Category Archives: Week 4

UML Diagrams: Use-Case, Activity, and Deployment

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To start off the new semester and new course, we’ve been learning, discussing, and practicing with UML diagrams, or Unified Modeling Language diagrams. These diagrams are great ways for software developers and companies to visualize the structure of programs, large or small. There are many different types of diagrams, and we’ve mainly covered Class Diagrams and Sequence diagrams. 

Although I am unsure about the popularity and usage of UML diagrams in professional environments, I believe they can be beneficial to the organization and cleanliness of a team’s code, for it is to be written after it has already been structured and designed. The article I chose today is one by Donald Bell on IBM, and it discusses a few types of UML diagrams with some background information on each.

Bell introduces a new topic to the audience as well as anyone should: with some background information. He states the creation of UML was to model computer applications and ensure that anyone who understands UML diagrams can efficiently, accurately, and productively contribute to the project. 

The first UML diagram covered is the Use-Case diagram. Such diagrams are utilized to help readers understand the interaction between the program and its users. There can be many Use-Case diagrams for one program, but they are more so used to highlight the essentials. Bell describes how to create this type of diagram so that it is easy to understand.

The second UML diagram covered is the Activity Diagram, which shows “the procedural flow of control between two or more class objects while processing an activity” (Bell). Bell believes the best-case scenario for this type of diagram is for more business-oriented visualizations, such as how a company wants to operate at a higher level. These types of diagrams are not as technical as other diagrams which makes it easier to understand for non-programmers (Bell).

The last UML diagram Bell covers is the Deployment Diagram, which shows the physical representation of a software system. This would mean user computers, databases, websites, etc.

I selected this article because it covers a few UML diagrams that we haven’t discussed in class, and it is important for software developers to have some UML proficiency.  This would be a beneficial skill to have at a new job, so you might understand the codebase faster. IBM is also a very credible company in the software industry which is why I chose an article from their website.

The content of the resource was presented in an understandable way for someone with a little bit of software knowledge. I enjoyed learning about the background of UML and its creation, along with the three types of UML diagrams that were listed and described. I hope to use such knowledge at a new job that may use UML diagrams so I could provide more productivity in a shorter time rather than taking too much time trying to understand the codebase.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Stay in the Trenches Individual Apprenticeship Pattern

This week I continued to read about Individual Apprenticeship Patterns for CS448 – Capstone and focused on the “Stay in the Trenches” pattern. This pattern emphasizes the importance of gaining continuous hands-on, practical experience in the craftsman’s chosen field(s) at all levels, even as they may advance within a company. It can be common as software developers move up to transition to more managerial roles focusing on handling teams and deadlines rather than hands-on coding.

However, doing so will inevitably and quickly result in deterioration of the craftsman’s coding skills. Instead of getting too caught up in theoretical knowledge or managerial roles early (or at any point) in a developer’s career, developers should ‘stay in the trenches’ and continue working on practical/coding problems to keep developing and advancing skills and expertise. By immersing ourselves in the actual work, we’ll learn from the day to day experiences and continue to grow in ways that upper level managers often cannot. 

Often, I’ve heard of upper level software managers spending most of their time on coordination, time/schedule management and strategy/design planning – from a craftsman’s standpoint, only code project strategy and design planning are particularly applicable. While it surely is far more abstract and long-term or larger in scale, developers who are working hands-on with code are still managing and accomplishing tasks and exercising their code strategy and design skills. So when considering that hands-on coders will also further several other skills related to their craft, these managerial roles seem like a clear downgrade in terms of job quality and day to day activities even if it comes with a pay increase.

This brings up the final major point of this pattern, which really stuck out to me – identifying other avenues and ways for craftsmen to advance within their company/career and be rewarded for high-quality performance. Some practical examples could include a simple pay increase, more involvement in internal strategy meetings/decisions, job-title shift/improvement, etc. There’s no clear or definite answer here, but individuals in this position are probably in good standing as the company is looking to reward them, and they should communicate and work with company management to find incentives and reward mechanisms that align with the goals of both parties. If not however, this pattern stresses the importance of staying on the craftsman’s path and considering advancement positions at other companies that are more flexible.

Sources: Hoover, Dave, and Adewale Oshineye. “Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman.” O’Reilly Media, 2009.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tech. Worth Talking About by jelbirt and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-448 Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 2-6 Introduction

Chapters 2-6 in the Apprenticeship Patterns textbooks goes over the specific different practices and patterns that software developers use in order to grow in their field.

Chapter 2 talks about the values of “emptying the cup” as an apprentice. Embrace the beginner’s mindset with The White Belt. Overcome roadblocks with Unleashed Enthusiasm. Acquire concrete skills in specific technologies to explore advanced patterns. Avoid complacency by systematically broadening your tech skills. Expose your ignorance to focus on learning needs. Confront and flex your knowledge muscles. Take audacious tasks to learn and grow. Retreat into competence when overwhelmed, then gather yourself to ascend further.

Chapter 3 explains how many people are walking the same path even when they seem to be on a different path. In other words, the experts that know more than you in the work field went through the same struggles (walked the same path) as you are to get to where they are now. It explains the story of Dave as he continues his journey in software development with a sense of assurance. However, his interactions with highly skilled hackers in online communities and face-to-face collaborations with high level developers humbled him and fueled his desire to learn. As he delved deeper into side projects and consuming learning material, Dave realized the vastness of knowledge available and the continuous learning process inherent in software development. While there is a considerable gap between his skills and those of seasoned developers, Dave found solace in the shared journey towards mastery that all developers embark on.

Chapter 4 introduces the concept of letting go of perceived competence and allow yourself to recognize that there is way more to learn and more to travel down the Long Road. The rapid learner faces the risk of becoming complacent in their success within their current environment which could stagnate their growth. It is crucial for such individuals to acknowledge the broader landscape of opportunities beyond their immediate sphere and to remain humble in the face of their accomplishments. The focus should not be on surpassing others but on personal growth and improvement, recognizing that the journey towards mastery is ongoing and that collaboration and mutual support are integral to this process.

Chapter 5 emphasizes the concept of learning and, especially for apprentices, how it is critical these patterns be applied early on in their journey. The essence of apprenticeship in software development revolves around perpetual learning and effective communication. Apprentices must constantly seek opportunities to replace ignorance with skill, not only acquiring concrete technical abilities but also in developing the ability to learn itself. These concrete learning activities such as “Expanding your bandwidth” and “Breakable Toys” pave the way for deeper self-discovery, leading to the importance of reflecting on work. sharing knowledge, creating feedback loops, and understanding personal weaknesses to transition successfully from apprentice to journeyman and eventually master craftsman.

Chapter 6 talks about the constant time and effort that should be put into studying to further develop your learning curriculum. In today’s age digital age, access to vast amounts of information is easy, thanks to the Internet and handheld devices. While blogs and online resources offer valuable content, the wisdom found in traditional books by experts like Jerry Weinberg and Kent Back is irreplaceable. Incorporating reading into an apprenticeship is crucial for success, allowing individuals to construct their own learning curriculum.

2. Emptying the Cup | Apprenticeship Patterns (

3. Walking the Long Road | Apprenticeship Patterns (

4. Accurate Self-Assessment | Apprenticeship Patterns (

5. Perpetual Learning | Apprenticeship Patterns (

6. Construct Your Curriculum | Apprenticeship Patterns (

From the blog CS@Worcester – Jason Lee Computer Science Blog by jlee3811 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS448 Software Development Capstone -Apprenticeship Patterns: “Practice, Practice, Practice”

The first pattern from “Apprenticeship Patterns” by David H. Hoover and Adewale Oshineye that I would like to write about is “Practice, Practice, Practice”, from chapter 5 of the textbook. I’ve been learning how to code since shortly before I started my first semester at community college, in the fall after I graduated from high school. I’ve been able to complete the lessons that I’ve been assigned at school and through online resources, but even still today, whenever I’m working, I feel like I’m calling on every last bit of knowledge that I’ve got, and that once I’m on my own in the real world I’m going to end up drowning. This anxious feeling can get especially distracting when I imagine how much more progress and work there is to do in building myself into a competent software developer, let alone an exceptional one. Consequently, reading this textbook has been something of an exposure therapy exercise for me.

Developing some kind of practice regimen to reinforce my fundamental skills would go a long way toward constructing a sense of basic competence that I can eventually build on to enhance my skillset. Here I am about to graduate with a degree in computer science, and I honestly can’t say I know how to practice programming outside of school without starting a project and “just doing it”. This approach results in me feeling a lot of pressure to learn many new concepts and produce something useful before I get up from the chair again, and because my emotions quickly become too strong and distracting, I don’t end up doing either of those things. I need to develop a new way to practice my computer programming skills.

The phrasing of the problem presented in this pattern caught my attention because of how much I related to the sentiment: “It’s as if you’re always on stage.” I feel like every time I open my text editor to complete my daily tasks, or whenever I need to research a new subject, it’s the ultimate test of my ability and merit as a programmer. It’s going to be incredibly difficult to test my limits over the course of my career if my everyday experience feels so drastic. The solution offered through this pattern is the technique of practicing through “code katas”. The author explains that the term “kata” is borrowed from martial arts, and that it as a term which refers to a sequence of movements provided by a teacher to their students, performed without an opponent. The purpose of executing the kata is to reinforce the student’s fundamentals and build their physical control, fluidity, and power.

The benefits of applying the same practice of repeating fundamental movements to build overall competence towards the craft of software development are that it enables a practice environment without deadlines or expectations and that this method of practice allows learners to build their self-confidence without introducing the stress that comes with delivering complex software projects. About practicing with code katas, software developer Dave Thomas says “It has to be acceptable to relax, because if you aren’t relaxed you’re not going to learn from the practice.”

From the blog CS@Worcester – Michael's Programming Blog by mikesprogrammingblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Expose Your Ignorance – Embracing Vulnerability in Learning

So, before we dive into this week’s pattern, I realized I forgot to mention something in my last blog post. I previously wrote about “Confront Your Ignorance” but totally forgot to touch upon its counterpart, “Expose Your Ignorance.”

Summary of Expose Your Ignorance:

“Expose Your Ignorance” is all about embracing vulnerability and being open about what you don’t know. Instead of trying to hide our lack of knowledge, this pattern encourages us to shine a light on it, seeking help and guidance from others.

Key points of the pattern include:

  1. Be Honest About Your Limitations: It’s okay not to know everything. By admitting our ignorance, we create opportunities for learning and growth.
  2. Ask Questions Freely: Don’t be afraid to ask questions, even if they seem basic or obvious. Asking questions is a sign of curiosity and a willingness to learn.
  3. Seek Feedback: Actively seek feedback from peers and mentors. Constructive criticism is essential for improvement, and it’s important to be open to receiving it.
  4. Share Your Journey: Don’t keep your learning journey to yourself. Share your experiences, challenges, and successes with others. Not only does this help you connect with fellow learners, but it also creates a supportive community.

My Reaction:

So, here’s the thing: “Expose Your Ignorance” hits home for me in a big way. As someone who’s always been a bit shy about asking questions or admitting when I don’t know something, this pattern really challenged me to step out of my comfort zone.

One aspect of the pattern that I found particularly thought-provoking is the idea of asking questions freely. It’s easy to feel self-conscious about asking questions, especially when you’re surrounded by people who seem to know it all. However, this pattern reminded me that asking questions is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength – it shows that you’re engaged and eager to learn.

On the flip side, I do have a bit of a disagreement with the pattern when it comes to seeking feedback. While I agree that feedback is important, I think it’s equally important to be discerning about whose feedback you seek. Not all feedback is created equal, and it’s important to seek out mentors and peers whose opinions you trust and respect.

In conclusion, “Expose Your Ignorance” has really shifted my perspective on learning and vulnerability. By embracing my ignorance and being open about what I don’t know, I’m creating opportunities for growth and connection in my journey as a software craftsman.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Don’t Trade Programming for Promotions

Even though it may seem counterintuitive, it makes perfect sense. If you take yourself away from the code you will slowly lose your way with your craft. It’s important to continue learning and practicing even as a master craftsman. Higher positions in a company won’t always equate to “better” positions for a craftsman.

It’s a part of “walking the long road” and staying on the path is crucial to one day finishing that path. As it goes for anything in life, you can never truly fail at something until the day you give up and cease trying. If one were to take a position that pulls them away from programming it allows for their long journey to appear shortened, but in reality, they just took one of the many exits along the way onto the intended destination of becoming a journeyman then master craftsman. Along this road, journeyman status can be achieved and one may choose to stop there but personally, I’m striving to eventually arrive at master status in the future.

I also agreed with the pragmatic response offered in how to react if faced with promotions that pull away from programming. If working for a flexible company, ask for better pay or non-traditional technical management roles instead of accepting such a promotion. If working for an inflexible company, it’s better to seek other opportunities elsewhere than to let yourself become lost along the long road.

I also found myself agreeing with the notion that if the rewards offered by employers aren’t appealing, one should counter with some rewards that are better suited for their interests and professional growth. It could be helpful if one were to prepare alternative incentives and rewards before refusing a promotion (if possible) to allow for transparency and understanding of the professional goals of the individual.

I think that overall, to “stay in the trenches” is a great mindset to have. It’s equipped my mind with the knowledge that shines importance on staying within a position that allows me to continue to practice and grow as a craftsman. If I were presented with such an opportunity in the future, I’d remember that it’s more important to continue on my long journey than to let some small miscellaneous gains to pull me away from my end goal of eventually becoming a master craftsman.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Eli's Corner of the Internet by Eli and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Embracing The White Belt Mentality

As software developers, we are on a quest for both personal and professional growth, but there comes a time where we reach a plateau. We’ve mastered some skills and embraced pride in our knowledge, but despite what we’ve accomplished, there’s a fear that our development is at a standstill. The White Belt Pattern involves taking a new approach to this challenge. This involves possessing a beginners mindset and setting aside previous knowledge in order to learn and understand new knowledge.

I found the concept of the White Belt mentality to be extremely intriguing. In our modern world where new techniques and technologies evolve daily, we would figure that expertise and mastery would be most important and the idea of embracing a beginners mindset may feel counterintuitive. However, there’s always something new to learn and we should approach these situations with an open mindset.

Learning more about this pattern allowed me to reevaluate my approach to the software development field. In a field where continuous learning and adaptation are essential, I now understand the importance of just taking a step back to avoid becoming complacent with my knowledge and open to new perspectives and ideas. I love programming in Java and Python, but if I focus on mastering those two languages, then I wouldn’t be able to learn other languages like C or JavaScript.

One part that resonated with me was the emphasis on collaboration. By acknowledging that we don’t have all the answers and can’t solve every problem, creates a space for collaboration and problem solving. Therefore by having the White Belt mentality, we can create a deeper connection with individuals in our workspace, while also possessing a genuine desire to learn new things.

A challenging aspect regarding this pattern is the idea of stepping back for growth. I understand we should challenge our knowledge, but believe there’s also value in building upon our existing knowledge. Instead of disregarding what we’ve mastered, we should find a midpoint where we can learn new things and see different perspectives while still utilizing our previous successes.

Overall, the White Belt mentality allowed me to reevaluate my approach to personal learning and growth. Instead of viewing mastery as a destination, I now see it as a continuous lifelong journey with plenty of opportunities for learning and discovery along the way.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Conner Moniz Blog by connermoniz1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Embracing “Breakable Toys”: A Pathway to Mastery

Summary of the Pattern: The “Breakable Toys” pattern addresses the challenge of growing in a professional environment where failure can have significant consequences. This pattern encourages individuals to create a safe space for learning by developing projects or systems on their own time, which they can afford to break or mess up without risking their professional standing. The essence of this approach is to allow for experimentation, learning from mistakes, and thereby gaining confidence and skill in a low-stakes setting.

My Reaction: Initially, the concept of “Breakable Toys” struck me as a simple, yet profoundly effective way to cultivate new skills and deepen existing knowledge. It’s the permission to fail – but on my own terms – that I found incredibly liberating. This pattern resonates with me deeply, as it underscores the importance of self-directed learning and the intrinsic value of failure as a stepping stone to mastery.

Insights and Changes in Perspective: The pattern illuminated the stark contrast between the safety nets often present in educational settings and the high-pressure environments of the professional world. It made me reflect on my approach to learning and professional growth, emphasizing that the path to expertise is paved with mistakes and learning opportunities. Adopting this pattern has encouraged me to shift my mindset from fear of failure to embracing it as a crucial component of my development process. It’s a paradigm shift that I believe will not only make me a more resilient professional but also a more inventive and adaptive problem-solver.

Disagreements and Critiques: While I wholeheartedly embrace the concept of “Breakable Toys,” I recognize that not everyone may have the luxury of time or resources to invest in side projects. For some, the pressures of life or work may make it challenging to find space for such endeavors. However, I believe the underlying principle of seeking out low-risk opportunities to learn and grow can be adapted in various ways, such as through virtual labs, open-source contributions, or even thought experiments.

Conclusion: The “Breakable Toys” pattern has not only broadened my understanding of learning in a professional context but also invigorated my approach to personal and professional development. It serves as a reminder that the journey towards mastery is personal, non-linear, and fraught with setbacks, all of which are invaluable learning opportunities. As I move forward in my career, I intend to keep this pattern close to my heart, ensuring that I never lose sight of the importance of playful experimentation and the lessons learned from each “breakable toy” I encounter.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Understanding Test Driven Development in Software Engineering

Test Driven Development is a method in software development in which tests are created before the actual code. By writing test before hand, developers have a clear understanding of what will need to implemented, which can help avoid unnecessary errors. This approach will help to have the software behave as expected. This method is a structured and systematic approach. This test method is doesn’t just focus on testing, however it also focuses on quality and behavior. The main goal of this test method is to ensure that the code meets the specified requirements and behaves as expected. Test Driven Development helps with clarifying requirements, reducing defects, and improving the code maintainability.

How does it work?

Test Driven Development operates on a cycle like, first write a test, second make it run, third change the code to make it pass, and then repeat. Developers should first write a test that will analyze the behavior that they want implement. After running the test and writing and rewriting the code to make the test pass, developers will then need to continue reframing the code to improve it’s design and maintainability without changing it’s behavior. This process will make sure that that each piece of code is throughly tested and validate before moving on to the next.

Test Driven Development vs Traditional Testing

The difference between Test Drive Development and Traditional testing is that test driven development method has a different approach and objective. Traditional testing methods usually aim to find bugs or even defects in code, test driven development mainly focuses on making sure that the code meets the specific requirements. A failed test in test driven development method tells the developers to write new code to fulfill the requirement’s, and it also tends to make sure that the code will be lead to higher quality, with fewer defects.

There are also two levels of test driven development that focuses on different aspects of software development. Those two levels being Acceptance TDD and Developer TDD. Acceptance involves writing acceptance test that verify the overall behavior of the systems based on the users requirements. Development TDD, focuses on writing unit tests for individual components or modules of the system.

Why Did I pick this Article?

I chose this article because Test Driven Development is a very important concept in software engineering. This article has taught me a lot about test driven development , which include numerous benefits like improved quality of code, reduced bugs and fewer defects, and faster development cycle. These many advantages are valuable for any software development project.


After reading this article, i have learned a lot about Test Driven Development and it’s many advantages. One key take away for me was how in this method developers are to write test before actually writing the code, which can help in clarifying and ensuring that the code is correct and meets the required specifications. I also found how the article talks about the difference between test driven development and traditional testing methods. Learning about the Acceptance TDD framework helped me with my understanding of how test drive development can be scaled for larger projects and integrated into Acceptance methods.

Now that my understanding has been enlighten with this new found valuable knowledge and insights into test driven development methods, I can apply this in my future software development projects. I will also be able to writer better, cleaner, and more maintainable code when using this method.

Article link is Here:

From the blog CS@Worcester – In's and Out's of Software Testing by Jaylon Brodie and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Specification Based Testing

  Specification based testing is a type of software testing that directly uses a systems specification in order to design tests. WHile considered a type of black box testing specification based testing can be used on any type of system but works particularly well when testing web applications. When practicing specification based testing you would first look at the code and its documentation in order to see what must be tested based on its functionality and uses. The objectives of specification based testing are functional accuracy, conduct based compliance, error detection, reliability/robustness, full coverage and compliance with the standards.

  There are 7 types of specification based testing listed which are “state transition” which is used to uncover errors in a system when switching states, “decision table” testing which can test functional and non functional system requirements, “equivalence partitioning” which is similar to decision table testing except it is best used when testing different inputs while decision table testing is best used on different combinations of inputs. Then there is “boundary value analysis” which consists of creating a test case for each boundary value, “all pair testing” which makes a test case for every possible input, “classification tree” is based on deriving test cases from a decision tree and “use case” testing which focuses on the functionality of the entire system rather than any individual component.

  I selected this topic/source as we have been practicing specification based testing in class recently and I was interested in researching more into the topic and the different types of testing that are classified as specification based and this article from “geeksforgeeks” went in depth not only into what the definition of specification based testing is but also the different types and the objectives of this type of testing. 

  This article was very helpful in my opinion as is gave me a perspective on specification based testing as a whole and after practicing some of the different types of specification based testing in class and reading this article I have a greater understanding or not only what this type of testing is but also how to go about testing in this fashion and writing test cases which pertain to the specifications of a system. I would consider this type of testing to be one which is more self explanatory than others but being able to understand its importance and its limitations is something that will help me when testing in the future.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Dylan Brown Computer Science by dylanbrowncs and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.