This week I read a blog post titled “SOLID Principles every Developer Should Know” by Chidume Nnamdi. Chidume taught me the important things I should know about SOLID and gave good examples to help make it more clear. SOLID stands for Single Responsibility Principle, Open-Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principle, and Dependency Inversion Principle.
The Single Responsibility Principle is a class should only have one job. This is because if a change is made it can affect more than just the one class that was meant to be altered. The Open-Closed Principle is software entities such as classes, modules, and functions should be open for extension, not modification. This makes sense especially with dealing with larger programs. If something new has to be added to a function it makes more sense to extend it than to edit the function. In larger programs, the function might need to be edited a lot which could fill it with if statements which can get messy. The Liskov Substitution Principle is that a sub-class must be substitutable for its super-class. This basically means if a subclass is called instead of a parent class the code still should still work properly. The Interface Segregation Principle is “Make fine-grained interfaces that are client specific”. This is done so that clients are not being given interfaces that contain parts they do not use. Finally, there is the Dependency Inversion Principle. This principle is that dependency should be on abstraction, not concretions. This basically means abstractions should not depend on details and that details should depend upon abstractions.
I selected this blog because it seemed like it was easy enough to understand and had code examples to demonstrate the principles in action. There was a lot of information to gather from this one blog post but it was well worth the read. Chidume does a good job explaining each principle and the pieces of code uses throughout the post helped clarify any confusion. I think following these principles will be a big help in the future when coding, especially larger programs that could easily become messy if I did not follow the SOLID rules. I think it will take some time and practice to be able to implement these rules in all my programs but it will be worth doing in the long run. I think that focusing on one rule at a time will be the easiest way to master these principles since it looks like it can be a lot at once if all of them are needed in a single program.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Ryan Klenk's Blog by Ryan Klenk and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.