case Planning Into Practice

According to Lewis, happy path testing is one that developers take when testing for expected behaviors. But Lewis states it is imperative we take unexpected actions into account as well. Rather than solely thinking like a developer, we should be also thinking like an end user; the “actors” who are going to be using our finished products.One way of evaluate a myriad of action-consequence scenarios an actor may encounter is to follow a series of testing paths:

The Sad Path
In Lewis’ blog, he describes the “sad path” as one we should follow when we are testing our code.  He suggests it gives us insight on what should happen when an “actor” does something we don’t intend the person to do. If a user submits invalid information for example, we should run tests to determine that we are providing an appropriate response to this. This may include highlighting why the information is invalid, and prompt the user to reenter something that is valid instead. I feel that the significance of “sad path” testing is to ensure that our projects are as user-friendly as possible.

The Evil Path
When we take the “evil path” approach, we ought to be putting ourselves in the mindset of a malicious actor. For instance, we should run tests attempting to infiltrate sensitive information that we expect to be secure.  I believe “evil path” testing is important because we should have our users privacy and security in mind when developing our projects.

The Weird Path
Lewis suggests that taking the “weird path” is when we look for problems that may occur beyond our control. For instance, perhaps a portion of our project needs a certain server to be active in order to function properly. In this case, we should test that our program is appropriately detecting that the server is online, and if not, perhaps we can redirect the actor to an user-friendly status page to inform the user when the server is likely to be available.

The Happy Path
Last but not least, we should test the “happy path,” which can be described as ensuring that our project is behaving as intended. If our code has a submit form for instance, we should ensure that our code is submitting the information appropriately.

My main takeaway from Lewis’ blog is that the end user (actor) does not always interact with our projects in a manner that we may expect. Rather than simply testing expected behaviors, I feel we should evaluate possible unexpected behaviors that an actor may choose to do as well. I intend on doing this during my professional career when testing future projects.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Jason Knowles by Jason Knowles and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.