Category Archives: Week 3

Software Tester Characteristics

This week I read a blog post from TestLodge talking about the characteristics that make up a good software tester.  The post found at helps identify some of the attributes that a tester should have in order to be proficient in their testing as well as excel in their career.  I chose this post because it provided a different perspective than most.  As a student initially learning these skills I often get too focused on how to do different testing procedures and sometimes forget to look at why I’m doing them and what purpose do they have. Articles and posts like this help me to take a timeout and look beyond the skill set that I’m trying to acquire to help put me in the right state of mind.  The post breaks it down into 13 different characteristics.  Characteristics like testers have to be a strong communicator and be a team player.  This is good to remember, especially early on in our careers, so that we don’t ignore failed tests or improperly communicate what failed in the software to the rest of the development team and let an inferior product be released simply because we were to scared of upsetting someone by telling them part of the code is wrong.  Other characteristics like thinking creatively and paying attention to details.  These attributes will help us examine closer what the goal of the test that we need to write is and think outside the box in order to write the most effective test.  We need to be able to realize that just because we did a test a certain way in class for a project one time, that may not be the best way to write the test every time.  A good tester should also be organized and should meet deadlines.  Time management is crucial in the software development process.  Staying organized with all your tools, notes, and team communications will allow you to complete more tests.  It will also help you keep track of your deadlines and prioritize your tests so that way you are not delivering a product late of missing important tests and creating too many tests for less important features.  I felt like this post is good to revisit from time to time so that I don’t get too focused on just trying to write a perfect test and develop a broader skill set that allows me to recognize the right approach to each situation and to stay organized without rushing into a project and failing from the start.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim's Blog by nbhc24 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Clean Coder 5 & 6 Week 3

The first part of the reading was about a topic I am well aware of by now. Test Driven Development is discussed and why we should all be using it. I have used TDD many times when coding and the benefits are clear, it may seem like you are doing more work than you should be, but at the end of the day you know your code is clean and almost bug free. It goes on to say that TDD should no longer be argued about using, it should be used without argument. There are no downsides that are large enough to prevent a programmer from using a TDD approach.

The second half of the reading was pretty straight forward, you should always be practicing. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been programming you can always improve, you can practice to write code faster, learn a new language, write certain algorithms with ease. When it comes to TDD, just knowing exactly where the keys are to write your test can help reduce programming time dramatically. Most if not all practice should be done on your own time, so you become a more valuable employee over time.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Software Testing by kyleottblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Reflections Week 3

Not much has happened this week, I have continued to work on the Angular2 tutorial. We participated in a group sprint and decided what would be done during this coming sprint. We were given access to an OpenMRS github project. I cloned the project and I’m currently working on getting it running in WebStorm. Not much can be done right now until we get the project up and running on our local server.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Software Testing by kyleottblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.