Category Archives: Week 3

Technical Debt

This weekend, I decided to research technical debt. I wanted to look further into this topic because one of my classes had activity introducing the term. I came across a wonderful blog discussing the different types of technical debt and how to manage them.

The blog:

The blog lists four types of technical debt: planned technical debt, unintentional technical debt, unavoidable technical debt, and software entropy.

Planned technical debt: when a team has to compromise on the code but knows the risks and damages collecting the debt will have. An example is a team not spending time coding smaller aspects of a project in order to meet a deadline. The blog advises to keep a detailed record of the compromises to help the team keep track of what to address in the future.

Unintentional technical debt: arises from struggles with new coding techniques and problems from rollouts. An example of unintentional technical debt occurring is a design having many errors due to miscommunication between different teams working on a project.

Unavoidable technical debt: arises from changes in technology and business. A business may suddenly change its views on what features a project should have, and new technology may come out that can perform the functions more smoothly. This would make old code defunct.

Software entropy: occurs as software quality degrades. This can be caused by the changes developers (who do not fully understand the purpose of some code) make that yield more complex code. Overtime, the software will be riddled with errors and will be difficult to use.

The blog discusses three ways to manage technical debt, which are: assessing debt, communicating debt, and paying off debt.

Assessing debt: technical debt can be measured by how many days it would take developers to refactor or make changes to the target project, and the monetary value of that time can be calculated. This data could then be compared to upcoming significant events to help with cost analysis.

Communicating debt: it is important to properly convey the existence and impacts of technical debt to stakeholders so that fixes can be accounted for later.

Paying off debt: there are three ways to pay off technical debt: waive the requirement, refactor the application, or replace the application. Waiving the requirement would not set the team back in creating new features. Refactoring would help improve the structure of the code without changing program behavior. Replacing the application would result in new technical debt, but it should be limited and dealt with quickly.

This blog post taught me about technical debt in more depth, with the different types and different management aspects. I was curious on how technical debt could be calculated, but I’ve learned it can be measured by time spent to make the changes. Going forward, this information can help me understand what technical debt a project has and how to help deal with it. The graphics and the video the blog attached discussing debt was pleasant to view.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS With Sarah by Sarah T and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I want to discuss YAGNI, which stands for “Ya ain’t gonna need it” or “You aren’t gonna need it.” My professor for CS-343 briefly mentioned it in class one day and I wanted to go over it more in depth. In the past, I’ve done something in my projects where I should have followed the concept of YAGNI instead. I made several methods to change a variable before I actually made the main methods of what that variable would do. In the end, it turns out the methods I made were useless toward my goal and I lost a lot of time. I hope to start applying the concept of YAGNI to my future programming in order to not waste time.

YAGNI is a really important concept in programming. Basically it means programmers and developers should only implement classes, methods, or whatever things they need only when they need them. By doing this, you can avoid doing unnecessary work and save a lot of time. When you think ahead and try to code a class or method that you think you will need in the future, it can be hard to know what exactly you need to include in it. The programmer has to do a lot of guessing and for a lot of the times, they guess incorrectly and end up not needing the feature that they spent some time on in the end. By following the concept of YAGNI instead, you don’t have to do all that guessing work and are also more focused on your current task. You should only develop things that you need once they become relevant. In a large project, YAGNI is especially beneficial for programmers and developers. Let’s say a programmer wants to design a feature they know they might need but aren’t sure if they need it or are unclear of how to implement it. By postponing the development of that feature, it can be more clear to the programmer/developer what they exactly need to do for that feature once it becomes relevant again. You should always ask yourself if the feature you are working on is really needed at the current moment. If it’s not needed, then you can take a note of it instead and come back to it later once it becomes relevant again. That way, you keep the project more simple and you program the features better since they are relevant and you have a more clear understanding of what to implement. And the most important thing, you save a lot of time with YAGNI.



From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I want to discuss YAGNI, which stands for “Ya ain’t gonna need it” or “You aren’t gonna need it.” My professor for CS-343 briefly mentioned it in class one day and I wanted to go over it more in depth. In the past, I’ve done something in my projects where I should have followed the concept of YAGNI instead. I made several methods to change a variable before I actually made the main methods of what that variable would do. In the end, it turns out the methods I made were useless toward my goal and I lost a lot of time. I hope to start applying the concept of YAGNI to my future programming in order to not waste time.

YAGNI is a really important concept in programming. Basically it means programmers and developers should only implement classes, methods, or whatever things they need only when they need them. By doing this, you can avoid doing unnecessary work and save a lot of time. When you think ahead and try to code a class or method that you think you will need in the future, it can be hard to know what exactly you need to include in it. The programmer has to do a lot of guessing and for a lot of the times, they guess incorrectly and end up not needing the feature that they spent some time on in the end. By following the concept of YAGNI instead, you don’t have to do all that guessing work and are also more focused on your current task. You should only develop things that you need once they become relevant. In a large project, YAGNI is especially beneficial for programmers and developers. Let’s say a programmer wants to design a feature they know they might need but aren’t sure if they need it or are unclear of how to implement it. By postponing the development of that feature, it can be more clear to the programmer/developer what they exactly need to do for that feature once it becomes relevant again. You should always ask yourself if the feature you are working on is really needed at the current moment. If it’s not needed, then you can take a note of it instead and come back to it later once it becomes relevant again. That way, you keep the project more simple and you program the features better since they are relevant and you have a more clear understanding of what to implement. And the most important thing, you save a lot of time with YAGNI.



From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I want to discuss YAGNI, which stands for “Ya ain’t gonna need it” or “You aren’t gonna need it.” My professor for CS-343 briefly mentioned it in class one day and I wanted to go over it more in depth. In the past, I’ve done something in my projects where I should have followed the concept of YAGNI instead. I made several methods to change a variable before I actually made the main methods of what that variable would do. In the end, it turns out the methods I made were useless toward my goal and I lost a lot of time. I hope to start applying the concept of YAGNI to my future programming in order to not waste time.

YAGNI is a really important concept in programming. Basically it means programmers and developers should only implement classes, methods, or whatever things they need only when they need them. By doing this, you can avoid doing unnecessary work and save a lot of time. When you think ahead and try to code a class or method that you think you will need in the future, it can be hard to know what exactly you need to include in it. The programmer has to do a lot of guessing and for a lot of the times, they guess incorrectly and end up not needing the feature that they spent some time on in the end. By following the concept of YAGNI instead, you don’t have to do all that guessing work and are also more focused on your current task. You should only develop things that you need once they become relevant. In a large project, YAGNI is especially beneficial for programmers and developers. Let’s say a programmer wants to design a feature they know they might need but aren’t sure if they need it or are unclear of how to implement it. By postponing the development of that feature, it can be more clear to the programmer/developer what they exactly need to do for that feature once it becomes relevant again. You should always ask yourself if the feature you are working on is really needed at the current moment. If it’s not needed, then you can take a note of it instead and come back to it later once it becomes relevant again. That way, you keep the project more simple and you program the features better since they are relevant and you have a more clear understanding of what to implement. And the most important thing, you save a lot of time with YAGNI.



From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I want to discuss YAGNI, which stands for “Ya ain’t gonna need it” or “You aren’t gonna need it.” My professor for CS-343 briefly mentioned it in class one day and I wanted to go over it more in depth. In the past, I’ve done something in my projects where I should have followed the concept of YAGNI instead. I made several methods to change a variable before I actually made the main methods of what that variable would do. In the end, it turns out the methods I made were useless toward my goal and I lost a lot of time. I hope to start applying the concept of YAGNI to my future programming in order to not waste time.

YAGNI is a really important concept in programming. Basically it means programmers and developers should only implement classes, methods, or whatever things they need only when they need them. By doing this, you can avoid doing unnecessary work and save a lot of time. When you think ahead and try to code a class or method that you think you will need in the future, it can be hard to know what exactly you need to include in it. The programmer has to do a lot of guessing and for a lot of the times, they guess incorrectly and end up not needing the feature that they spent some time on in the end. By following the concept of YAGNI instead, you don’t have to do all that guessing work and are also more focused on your current task. You should only develop things that you need once they become relevant. In a large project, YAGNI is especially beneficial for programmers and developers. Let’s say a programmer wants to design a feature they know they might need but aren’t sure if they need it or are unclear of how to implement it. By postponing the development of that feature, it can be more clear to the programmer/developer what they exactly need to do for that feature once it becomes relevant again. You should always ask yourself if the feature you are working on is really needed at the current moment. If it’s not needed, then you can take a note of it instead and come back to it later once it becomes relevant again. That way, you keep the project more simple and you program the features better since they are relevant and you have a more clear understanding of what to implement. And the most important thing, you save a lot of time with YAGNI.



From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I want to discuss YAGNI, which stands for “Ya ain’t gonna need it” or “You aren’t gonna need it.” My professor for CS-343 briefly mentioned it in class one day and I wanted to go over it more in depth. In the past, I’ve done something in my projects where I should have followed the concept of YAGNI instead. I made several methods to change a variable before I actually made the main methods of what that variable would do. In the end, it turns out the methods I made were useless toward my goal and I lost a lot of time. I hope to start applying the concept of YAGNI to my future programming in order to not waste time.

YAGNI is a really important concept in programming. Basically it means programmers and developers should only implement classes, methods, or whatever things they need only when they need them. By doing this, you can avoid doing unnecessary work and save a lot of time. When you think ahead and try to code a class or method that you think you will need in the future, it can be hard to know what exactly you need to include in it. The programmer has to do a lot of guessing and for a lot of the times, they guess incorrectly and end up not needing the feature that they spent some time on in the end. By following the concept of YAGNI instead, you don’t have to do all that guessing work and are also more focused on your current task. You should only develop things that you need once they become relevant. In a large project, YAGNI is especially beneficial for programmers and developers. Let’s say a programmer wants to design a feature they know they might need but aren’t sure if they need it or are unclear of how to implement it. By postponing the development of that feature, it can be more clear to the programmer/developer what they exactly need to do for that feature once it becomes relevant again. You should always ask yourself if the feature you are working on is really needed at the current moment. If it’s not needed, then you can take a note of it instead and come back to it later once it becomes relevant again. That way, you keep the project more simple and you program the features better since they are relevant and you have a more clear understanding of what to implement. And the most important thing, you save a lot of time with YAGNI.



From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I want to discuss YAGNI, which stands for “Ya ain’t gonna need it” or “You aren’t gonna need it.” My professor for CS-343 briefly mentioned it in class one day and I wanted to go over it more in depth. In the past, I’ve done something in my projects where I should have followed the concept of YAGNI instead. I made several methods to change a variable before I actually made the main methods of what that variable would do. In the end, it turns out the methods I made were useless toward my goal and I lost a lot of time. I hope to start applying the concept of YAGNI to my future programming in order to not waste time.

YAGNI is a really important concept in programming. Basically it means programmers and developers should only implement classes, methods, or whatever things they need only when they need them. By doing this, you can avoid doing unnecessary work and save a lot of time. When you think ahead and try to code a class or method that you think you will need in the future, it can be hard to know what exactly you need to include in it. The programmer has to do a lot of guessing and for a lot of the times, they guess incorrectly and end up not needing the feature that they spent some time on in the end. By following the concept of YAGNI instead, you don’t have to do all that guessing work and are also more focused on your current task. You should only develop things that you need once they become relevant. In a large project, YAGNI is especially beneficial for programmers and developers. Let’s say a programmer wants to design a feature they know they might need but aren’t sure if they need it or are unclear of how to implement it. By postponing the development of that feature, it can be more clear to the programmer/developer what they exactly need to do for that feature once it becomes relevant again. You should always ask yourself if the feature you are working on is really needed at the current moment. If it’s not needed, then you can take a note of it instead and come back to it later once it becomes relevant again. That way, you keep the project more simple and you program the features better since they are relevant and you have a more clear understanding of what to implement. And the most important thing, you save a lot of time with YAGNI.



From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I want to discuss YAGNI, which stands for “Ya ain’t gonna need it” or “You aren’t gonna need it.” My professor for CS-343 briefly mentioned it in class one day and I wanted to go over it more in depth. In the past, I’ve done something in my projects where I should have followed the concept of YAGNI instead. I made several methods to change a variable before I actually made the main methods of what that variable would do. In the end, it turns out the methods I made were useless toward my goal and I lost a lot of time. I hope to start applying the concept of YAGNI to my future programming in order to not waste time.

YAGNI is a really important concept in programming. Basically it means programmers and developers should only implement classes, methods, or whatever things they need only when they need them. By doing this, you can avoid doing unnecessary work and save a lot of time. When you think ahead and try to code a class or method that you think you will need in the future, it can be hard to know what exactly you need to include in it. The programmer has to do a lot of guessing and for a lot of the times, they guess incorrectly and end up not needing the feature that they spent some time on in the end. By following the concept of YAGNI instead, you don’t have to do all that guessing work and are also more focused on your current task. You should only develop things that you need once they become relevant. In a large project, YAGNI is especially beneficial for programmers and developers. Let’s say a programmer wants to design a feature they know they might need but aren’t sure if they need it or are unclear of how to implement it. By postponing the development of that feature, it can be more clear to the programmer/developer what they exactly need to do for that feature once it becomes relevant again. You should always ask yourself if the feature you are working on is really needed at the current moment. If it’s not needed, then you can take a note of it instead and come back to it later once it becomes relevant again. That way, you keep the project more simple and you program the features better since they are relevant and you have a more clear understanding of what to implement. And the most important thing, you save a lot of time with YAGNI.



From the blog Comfy Blog by and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I want to discuss YAGNI, which stands for “Ya ain’t gonna need it” or “You aren’t gonna need it.” My professor for CS-343 briefly mentioned it in class one day and I wanted to go over it more in depth. In the past, I’ve done something in my projects where I should have followed the concept of YAGNI instead. I made several methods to change a variable before I actually made the main methods of what that variable would do. In the end, it turns out the methods I made were useless toward my goal and I lost a lot of time. I hope to start applying the concept of YAGNI to my future programming in order to not waste time.

YAGNI is a really important concept in programming. Basically it means programmers and developers should only implement classes, methods, or whatever things they need only when they need them. By doing this, you can avoid doing unnecessary work and save a lot of time. When you think ahead and try to code a class or method that you think you will need in the future, it can be hard to know what exactly you need to include in it. The programmer has to do a lot of guessing and for a lot of the times, they guess incorrectly and end up not needing the feature that they spent some time on in the end. By following the concept of YAGNI instead, you don’t have to do all that guessing work and are also more focused on your current task. You should only develop things that you need once they become relevant. In a large project, YAGNI is especially beneficial for programmers and developers. Let’s say a programmer wants to design a feature they know they might need but aren’t sure if they need it or are unclear of how to implement it. By postponing the development of that feature, it can be more clear to the programmer/developer what they exactly need to do for that feature once it becomes relevant again. You should always ask yourself if the feature you are working on is really needed at the current moment. If it’s not needed, then you can take a note of it instead and come back to it later once it becomes relevant again. That way, you keep the project more simple and you program the features better since they are relevant and you have a more clear understanding of what to implement. And the most important thing, you save a lot of time with YAGNI.



From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello and welcome back to my blog! In this blog, I want to discuss YAGNI, which stands for “Ya ain’t gonna need it” or “You aren’t gonna need it.” My professor for CS-343 briefly mentioned it in class one day and I wanted to go over it more in depth. In the past, I’ve done something in my projects where I should have followed the concept of YAGNI instead. I made several methods to change a variable before I actually made the main methods of what that variable would do. In the end, it turns out the methods I made were useless toward my goal and I lost a lot of time. I hope to start applying the concept of YAGNI to my future programming in order to not waste time.

YAGNI is a really important concept in programming. Basically it means programmers and developers should only implement classes, methods, or whatever things they need only when they need them. By doing this, you can avoid doing unnecessary work and save a lot of time. When you think ahead and try to code a class or method that you think you will need in the future, it can be hard to know what exactly you need to include in it. The programmer has to do a lot of guessing and for a lot of the times, they guess incorrectly and end up not needing the feature that they spent some time on in the end. By following the concept of YAGNI instead, you don’t have to do all that guessing work and are also more focused on your current task. You should only develop things that you need once they become relevant. In a large project, YAGNI is especially beneficial for programmers and developers. Let’s say a programmer wants to design a feature they know they might need but aren’t sure if they need it or are unclear of how to implement it. By postponing the development of that feature, it can be more clear to the programmer/developer what they exactly need to do for that feature once it becomes relevant again. You should always ask yourself if the feature you are working on is really needed at the current moment. If it’s not needed, then you can take a note of it instead and come back to it later once it becomes relevant again. That way, you keep the project more simple and you program the features better since they are relevant and you have a more clear understanding of what to implement. And the most important thing, you save a lot of time with YAGNI.



From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.