Category Archives: Week 8

From C to Shining Sea

The Snake

As of recently, I’ve been spending most of my personal coding time in Python. I enjoy a lot of languages and Python certainly isn’t for everything, but when you can use Python, boy is it a joy. As someone who strictly indents in any language, I love the indentation style of denoting blocks. Curly braces have their use, but the vast majority of the time, they’re purely redundant. The same goes for semicolons. I completely agree with the movement of programming languages towards spoken language. The main downfall of Python, comes from how high-level of a language it is.

Being a high-level language allows for it to be as convenient to write in as it is, however you are completely unable to use low level features. It also means Python’s performance is often much lower than that of C++ or other languages. Of course, everyone says that each language has its own use and Python isn’t meant for performance-intensive programs. But why not? Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a single modular language that had Python-like simple syntax with the features of JS, Python, C++, etc.

The Sea

Before I take on the task of creating such a language, I want to start smaller. Introducing Sea- It’s C, just written differently. I am currently working on a language called Sea which is effectively C, but with Python-like syntax. I say Python-like because much of the syntax of Python relies on internal data types. My goal is to keep Sea true to C. That is, no increase performance penalty; all of the penalty should be paid at compile time. That’s phase one. Start off with a more concise face for C. Then, I want to create libraries for Sea that take it one step further – introducing data types and functions innate to Python like range, enumerate, tuples, etc. Lastly, I want to use the knowledge I’ve gained to create the language to end all languages as described above.

I’m starting off with a Sea-to-C Transpiler, which is available on Github. In its present state, I am able to transpile a few block declarations and statements. I’m currently working on a data structure for representing and parsing statements. Once that’s made, I can add them one by one. The final result should look something like this:

include <stdio.h>
include "my_header.hea"

define ten as 10
define twelve as 12

void func():

int main():
    if ten is defined and twelve is defined as 12:
        undefine twelve
        // Why not

    c block:
        // Idk how to do this in Sea so I'll just use C

        char *language = "Python"

        print(f"This is an f-string like in {language}")

        for letter in language:

        break if size(language) == 1
    while true and ten == 11

    return 0

Once the transpiler is done, I want to create an actual compiler. I’ll also want to make a C-to-Sea transpiler eventually as well. I’ll also want to create syntax highlighting for VS Code, a linter, etc. It has come a surprisingly long way in such a short while, and I’ve learned so much Python because of it. I’m also learning a good amount about C. I’m hoping once I create this, there will never be any reason to use C over Sea. There are reasons why certain languages aren’t used in certain scenarios. However, I see no reason why certain syntaxes are limited in the same way. Making indentation a part of the language forces developers to write more readable code while removing characters to type. Languages should be made more simple, without compromising on functionality. That is my goal.

From the blog CS@Worcester – The Introspective Thinker by David MacDonald and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Your First Language: How it Affects Everything Else

The Your First Language pattern, discussed in chapter 2 of Apprenticeship Patterns, concerns the idea of someone picking their first programming language, how they should choose it, what they should do with it once they become proficient, and how it might affect future efforts to learn other languages. I thought that this aspect in particular was very relevant to my own experiences. I first started learning to program in Java, and as a result I find that I tend to look at things in relation to how they might work in Java rather than from the perspective of whatever language I might be working in.

Regarding the text, Apprenticeship Patterns discusses the idea in terms of how it might play into someone’s career over time. If you learn one language first, and put a majority of your development time into that language, then it makes sense that this would impact your views and understanding of other languages. Various techniques are offered in terms of actually learning the language, including building of toy programs (similar to those discussed in the breakable toys pattern), learning through testing frameworks (implementing test cases and using them to understand how the language works), or finding mentors who are already experienced in the language to provide guidance and advice.

In terms of how this is relevant to myself, I certainly feel that starting with an object oriented language has made me more predisposed to prefer this style of programming over others. This can at times make me feel out-of-depth when working with other styles of programming language (functional, scripting, procedural) as object oriented programming is the most familiar to me. The authors of Apprenticeship Patterns recommend trying to learn as many different style of programming language as possible to avoid getting “stuck” in one language.

Going outside of the “comfort zone” so to speak, is a good way to broaden your range of experience relative to any topic in a general sense. In terms of using this approach myself, I would likely first start by taking a smaller step away from more familiar Java-similar languages (python, ruby etc) before moving on to something completely dissimilar to Java (F#, Lua, R etc). This would help broaden my area of knowledge and allow for a greater range of potential solutions when developing software.

Text referenced:

From the blog CS@Worcester – CodeRoad by toomeymatt1515 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Blog Post #6

With the semester nearing its end, I do not have many more apprenticeship patterns to review on here. Because of this, I am trying to choose patterns that have the most relatability to me. For that reason, I chose to review the pattern in the book entitled Sustainable Motivations. It is all about developing your technical skills in order to maintain your ability to work well given different project goals and situations. The problem that I am trying to solve by learning this skill/pattern is the fact that this line of job is often rigorous, difficult, and stressful. I need to learn to love what I do and be good at what I do when I am not loving it. The book explains how there are many days, weeks, and months where my job will be extremely fun and enjoyable, but that there are also many times when it will be quite the opposite. The important thing is for me to keep moving and working through the not-so-good times and continue to stay motivated as much as I can throughout the process. The book has some great tips and examples of how to stay motivated during the harder times. First, I should be working hard to move up in the ladder of my jobs rather than just fulfilling my personal duties. This is especially apparent when I am not enjoying what I am working on and mainly working for the money aspect. The second example is when I could possibly want to quit and I decide to pull through and finish what I am working on. It proves valuable and exciting to finish things whether you liked the process or not. Lastly, the book shows that pulling through the tough and hard times will help your reputation as a worker and a programmer immensely and that in doing so, more opportunities with open up. This whole pattern resonates with me so much because of how ominous real life jobs feel to me at the moment. I know that if I follow those three examples/tips, I will not regret it! Bad times will happen, and pulling through will only help me grow.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Tim Drevitch CS Blog by timdrevitch and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Retreat into Competence

            The learning pattern “Retreat into Competence” from the Apprenticeship Patterns book is something that gave me great comfort to read. The idea is that, when overwhelmed by your ignorance in the face of a complex problem or task, it can be beneficial to temporarily fall back onto what you know. This can boost your confidence, refresh your mind, and/or reveal relevant applications of the knowledge you do have. All of these things can make tackling your ignorance easier, or at least a little more manageable.

            As the book points out time and time again, it is very beneficial to accept what you don’t know and face it head on, but sometimes this can leave you stranded. There are many times that learning new concepts can feel like reading a different language or can make my eyes glaze over for 10 minutes before I realize that I haven’t been paying attention and need to start again. In times like these, I believe this learning pattern is very beneficial.

            For example, in the current course, I needed to learn Vue.js for the project. It’s a pretty straightforward task, but doing it was not very easy. I still wouldn’t call myself comfortable with Vue.js, but I definitely made some substantial progress in the face of feeling totally overwhelmed. When there were times that I didn’t know how to approach the sub-problems of learning that I faced, I found it supremely useful to take time off and look at other parts of the project which I felt more comfortable with. I retreated to things like looking over the backend API endpoints and practicing them a little bit before returning to Vue.js. These breaks allowed my mind to refresh as I could read over materials again with a better understanding and then practice the problems I was facing.

            I think the main difference in what I was doing was that I did not set blocks of time for my retreats into competence. When I returned to my real work, I sure felt more confident and had less of a sense of imposter syndrome, but sometimes these breaks were too long and help me back from real progress. I think measuring some finite time will help greatly in picking myself back up without being a hinderance to progress. There are plenty of times I know I will become lost in the capstone, as well as down the road in every project I work on, so I predict this learning pattern will be a very helpful tool.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe&#039;s CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Why use Docker?

 This week on my CS Journey, I want to talk about Docker. I know we went over several different activities in class; however, I was still a little confused, so I decided to look more into detail from outside sources to understand the concept and terms well. Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. A container is not so much different than a Virtual Machine But, instead of creating a full operating system, a Docker Container has just the minimum set of operating system software needed for the application to run and rely on the host Linux Kernel itself.

The first blog talked about the importance of docker and how to step a docker file in the root directory. There was a 12-minute video from YouTube that explained the concept very well. I learned a lot from that YouTube video. The blog also talked about creating a docker-compose file which is a tool that allows you to deploy and manage multiple containers at the same time. I learned the concepts that go inside a file including, From where to take a Docker file to build a particular image, Which ports you want to expose, How to link containers, Which ports you want to bind to the host machine, and other key commands. This blog was very helpful to do assignment 4 building the Nginx and the MongoDB servers.  

The next blog talked about the benefit of docker, one of the major benefits of containers is portability. Containers can run on top of virtual machines, or in the cloud. This has made it easier to use cases of containers to be around software development. People now can write applications, place it in a container, and then the application can be moved across various environments, as it is encapsulated inside the container which I think is helpful in the environment. It was quite interesting to learn that Docker offers privately hosted repositories of containers, which are about $1 per container. Many tech companies are looking to get into the action of using docker at their place especially the cloud hosting companies.

It was interesting to learn about the concepts of Docker, how to use the commands properly and how major companies are using docker at their workplace, Overall, the blogs and the video helped me to understand the tools behind docker especially running your image from localhost to port and other interesting concepts. I highly recommend everyone check out the video it is well explained.




From the blog Derin&#039;s CS Journey by and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Docker Review


Today I want to explain some information from what I learned in the class and some sources outside.
What is Docker?
Docker is a package of Linux containers, providing a simple and easy to use container interface. It is by far the most popular Linux container solution. It is a kind of visual machine but it also has differences from the visual machine.
Docker packages the application and its dependencies in a single file. Running this file generates a virtual container. The program runs in this virtual container as if it were running on a real physical machine. With Docker, you don’t have to worry about the environment.
Generally speaking, Docker’s interface is quite simple. Users can easily create and use containers and put their own applications into the containers. Containers can also be versioned, copied, Shared, and modified just like normal code.
The main USES of Docker currently fall into three categories. First, provide a disposable environment. Examples include testing other people’s software locally and providing a unit test and build an environment for continuous integration. Second, provide flexible cloud services. Because Docker containers can be opened and closed on demand, they are ideal for dynamic dilatation and shrinkage. Third, establish micro-service architecture. With multiple containers, a machine can run multiple services, so the microservice architecture can be simulated on its own.
Docker mainly contains three basic concepts, namely image, container, and warehouse. Once you understand these three concepts, you can understand the entire life cycle of Docker. The following is a brief summary of these three points that we have a short view of the class.
Docker image is a special file system that not only provides the programs, libraries, resources, configuration files required by the container runtime but also contains some configuration parameters for the runtime. 
The essence of containers is processed, but unlike processes that execute directly on the host, container processes that run in their own separate namespace containers can be. Create, start, stop, delete, pause, and so on, the relationship between an image and a container is analogous to classes and instances in object-oriented programming.
Once the image is built, it is easy to run on the current host, but if you need to use the image on other servers, you need a centralized service to store and distribute the image, and Docker Registry is one such service. A Docker Registry can contain multiple repositories; Each warehouse can contain multiple tags; Each label corresponds to an image, where the label can be understood as the version number of the image.
On the whole, Docker is a concept that is more and more interesting, which is worth our in-depth understanding. 

From the blog haorusong by and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Adding Comments to Code

This post is about Chapter 4. Comments from the book, Clean Code by Robert Martin. This chapter along with the rest of this book has a strong relationship with the course because it is all about how to write clean organized code. This chapter is on writing effective comments. Rather than long drawn out chapters of plain text, the chapter is split up into many subheadings with even more sub-subheadings. I find this format very useful because it splits up and organizes the information so that it is easier to read and understand. Many of the subtopics have many examples to go with them. This makes it even easier to understand what they are trying to say. The chapter is split up into into two main sections/subheadings, “Good Comments” and “Bad Comments”. Each have many subheadings to them such as “Legal Comments”, “Explanation of Intent” , and “Informative Comments” under the “Good Comments” subheading. “Redundant Comments”, “Misleading Comments”, and “Mandated Comments” under the “Bad Comments” subheading. I selected this article because we have not gone over proper comment writing in my classes (or at least I have not), and I think it would be an important thing to learn for future jobs and class projects. I have found the information in the article to be very direct and informative. As said earlier, it is split up into various subheadings with subtopics so if you are debating whether to add a certain comment into your code, you can go right to topic of the exact type of comment you are looking to add. I have learned about “noise comments” which is basically putting comments that are not needed such as /** Default Constructor*/ over a constructor. I would do this because I would typically like to explain everything in the code but things such as constructors explain themselves. Another is “mandated comments” where you give a javadoc at every single function. I would always do this but it only creates clutter. An example of a “good comment” that I have learned about is “warning comments” where you can warn other programmers of certain consequences for example leaving, “// don’t run unless you have time to kill” above a test with a really big file. Another example of a “good comment” is “amplification” where a comment can be used to amplify the importance of something that may not seem that way. I will be able to apply this knowledge in the future with projects and work to provide clean uncluttered code and powerful, efficient comments.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Austins CS Site by Austin Engel and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


In Past class session we are learning a lot about docker. Not just docker but also how it work with Java & JavaScript. Today I am going to introduce JavaScript and how it work in docker. So let’s start what’s different between Java and Java script. So Java applications are run in a virtual machine or web browser while JavaScript is run on a web browser. Java code is compiled whereas while JavaScript code is in text and in a web page. JavaScript is an OOP scripting language, whereas Java is an OOP programming language.

Do not confuse JavaScript with the java programming language . Both “Java” and “JavaScript” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle in the U.S. and others countries. However, the two programming languages have a very different syntax, semantic, and use.

JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight, interpreted, or just-in-time compiled programming language with first-class function While it is most well-known as the scripting language for Web pages, many non-browser environments also use it, such as Node.jsApache and Adobe. JavaScript is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm, single-threaded, dynamic language, supporting object-oriented, imperative, and declarative (e.g. functional programming) styles. The Docker  platform allows developers to package and run applications as containers. A container is an isolated process that runs on a shared operating system, offering a lighter weight alternative to virtual machines. Though containers are not new, they offer benefits — including process isolation and environment standardization — that are growing in importance as more developers use distributed application architectures.

  • JavaScript is used in Web Application Development. Some of the examples are -NetFlix, Facebook, Uber, LinkedIn etc.
  • JavaScript is used in Mobile Application Development. Some of the examples are- Spotify, Instagram, Facebook, Skype, Uber etc.
  • JavaScript is used in Game Development. Let’s see some games where JavaScript is used- Angry birds, Candy Crush ,Systems Offline, Re-wire, Offline Paradise etc.

Runnig JS code in browser: A good way to learn JavaScript is to run it in browser’s JavaScript console. Just open your favorite browser and press F12 key or Ctrl + Shift + I on your keyboard.You will see something like this on the screen now click on the console tab which I marked. And thats your plaground, yes you heard me correct you can write javascript code here. Lets write our legendary program here and see.You will see something like this on the screen now click on the console tab which I marked. And thats your plaground, yes you heard me correct you can write javascript code here. Lets write our legendary program here and see.

here is link to instruction on How To Build a Application with Docker.

From the blog CS@Worcester – &lt;/electrons&gt; by 3electrones and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Following the Docker activities in class, I found docker-compose quite confusing. I decided to use that as an opportunity to look for some other resources that explains the concept briefly but detailed so I can understand the term well. I finally settled on this blog that gives a tutorial on docker-compose. I like the fact that all concepts have been covered and explained simply. I also see some terms that in found confusing during class activities defined and explained. I like how it starts by giving a walkthrough of docker in general and then introduces docker-compose so the connection is clear and as a reader, you would not get lost.

This blog talks about the fundamentals of docker. It explains docker-compose as a docker tool used to define and run multi container applications. It talks about the features of docker-compose, structure of a docker-compose file and explains some of necessary keywords found in the structure. It gives images of structure of docker-compose file and images on docker-compose and docker to differentiate them. Blog also explains some docker-compose commands.

I learned in this blog that you can start using docker-compose with docker files by defining your apps environment using a docker file, defining the services for your app so that they can run in an isolated environment and start the app by running docker-compose. Docker-compose can be added to a pre-existing project and to your workspace if you add a docker file.

Docker-compose files can work by applying multiple commands that are declared within a single .yml configuration file. The compose file consists of keywords that make up the structure such as services, ports, volumes, build, etc. In class, these keywords were not clear to me. However, in this blog I learned that version denotes the version of the Docker-compose which is usually the latest version. All containers created are defined in services and docker composes will create containers based on the name we provide under this section. Build specifies the location of the docker file and ports map the container’s port to the host machine. The image keyword allows to run a service using a pre-build image by specifying the image location. Understanding of these concepts really helped me in the recent homework assignment.

I also learned that the purpose of the build in docker-compose build is to get images ready to create containers but this will be skipped if a service is using a pre-built images. I always thought that docker compose up builds images and run containers but little did I know that it also forks containers directly if images are already built.

I hope others find this blog helpful especially those that are new or beginners to the term, as it will give an insight of the term and that will help guide you through working with docker.

From the blog CS@Worcester – GreenApple by afua3254 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Factory Design Pattern

In keeping with my recent learning with java design patterns, I have been learning about the Factory Design Pattern. It is defined as a creational pattern by the Gang of Four and is very widely used because of the plethora of applications that it has. This seemed to be one of the best design patterns to learn as I saw a great many recommendations to do so in my research on design patterns. In the Factory Method Pattern article from Java T Point, the design pattern is made by, “[defining] an interface or abstract class for creating an object but [letting] the subclasses decide which class to instantiate.” In other words, if the client requires multiple similar behaviors, the Factory Design Pattern is used to choose the required subclass instance to complete the required behavior. The article outlines the key advantages to this design pattern, including the promotion of “loose-coupling” because of the lack of application specific classes into the code. It then gives a couple of examples for usage including a class not knowing what subclasses will be required. There is then a simple UML diagram which shows a small example of how an electricity bill may be calculated using the Factory Design Pattern. This example is then expanded upon. First, an abstract Plan class is created. It contains an abstract getRate method and a concrete calculateBill method. The subclasses show the real usefulness of the design pattern. There are 3 subclasses: DomesticPlan (with a rate of 3.50), CommercialPlan (with a rate of 7.50), and InstitutionalPlan (with a rate of 5.50). Each class implements the getRate method, which sets the Plan class’s rate variable to their respective rates. From here, a GetPlanFactory class is created which uses the Plan class and its subclasses to return a Plan object. The one method here is getPlan, which takes a string variable and has a set of if statements, each of which returns a different Plan subclass object depending on the string. Finally, the GenerateBill class is the one which the client interacts with. It asks the client the name of the plan needed, which the PlanFactory class uses to return an object of the one of the Plan subclasses. Then, units of electricity are taken from the client. The Plan subclass object then calls getRate to get the rate associated with the plan, and then calculateBill to tell the client the total charge for electricity usage. Although the explanation seems complicated, it is quite simple and clean in implementation, and extremely useful when one does not know which of a given set of behaviors will be required. I expect I can use this design pattern quite frequently in my personal, school-related, and professional coding. 

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe&#039;s CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.