Category Archives: @Week-6 @CS-443

Week 6

In week 6, we talked about Equivalence class testing in class. It is a black box testing technique that allows testers to group input data into sets or classes, making it possible to reduce the number of test cases while achieving comprehensive coverage. This technique is useful when dealing with a large range of input values. The classes resemble the specified requirements and common behavior or attributes of the inputs. Test classes are designed based on each class attribute and one element or input is used from each class for the test execution to validate software functioning. In Equivalence class testing, there are some important features that we need to note. Aside from being a black box testing technique, it restricts the testers to examine the software product externally. It is also used to from groups of test inputs of similar behavior or nature. And finally, test cases are based on classes, which reduces the time and effort required to build a larger number of test cases.

Some examples of equivalence class testing are weak normal equivalence testing, strong normal equivalence testing, weak robust equivalence testing and strong robust equivalence testing. Some pros of using Equivalence class testing is it helps reduce the number of test cases, without compromising the test coverage, it reduces the overall test execution time as it minimized the set of test data, it enables testers to focus on smaller data sets, which increases the probability of uncovering more defects in the software product and it’s used in cases where performing exhaustive testing is difficult. Some cons of using Equivalence class testing is it doesn’t consider the conditions for boundary value, identification of equivalence classes relies heavily on the expertise of testers and testers might assume the output for all input data set is correct, which isn’t the case all the time.

Some difference between equivalence class testing and boundary value analysis is equivalence testing is a black box technique while boundary analysis is portioning/testing. I chose this article because it goes into details talking about Equivalence class testing in depth. In my opinion when we were doing both equivalence class testing and boundary value testing, I found boundary value testing to be easier to use and to understand. However, after reading more on equivalence class testing, I have more understanding of how it works and why it is used a lot. I know I will be able to do assignments that will require using Equivalence class testing now that I have more knowledge on it.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lynnnsubuga and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.