For this week’s blog post, I’ve decided to continue watching the video I started in my last professional development post, “Object Oriented Design Tutorial: Creating a UML Design from Scratch” by Derek Banas. The reason I picked this video is because 1. it directly relates to one of our course topics, “Modeling: Unified Modeling Language (UML)” and 2. because it teaches a methodical process to creating UML diagrams. Again, since I will likely be making more UML diagrams in my educational/professional life, I want to further develop this skill. In my last post, I learned how to create a Use Case Description, and in this post, I will discuss how to use a Use Case Description to create an Object Model and a Sequence Diagram.
Derek starts his Object Model by using the actors he listed in his Case Description to create 3 separate object boxes in his Object Model diagram. He connects the actors/boxes with a line to show what action is carried between the given object and the multiplicity that each box has. Next, Derek fills in each object he has created with pertinent data fields, for example, since there is one object box for two players, he adds name as an important piece of information to differentiate the two players. This process was valuable to me because I tried to predict what information would be important before Derek did. I wanted to include some methods in the object model, but I learned this is not where I do this. Derek only includes attributes of the objects and other objects that a specific class will use (e.g. the CoinGame includes both the players and the coin actors).
The next thing Derek does is create a Sequence Diagram. It is important to mention that in this video, Derek mentions that he has another introductory video into Sequence Diagrams so he goes somewhat quickly through this process. Either way, there was a lot that happened and that I learned from observing this process. Overall, the main takeaway from this part of the tutorial is that Derek uses the Steps of Execution from the Case Description to lay out the logic of the program he is creating. Throughout this process I thought it was interesting that there were some things that Derek, himself, was not sure of as far as what made the most logical sense, but he went forward with what worked for him. This was really insightful because as I practice this process on my own, I’m realizing that I can create a similar program with a slightly different logical order of what makes the most sense to me.
My goal is to continue following Derek along in this process so I can use a similar approach to create a simple program on my own. For my next post, I’m considering following Derek as he creates a UML he describes to be “easy” now that he has his Sequence Diagram created.
Tutorial link:
From the blog Sensinci's Blog by Sensinci's Blog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.