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To start off the new semester and new course, we’ve been learning, discussing, and practicing with UML diagrams, or Unified Modeling Language diagrams. These diagrams are great ways for software developers and companies to visualize the structure of programs, large or small. There are many different types of diagrams, and we’ve mainly covered Class Diagrams and Sequence diagrams.
Although I am unsure about the popularity and usage of UML diagrams in professional environments, I believe they can be beneficial to the organization and cleanliness of a team’s code, for it is to be written after it has already been structured and designed. The article I chose today is one by Donald Bell on IBM, and it discusses a few types of UML diagrams with some background information on each.
Bell introduces a new topic to the audience as well as anyone should: with some background information. He states the creation of UML was to model computer applications and ensure that anyone who understands UML diagrams can efficiently, accurately, and productively contribute to the project.
The first UML diagram covered is the Use-Case diagram. Such diagrams are utilized to help readers understand the interaction between the program and its users. There can be many Use-Case diagrams for one program, but they are more so used to highlight the essentials. Bell describes how to create this type of diagram so that it is easy to understand.
The second UML diagram covered is the Activity Diagram, which shows “the procedural flow of control between two or more class objects while processing an activity” (Bell). Bell believes the best-case scenario for this type of diagram is for more business-oriented visualizations, such as how a company wants to operate at a higher level. These types of diagrams are not as technical as other diagrams which makes it easier to understand for non-programmers (Bell).
The last UML diagram Bell covers is the Deployment Diagram, which shows the physical representation of a software system. This would mean user computers, databases, websites, etc.
I selected this article because it covers a few UML diagrams that we haven’t discussed in class, and it is important for software developers to have some UML proficiency. This would be a beneficial skill to have at a new job, so you might understand the codebase faster. IBM is also a very credible company in the software industry which is why I chose an article from their website.
The content of the resource was presented in an understandable way for someone with a little bit of software knowledge. I enjoyed learning about the background of UML and its creation, along with the three types of UML diagrams that were listed and described. I hope to use such knowledge at a new job that may use UML diagrams so I could provide more productivity in a shorter time rather than taking too much time trying to understand the codebase.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.