The topic I wanted to cover this week is GRASP. GRASP stands for General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns. I read a blog post by Kamil Grzybek called “GRASP – General Responsibility Assignment Software Patterns Explained”. He does mention his post is inspired and based on Craig Larman’s book “Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development”.
Grzybek explains GRASP is a lesser-known set of rules that can be used in object-oriented programming and there are 9 patterns to follow within GRASP. The nine patterns are the following.
1. Information Expert
2. Creator
3. Controller
4. Low Coupling
5. High Cohesion
6. Indirection
7. Polymorphism
8. Pure Fabrication
9. Protected Variations
Grzybek goes through each pattern, explaining them, and gives some code from Larman’s book to help give the reader a better understanding of the uses of the principles. The information expert is to assign the responsibility to the class that has the information needed to fulfill it. The creator pattern decides which class should create an object. A class needs to have at least one of the following responsibilities to be a creator, contain or compositely aggregates of the object, records the object, closely uses the object, or initializes data for the object. The controller pattern is to assign the responsibility of controlling a system operation to an object that represents the overall system or use case scenario. Low coupling is a pattern where responsibilities are assigned with the idea of reducing the impact of change by lowering coupling. The high cohesion pattern is used to keep objects focused and easy to use and understand by making sure all responsibilities of an element are related. Indirection is used to avoid coupling by making an intermediate object between two components. Polymorphism is how alternative types of classes are handled by using polymorphi operations. Pure fabrication is making a new class when it is hard to figure out where responsibility should be placed. The last pattern-protected variations is to create stable interfaces around points of variation or instability.
I chose this topic because I thought learning more patterns that could improve my code would be beneficial to me. SOLID and GRASP are the first two sets of rules I have learned about but there are plenty more that Grzybek mentions at the end of his post so perhaps one day I will learn about those too. I did find GRASP to be a bit more confusing than SOLID to understand but I am glad I had a chance to read about it. The main conclusion I took away from this post is the management of responsibilities in software is crucial to creating a high-quality architecture and code that can easily be changed. Grzybek ends his post with the words “the only thing that is certain is change. So be prepared”, which really emphasizes his point that software must be flexible. I will have to keep this in mind when developing code in the future.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Ryan Klenk's Blog by Ryan Klenk and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.