This pattern explains the benefits of reading real world source code. If you are on an assignment and are asked to write a small component for the project, your most important task should be to read through the code-base and understand as much of the source code as possible, given the time constraints you are under. It is important for you to understand the intent of the application at a high level before studying the code, but then to immerse yourself in how the code works, how it is structured, what design patterns are used, how the class hierarchy work, and which developers were involved in the project. In most cases, it would be a mistake to try to learn all the project’s code, unless it were quite small. Consider understanding the code involved most closely to your intended assignment with the most priority. Most projects you will encounter are medium to large scale applications, and some would take you months to adequately understand.
Try meeting with the developer who wrote code most similar to what you are being assigned , and ask for tips and tricks on methods they used to build their pieces.
If you are asked to write, for example, an android activity that calls REST API’s, look for related YouTube videos, Google documentation, related code on GitLab or GitHub, textbooks, posts, and college library references, but most importantly, look directly at the code-base you are working with to find if similar code has been written which can be cloned, modified, and sometimes improved. I have worked on projects where the same basic code had been written more than once! Refactoring an application to remove repeated code, or to consolidated similar code is a huge time saver. There is nothing like management giving you a month to write something, and you come back in two days with it done. This is the type of “magic” you can accomplish if you are observant of the resources that already exist in your project, and the Open-Source world in general.
I also think it is important to read through code you have previously written. If you have resume entries stating you know a particular language or technology, a more than rudimentary understanding of it is really important for your next review or interview. As your career develops, the list of these items will increase, and some will become somewhat obsolete, so it is much more important to understand the most recent skills best. If you can’t recite a paragraph or two on any given entry, I would consider removing it from your resume.
From the blog cs@worcester – (Twinstar Blogland) by Joe Barry and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.