Category Archives: Week 7

‘Find Your Mentors’ Pattern

The ‘Find Your Mentors’ pattern is about the idea of “apprenticing” yourself to someone who is more experienced than you are within your field of expertise. While this pattern should be considered for many different professions it should especially be considered for software development as having a mentor can be very helpful especially when you are trying to find your place in the huge world of software. One of the main ideas attached to this pattern is that you will have the realization that you are not the first person to start out being a software developer with little experience professionally as everyone that is currently in the field had to start at the same spot you are currently at and their knowledge can be beneficial to you in order to shape your own career and practices. The solution provided for this pattern is finding a master craftsmen in order to be supervised by them and have the proposed master shape your understanding of the field and your career, but it is also said that with computer science being a relatively ‘young’ field it is hard to find a true master as their are not many people that have ‘mastered’ all of computer science but that there are many people who may have mastered parts of computer science and you should seek out different people in order to increase your understanding of what each mentor you obtain has mastered in their time in the field.

I feel as though this pattern is very important because computer science is younger than many other fields and mentors can be hard to come by in fields which have many ‘masters’ nevermind fields which have very few like computer science. Explaining that it is ok and completely acceptable for a software developer to have many mentors throughout their professional journey in the different disciplines of computer science helps students such as myself realize that you can continue to explore further and further into the field without having to necessarily pick a specific discipline and settle to work on only that discipline for our entire careers but instead that we should feel encouraged to gain more knowledge as knowledge on other disciplines can help us to gain understanding within whichever discipline we are currently working within.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Dylan Brown Computer Science by dylanbrowncs and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Black Box Testing,is%20carried%20out%20by%20tester.

Black box testing is a genre of testing which does not take a codes functionality into consideration, in other words the internal workings of the code are not known to the test and the tests are formed strictly by external workings. This is very different from white box testing as white box testing operates under the idea that the ‘tester’ has extensive knowledge of how a system was created along with its inner workings. Some of the differences between black and white box testing are black box testing is carried out by ‘tester’ while white box testing is left to software developers, black box testing is considered behavior testing while white box testing is considered logic testing and black box testing is typically used in system testing while white box testing is used in unit testing. There are also ways in which these two types of testing are similar which is mainly their purpose which is to ensure that a system is working correctly and that you have the best version of the software available.

I chose this article because I liked how it not only explained black box testing but it also compares black box testing to white box testing in order to allow a deeper understanding of the relationship between the two types of testing. I am very interested in seeing how different methods of black box testing work as for the most part we have been practicing with white box testing methods in class so far this semester so the concept of testing without extensive knowledge of a system or without access to the systems internal workings and code seems both interesting and challenging to me. 

With there being a large gap in knowledge of a system between the two different types of testing it seems as though black box testing is something that is done by others not necessarily full blown software developers as developers are expected to spend their time on white box testing so It makes me wonder how exactly these tests are written and how specific results may be measured for success compared to the more straightforward nature of white box testing. Since black box testing can be used for just about every type of testing, even some of the sames types of testing white box is used for it would be nice to see and compare how tests are carried out for both types of testing on a similar component of a system in order to differentiate the information used by each type.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Dylan Brown Computer Science by dylanbrowncs and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Logic of Software Testing

Hello everyone,

Although we have been studying software testing for a few weeks, I still want to talk about the “logic” of software testing. Because I think it’s important, to test software comprehensively, we must understand the “logic” of testing. So I want to share a blog with you today:

“What is the Underlying Logic of the Software Testing? ”

by ZenTao 3


As a student new to software testing, I find the topic of test logic particularly interesting. Recognizing its critical role in ensuring software reliability and functionality, I sought out some resources that could help me develop an understanding of the underlying logic behind the testing process. This blog post does a great job of explaining this to me, providing insight into the complex mechanisms that support effective software testing.

In the first chapter of the article, we learned about the basic requirements for software testing:

  • Software testing is to verify whether the functional characteristics of software meet the requirements;
  • Software testing is to find the defects in the software;
  • Software testing includes static testing – requirement, design, and code review
  • Software testing is to systematically and completely evaluate the quality of software products and provide quality information;
  • Software testing is to expose and reveal product quality risks;
  • Software testing is not only a technical activity but also a comprehensive social and psychological activity;
  • Software testing is to greatly reduce the cost of poor quality by investing in quality assurance costs.

These guidelines will play an important role in our future software testing path. All our testing will be conducted based on these guidelines. Also, article mentioned “based on the understanding of the real needs of users, to obtain the true and comprehensive quality information of software products through various means.” If we become professional software testers in the future, during the testing process, we must Always ask yourself if you are being comprehensive.

What impressed me most was the second chapter in the blog: The Underlying Logic of the Software Testing. And its three questions:

  • Why?
  • What?
  • How?

Why: Because humans are not machines, even machines can make mistakes, so human work will inevitably lead to errors and imperfections due to some reasons (personal habits, time, abilities, etc.).

What: Be clear about the goals, scope, and specific data of the test. Prioritize your testing and do not do tests that are not relevant to your goals.

How: Sometimes obtaining existing test data will help us speed up and improve the efficiency of testing.

Overall, this blog is a great foundation for software testing. During our testing process, we need to ask ourselves whether the above problems have been solved.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Ty-Blog by Tianyuan Wang and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Walking The Long Road To Mastery

In our modern world, the journey to mastery is often overlooked in the software development field. Traditional notions of career advancement can cloud our vision as aspiring programmers, leading us away from the path of true craftsmanship. The Long Road pattern is a reflection on our journey of becoming masters in the field and emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning and growth. 

Reflecting on The Long Road pattern, I found myself in agreement with its core message, while also grappling with the implications it holds for my own career path. The pattern’s emphasis on mastery as a lifelong journey stood out to me, serving as a reminder of the importance of patience and persistence in the pursuit of excellence and success. 

The pattern also presents an analogy to martial artists attempting to receive the black belt and connecting it to software development. This highlighted the discipline, patience, and perseverance required to master any craft. Additionally, we should embrace our path, rather than just fixating on the destination. This reminded me that we should appreciate the process of learning and growth, rather than being solely focused on achieving immediate success. 

The Long Road has challenged me to essentially reassess my approach in the field. Instead of chasing after quick promotions or higher paying positions, I now see value in prioritizing long-term growth and development, and measuring progress based on understanding and my quality of work. Therefore, encouraging me to adopt a more patient and deliberate approach to my career, knowing that mastery is a process that’ll unfold over time. 

While I agree with the message expressed in the pattern, I couldn’t help but wrestle its implications with our rapidly changing industry. Today, new languages, methodologies, and frameworks evolve and emerge by the daily. The notion of dedicating a lifetime to master a single craft could seem unreasonable. While I value the importance of patience in honing my skills, I believe there is merit in adaptability and versatility. As developers, we must remain agile and responsive to change, continuously evolving our skill set to meet the demands of the evolving industry. Therefore, while I understand the message, I believe it’s equally important to embrace flexibility in our journey. 

This pattern has left a mark on my perspective as an aspiring craftsman. It has challenged me to embrace this journey of mastery with patience and perseverance, even when faced with uncertainty. As I continue to grow and walk down this path, I am committed to the principles of lifelong learning and growth, knowing that eventually reaching true mastery is a destination worth striving for. 

From the blog CS@Worcester – Conner Moniz Blog by connermoniz1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Code Reviews

Reviewing your code is important, it makes sure that the code is correct and functions the way you want it to. Code review helps cover so many areas of your code. You want to make sure that your code is understandable for anybody else who looks at it and that it’s clear, by reviewing your code you can go back and fix anything that could be making your code more complicated. Code reviewing is important when working with a team, your team should understand what your code is trying to execute without being confused. When it comes to coding so much of your work can change throughout the process which is normal but with so many changes happening it can get confusing. Code reviewing comes with so many different solutions when it comes to writing code it nitpicks what parts are important or not. It’s a helpful tool that helps coders make sure they have clean code and that when working with a team everyone’s comments are heard and changes are made.

Code reviews can be tough if the team isn’t together so questions and comments can’t be answered. Another thing is that the code could be overlapping, and missing a team meeting could affect the code and confuse team members about what they should be writing ending up in similar code. If that happens the next person reviewing the code will find duplicate code and will end up pushing the team’s work behind. Making sure your team communicates will help prevent more code from having to be fixed and reviewed even though you don’t want to add more work on top of what you already have. Code review makes sure your work is good quality and organized. Having sloppy issues and mistakes doesn’t look good for you, your team, and your job. Code review is about making sure your work is organized and clean, you want to make sure you put out good work without having a lot of issues. Especially as a team you want to meet those standards and follow them. Always make sure to review your code because there could be small errors or even confusing comments that will make your code more complicated than it needs to be.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Kaylene Noel's Blog by Kaylene Noel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Code Review

For this week’s blog post, I chose the article “Code Review Best Practices – Lessons from the Trenches” by Drazen Zaric. I chose this article because its topic fits perfectly with the cove review segment in the syllabus. This article discusses why you should do code reviews, how code reviews act as quality assurance, how code reviews function as a team improvement tool, how to prepare a pull request for preview, and, of course, how to review code. In this article, I will be discussing why you should do code reviews and how they work as quality assurance.

Reviewing code is one of the most essential parts of the development process. “It should be obvious that the primary purpose of code review is to assess the quality of the changes being introduced. I mean, the dictionary definition of review says precisely that ‘review (noun) – a formal assessment of something with the intention of instituting change if necessary.’ Of course, code being code, there’s a lot of things that can be checked and tested automatically, so there’s nuance to what needs to be checked in an actual code review.” As mentioned in the article, there are many things that can be tested and should be tested. This leads to a need for many people to review your code, and you will need to review many other people’s code to make sure the best possible software is being developed. Quality assurance must be done well as a significant part of making sure your software is the best it can be.

In this section of the blog post, I will discuss how the article mentions how code review is incredibly useful in quality assurance. “There are many ways in which code reviews help maintain the quality bar for the codebase and the product. In the end, it comes down to catching mistakes at a level that can hardly be automatically tested, such as architectural inconsistencies. Also, the code for automated tests should be reviewed, so there’s a meta-level at which reviews help with QA.” As mentioned, code review’s main boon to quality assurance is finding issues that can’t, or often need to be caught, through traditional testing methods, like automated testing. The article also mentions using checklists for storing what needs to be checked and how and what the results of said checks should be. “You can have your own checklist or make it a shared list for the team or a project. There’s a ton of material written on the usefulness of checklists. In Getting Things Done, David Allen puts forward a simple idea – our minds are great at processing information but terrible at storing and recalling it. That’s why checklists are a great way of externally storing and breaking down a planned or repetitive task.” Having a method of keeping track of what is done, what needs to be done, and what is incomplete is essential in working on any large project, let alone on a software development project.

From the blog CS@Worcester – P. McManus Worcester State CS Blog by patrickmcmanus1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Static Testing VS Dynamic Testing

The blog post highlights the qualities as well as the differences between these two types of testing, static testing and dynamic testing. I chose this blog post because as this course covers software quality assurance and testing as well as the fact that we have spent time in class covering these two types of testing I believe that this blog post is able to highlight and reinforce core concepts that will be able to assist in gaining further knowledge withing this class. In addition, the blog post is able to explain the information regarding static and dynamic testing in a simple and easy to understand format that further compliments the idea of using this blog post as a resource to reinforce these topics.

The blog post as previously discussed covers static testing vs dynamic testing. We learn that static testing involves testing the code without actually running it while dynamic testing involves running the code to test it’s outcomes through various testing circumstances. From those two descriptions we can tell how static testing relies on testing through software documentation as well as the design of the code itself. However, dynamic testing is able to execute the program allowing the testers to test how the code will work in an assortment of testing scenarios. This concept allows testers to see how the code will work once it is released to the public to verify that it works as intended. These two types of testing are very different in their methods of achieving a successful test. Static testings wants to identify problems and improve on them early in development while dynamic testing wants to validate the performance and functionality of the code once it is in a executable state. Since they have different intents your requirements for the project is what determines what testing you will choose.

From what I have learned from the blog post I believe it was very helpful and was able to reinforce core concepts that will help me further in this class. I believe learning more about static and dynamic testing will help me when it comes to working in this class as well as assist in knowing how to test in a professional setting. Knowing the core differences between the two will allow me to know what type of testing will be best for certain circumstances when it comes to projects. In conclusion, this blog post was very helpful and will be utilized in the future.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Giovanni Casiano – Software Development by Giovanni Casiano and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Equivalence Class Testing

A Critical Component of Software Quality Assurance

Equivalence Class Testing stands out as a highly efficient and systematic approach. This blog post delves into the concept of Equivalence Class Testing, its significance in SQA, and how it fits into the broader context of software testing.

Understanding Equivalence Class Testing

Equivalence Class Testing is a black box testing method used to divide the input data of a software application into partitions of equivalent data from which test cases can be derived. An equivalence class represents a set of valid or invalid states for input conditions.

The main advantage of Equivalence Class Testing is its efficiency. Instead of testing every possible input individually, which can be impractical or impossible for systems with a vast range of inputs, testers can cover more ground by focusing on one representative per equivalence class.

Identifying Equivalence Classes

Equivalence classes are typically divided into two types: valid and invalid. Valid equivalence classes correspond to a set of inputs that are expected to be accepted by the software system, leading to a correct output. The process of identifying these classes involves analyzing the software specifications and requirements to understand the input data’s boundaries and constraints.

The Role of Equivalence Class Testing in SQA

Software Quality Assurance encompasses a wide array of activities designed to ensure that the developed software meets and maintains the required standards and procedures throughout its lifecycle. Equivalence Class Testing fits into the SQA framework as a key component of the testing phase, contributing to the overall goal of identifying and mitigating defects.

By integrating Equivalence Class Testing into the SQA process, organizations can achieve several objectives:

  1. Enhanced Test Coverage: Equivalence Class Testing allows teams to systematically cover a wide range of input scenarios, thereby increasing the likelihood of uncovering hidden bugs.
  2. Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: By reducing the number of test cases without sacrificing the breadth of input conditions tested, teams can optimize their resources and save significant time and costs.
  3. Improved Software Quality: By ensuring that different categories of input are adequately tested, teams can enhance the robustness and reliability of the software product.

Implementing Equivalence Class Testing

To effectively implement Equivalence Class Testing, teams should follow a structured approach:

  1. Review Requirements and Specifications: Begin by thoroughly analyzing the software requirements and design documents to identify all possible input conditions.
  2. Identify and Define Equivalence Classes: Classify these input conditions into valid and invalid equivalence classes.
  3. Design and Execute Test Cases: Develop test cases based on representative values from each equivalence class and execute them to verify the behavior of the application.
  4. Evaluate and Document Results: Record the outcomes of the test cases and analyze them to identify any deviations from the expected results.


I was based to this blog:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Coding by asejdi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

“Concrete Skills”: Building a Tangible Foundation for Growth

Summary of the Pattern: The “Concrete Skills” pattern emphasizes the importance of acquiring skills that can be directly applied in a professional setting, particularly for individuals in the early stages of their career in technology. It advocates for the development of a portfolio of practical, demonstrable skills that make one a valuable team member from day one. These skills not only facilitate smoother transitions into new roles or projects but also enhance an individual’s employability and credibility within their field.

My Reaction: The straightforwardness of the “Concrete Skills” pattern immediately resonated with me. It serves as a pragmatic reminder that, amidst the allure of high-level theories and complex conceptual frameworks, the ability to contribute tangibly and effectively to a project is invaluable. This pattern has reinforced my belief in the necessity of balancing theoretical knowledge with practical skills that can be immediately applied to solve real-world problems.

Insights and Changes in Perspective: Delving into this pattern prompted me to reassess my skill set and identify areas where my capabilities could be seen as both concrete and valuable in a team setting. It has shifted my focus towards a more balanced approach to learning, where equal weight is given to both the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of practical, hands-on skills. This realization has not only influenced the way I plan my learning goals but has also altered how I present myself professionally, emphasizing skills that can have an immediate impact.

Disagreements and Critiques: One potential critique of the “Concrete Skills” pattern might be its perceived emphasis on the immediate applicability of skills, which could inadvertently sideline the long-term benefits of foundational, theoretical knowledge. However, I believe the pattern does not dismiss the value of theory but rather highlights the importance of having a well-rounded skill set. It’s about striking the right balance between being able to contribute now and laying the groundwork for future innovations.

Conclusion: The “Concrete Skills” pattern has profoundly influenced my approach to professional development, highlighting the importance of building a repertoire of skills that are as tangible as they are valuable. It serves as a guide for navigating the complex landscape of technology careers, where the ability to demonstrate concrete skills can set one apart in a competitive field. As I continue to advance in my career, I am motivated to cultivate a diverse set of skills that not only underscore my theoretical knowledge but also showcase my capacity to contribute meaningfully to any team or project.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Evolution of Kanban: A dive into another methodology

having taken a look at Kanban (which was part of our homework task), a powerful framework for software development teams, has become a cornerstone for teams aiming to enhance efficiency and transparency in their workflow. Originating over 50 years ago from Toyota’s manufacturing processes, the methodology has seamlessly transitioned into the realm of software development. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the key principles of Kanban, its historical roots, and its application in modern agile practices.

from what information i was able to gather, Kanban is grounded in the just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing process that Toyota pioneered in the late 1940s. it draws inspiration from supermarkets stocking products based on consumer demand, to which Toyota aimed to align their factory inventory levels with actual material consumption. The implementation involved passing a visual signal, known as a “kanban,” between teams to communicate real-time capacity on the factory floor and with suppliers.

Fast forward to today, and agile software development teams have embraced these JIT principles to optimize work in progress (WIP) and match it with the team’s capacity. The heart of Kanban lies in visualizing work, limiting WIP, and ensuring real-time communication of capacity.

Central to the Kanban methodology is the Kanban board, a visual project management tool available in physical or digital form. This tool aids in visualizing work, limiting work-in-progress, and maximizing efficiency or flow. Whether physical or virtual, the Kanban board serves as the single source of truth for the team’s work, ensuring transparency and real-time communication of capacity.

Kanban offers a plethora of advantages for software developing teams, making it one of the most popular software development methodologies today. The flexibility in planning, shortened time cycles, fewer bottlenecks, and the use of visual metrics contribute to its widespread adoption. The ability to adjust priorities without disrupting the team, optimize cycle time, and limit WIP ensures that Kanban is not only effective but also adaptable to different team structures and objectives.

in terms of what stuck with me the most after reading the article, i’d say the historical connection to Toyota’s manufacturing processes highlighted the enduring nature of concepts like just-in-time manufacturing and efficient inventory management. Understanding how these principles seamlessly translated into the realm of software development underscored the universal applicability of Kanban aswell as the emphasis on visualization through Kanban boards and the use of cards for each work item struck me as a simple yet powerful way to enhance collaboration and transparency within a team. The flexibility in planning, especially the ability to reprioritize work without disrupting the ongoing tasks, stood out as a valuable feature. This aligns well with the dynamic nature of software development, where changes in priorities are not uncommon.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CSTips by Jamaal Gedeon and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.