For this week’s blog post, I’ve decided to continue watching the video I started in my professional development post #4, “Object Oriented Design Tutorial: Creating a UML Design from Scratch” and start the next video in this series titled, “Object Oriented Design Tutorial 2: How to Turn a UML Design into Code” by Derek Banas. The reason I picked this video is because 1. it directly relates to one of our course topics, “Modeling: Unified Modeling Language (UML)” and 2. because it teaches a methodical process to creating UML diagrams and the code that goes with it. Since I will likely be making more UML diagrams in my educational/professional life, I want to further develop these skills. In my last post, I learned how to use a Use Case Description to create an Object Model and a Sequence Diagram. In this post, I will start by discussing how an Object Model and the Sequence Diagram is used to create a Class Diagram. I will then move on to discussing how these models and diagrams can be used to create Java code.
When Derek is creating his Class Diagram, he uses his Object Model to create the class name and the data fields of his classes. Derek then uses his sequence diagram to bring in the methods for each of the classes he creates. One thing that I thought was interesting as he brought in the methods for his Class Diagram was that he added an additional method that he did not include in his logic when creating his sequence diagram. He added a getCoinOption method and stated that he may not end up needing this method but will include it just in case he missed something with his logic. It is nice to know that using his approach allows me to make these kinds of edits on the fly.
In Derek’s next video, he uses his class diagram to lay out the data fields and methods in his IDE. Once he has outlined his program, he uses the sequence diagram to write his code. Derek starts with the coin class. In this class he mentions how he starts with what makes the most sense to him to get his code to work. He mentions once his code works, he can come back and worry about optimization. He uses an array that contains heads or tails for the coin value and Math.random to return the value of the coin flip. Observing this process was beneficial because it showed me how important it is to think of the data structures I will be working with and the operations that I want to perform.
Overall, I’m very happy with this series. One of the things I enjoy the most is that Derek is doing all this from scratch so we get to see any obstacles that come up along the way. I’m looking forward to seeing his working program at the end.
Tutorial links:
From the blog Sensinci's Blog by Sensinci's Blog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.