The article, “REST vs. RESTful: The Difference and Why the Difference Doesn’t Matter,” examines the Representational State Transfer pattern, or REST, and its implementations, RESTful services. The author, Eric Goebelbecker, mentions REST pattern’s creator Roy Fielding, and provides a link to Fielding’s dissertation.
The article then
defines REST’s architectural constraints. Client-server architectural style,
separating responsibilities between client-side and server-side. Client-side
will handle user interaction while server-side will handle data and state. This
allows for the two sides to evolve independently of each other. Stateless, the
server is not responsible for a client’s session state and instead, the client
keeps the session state. Cacheable, the server must classify their responses as
cacheable or not. This improves performance by allowing the client to store
cacheable responses for later, equal requests. Uniform Interface, possibly the
most important constraint, requires the use of a uniform interface for
components. This simplifies the architecture by taking advantage of the
software principle of generality. The final constraint mentioned in the article
is a layered system. A layered system is a hierarchical system that
encapsulates components to layers that can be independent of each other. This
can be used for security and performance such as load-balancing. These five architecture
constraints are what defines the REST pattern.
The article then gives an example between remote procedures
calls (RPC) and REST. The difference being that RPC manipulate data by remote
calling the server functions and REST, instead, shares the data between
client-server. Put simply, in REST the URIs work with data and not remote
The article then mentions the Richardson Maturity Model.
Richardson’s model classifies RESTful services into four levels of compliance. Level
0, the use of RPCs. Level 1, sharing resources between server and client. Level
2, the proper use of HTTP verbs. And level 3, exporting hypertext with objects
to aid with API discoverability. The author of the article brings up that Fielding
would only consider level 3 to be true REST.
Before I read through this article, I had only a rudimentary
understanding of the REST pattern (I had missed the class that introduced it).
I now understand REST and RESTful, the architectural pattern and its
implementations. REST focuses on data sharing and a uniform interface to make its
data the emphasis of the pattern and not its specific implementations. This
allows for easier understanding with generality and assists with scalability.
I read some of
Fielding’s dissertation and highly recommend it to anybody who is learning REST.
The descriptions of the architectural constraints are clear and provide simple
Fielding’s Dissertation:
From the blog CS@Worcester – D’s Comp Sci Blog by dlivengood and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.