This week in CS-343, I was introduced to TypeScript, a
scripting language that uses typed variables to prevent coding errors caused by
mismatching data types. My introduction to TypeScript was my first time working
with a scripting language, and I am really looking forward to learning more
about it and using it to write new kinds of programs. However, the tutorial I
did in class was rather simple, as it only showed how to set up a basic project
in TypeScript. To learn more about this new language, I decided to research
TypeScript’s other features. I eventually came across a useful blog post by
Nwose Lotanna titled “New Features in TypeScript You Didn’t Know Exist.”
Link to the blog:
As the title suggests, this blog post discusses several
features of TypeScript that were introduced between versions 3.0 and 3.4. Each
feature has a short description that explains why it is useful, and many are
also demonstrated using example code. The post seems to be targeted at developers
who are experienced with TypeScript, which made it difficult for me to
understand every feature it discusses. However, there are a few features listed
in the blog that I could definitely see myself and other newcomers to TypeScript
making use of even in simple programs. I chose to discuss this blog to help spread
information on these useful but often overlooked features.
The first feature discussed in this blog is project
references. As of TypeScript 3.0, it is possible for one TypeScript project to
reference another by referencing its tsconfig.json files. This feature is
heavily reminiscent of the import feature in Java or the #include
feature in C, which have proved invaluable in my experience. Having the ability
to reference code in other files helps keep projects simple and organized, which
will undoubtedly be just as important in TypeScript as it is in other
Another feature discussed in the blog that caught my
attention is TypeScript’s BigInt object. BigInt was introduced in
TypeScript 3.2 and allows programs to use numbers greater than 253.
While I can’t recall a time where numbers that large were necessary, it is nice
to know that the option exists in TypeScript. There are certainly potential
uses for such large numbers, such as the Fibonacci function that Lotanna uses
to demonstrate the feature. Should I ever need to write a program that uses
numbers of this magnitude, I would certainly take advantage of TypeScript’s BigInt
A third TypeScript feature that I expect to be useful is the
const assertion. Since TypeScript 3.4, it has been possible to declare
arrays and objects as read-only constants using the syntax demonstrated by the
example code in the blog post. Though the syntax is different, this feature
seems to function just like C’s const and Java’s final keywords.
Having used these features frequently, I expect TypeScript’s const
feature to be useful in many programs to ensure that the values of certain variables
cannot be changed.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science with Kyle Q by kylequad and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.