Category Archives: Week 8

Golden Rules for APIs

This week I have decided to view a source regarding APIs since that has been our focus in class recently. I had come across an article written by Jordan Ambra, an experienced software engineer from Pennsylvania, describing a few “rules” to keep in mind to create the best API possible and better maintain its health in the long run.

Jordan starts with his first point being proper documentation, he states “ask [a developer] to follow a tutorial or build something really basic in about 15 minutes. If they can’t have a basic integration with your API in 15 minutes, you have more work to do.” It’s important to have proper documentation because without such, having an expansive and robust API is great but what isn’t great is if the implementation of said API is very limited caused by developer confusion due to the lack of documentation.

The next point Jordan describes is the importance of API stability and consistency. This is key in having APIs last in the long run. Jordan uses Facebook as an example to show that while an API’s health won’t make or break a company, most people don’t have the capital or userbase Facebook does so recreating an API is going to be more costly for one person. Keeping track of version numbers by incorporating a change log is a great way to document changes so users know how and why to upgrade.

Another practice is to maintain API flexibility, if an API is or over time becomes too rigid it can cause integration to be difficult. Not all platforms are consistent, Jordan states, “It’s good to have at least some degree of flexibility or tolerance with regard to your input and output constraints.” So by keeping the API flexible, it’ll allow for the widest implementation without a large margin of error.

A very important aspect of APIs to prioritize is security. With malicious actors always looking for new weaknesses and ways to hijack or manipulate things for their gain, it is more important than ever to implement security safeguards to act as a preventive measure to prevent people with the wrong intentions from harming others.

Finally, the last thing Jordan brings up is the importance of an API’s ease of adoption. If things are overly complex or not universal enough it can turn people away from wanting to interact with your API. If you’re not able to efficiently use your API then how is anyone else going to be able to?

After reading this article, I hope to now be better equipped to create healthier and longer-lasting API(s) among a majority of APIs that are not easy to use which can be due to one, a combination, or all of the factors above. Focusing and prioritizing the rules set by Jordan will help in the future to improve my work.

Article Link:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Eli's Corner of the Internet by Eli and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Navigating Software Pitfalls: Understanding Anti-Patterns

In the intricate world of software development, as developers strive to create elegant and efficient solutions, they encounter not only best practices but also pitfalls to avoid. These pitfalls, often referred to as anti-patterns, are common design and coding practices that may initially seem like solutions but ultimately lead to more problems than they solve. Understanding and recognizing these anti-patterns is a crucial part of becoming a seasoned software developer.

At its core, an anti-pattern is a recurring design or coding practice that appears to be helpful but is counterproductive in the long run. It’s like a mirage in the desert – promising relief but ultimately leaving you more parched. Anti-patterns often arise from misapplications of well-intentioned ideas or a lack of experience in software development.

One common anti-pattern is known as “Spaghetti Code,” where the codebase becomes entangled and challenging to maintain. While quick fixes and shortcuts may seem like a solution, they often lead to a tangled mess that hampers productivity.

Another notorious anti-pattern is “Cargo Cult Programming,” where developers mimic code without understanding its purpose. This blind imitation can lead to code that lacks context and may introduce errors.

By studying anti-patterns, developers can proactively identify and avoid these pitfalls. It’s akin to recognizing warning signs on the road and taking detours to smoother coding practices. In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, understanding what not to do is as important as knowing what to do. Recognizing anti-patterns empowers developers to make informed decisions and craft robust and maintainable software solutions.


From the blog CS-343 – Hieu Tran Blog by Trung Hiếu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Draw Your Own Map

Hello and thanks for stopping by to read another round of Comfy Blog. This week, I read up on the apprenticeship pattern “Draw Your Own Map.” I was interested in this pattern immediately once I read the title since I myself am not sure how to walk the long road down the computer science path. For a short summary, this pattern emphasizes the importance of creating your own career path as a software developer and having an understanding that others are not supposed to hold your hand down the path. 

In this pattern, the first step is the most important step, since it is the one that creates all the momentum to your career goals. But what exactly is the first step? Is taking computer science courses in university the first step? Or does the first step skip university classes and is just apply for jobs you are interested in? For me, the first step was realizing my passion for computer science. That passion led me to taking classes in university, and led me to today, my capstone class here at Worcester State University.

Another element that this apprenticeship pattern emphasizes is to set small goals for yourself, rather than set high-level goals and expectations. I think many people’s goals would be to be an employee of a large computer science based company, such as Google, Facebook, or Microsoft. But working there as an apprentice is highly unlikely since you would lack the experience you need. Instead, set small goals and use those small goals as a plan and road map for your career. A small goal would be for example to work at a startup company and develop skills there. Then, maybe move onto a new company down the road that is slightly bigger since you have more skills. There is not a set path that every apprentice should take. Everyone’s path will be different. It is important to note, however, that your small goals roadmap may change as new opportunities open up. My roadmap that I will eventually make may need to constantly change and I may need to go into unfamiliar territory in order to progress.

From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Draw Your Own Map

Hello and thanks for stopping by to read another round of Comfy Blog. This week, I read up on the apprenticeship pattern “Draw Your Own Map.” I was interested in this pattern immediately once I read the title since I myself am not sure how to walk the long road down the computer science path. For a short summary, this pattern emphasizes the importance of creating your own career path as a software developer and having an understanding that others are not supposed to hold your hand down the path. 

In this pattern, the first step is the most important step, since it is the one that creates all the momentum to your career goals. But what exactly is the first step? Is taking computer science courses in university the first step? Or does the first step skip university classes and is just apply for jobs you are interested in? For me, the first step was realizing my passion for computer science. That passion led me to taking classes in university, and led me to today, my capstone class here at Worcester State University.

Another element that this apprenticeship pattern emphasizes is to set small goals for yourself, rather than set high-level goals and expectations. I think many people’s goals would be to be an employee of a large computer science based company, such as Google, Facebook, or Microsoft. But working there as an apprentice is highly unlikely since you would lack the experience you need. Instead, set small goals and use those small goals as a plan and road map for your career. A small goal would be for example to work at a startup company and develop skills there. Then, maybe move onto a new company down the road that is slightly bigger since you have more skills. There is not a set path that every apprentice should take. Everyone’s path will be different. It is important to note, however, that your small goals roadmap may change as new opportunities open up. My roadmap that I will eventually make may need to constantly change and I may need to go into unfamiliar territory in order to progress.

From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Draw Your Own Map

Hello and thanks for stopping by to read another round of Comfy Blog. This week, I read up on the apprenticeship pattern “Draw Your Own Map.” I was interested in this pattern immediately once I read the title since I myself am not sure how to walk the long road down the computer science path. For a short summary, this pattern emphasizes the importance of creating your own career path as a software developer and having an understanding that others are not supposed to hold your hand down the path. 

In this pattern, the first step is the most important step, since it is the one that creates all the momentum to your career goals. But what exactly is the first step? Is taking computer science courses in university the first step? Or does the first step skip university classes and is just apply for jobs you are interested in? For me, the first step was realizing my passion for computer science. That passion led me to taking classes in university, and led me to today, my capstone class here at Worcester State University.

Another element that this apprenticeship pattern emphasizes is to set small goals for yourself, rather than set high-level goals and expectations. I think many people’s goals would be to be an employee of a large computer science based company, such as Google, Facebook, or Microsoft. But working there as an apprentice is highly unlikely since you would lack the experience you need. Instead, set small goals and use those small goals as a plan and road map for your career. A small goal would be for example to work at a startup company and develop skills there. Then, maybe move onto a new company down the road that is slightly bigger since you have more skills. There is not a set path that every apprentice should take. Everyone’s path will be different. It is important to note, however, that your small goals roadmap may change as new opportunities open up. My roadmap that I will eventually make may need to constantly change and I may need to go into unfamiliar territory in order to progress.

From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Draw Your Own Map

Hello and thanks for stopping by to read another round of Comfy Blog. This week, I read up on the apprenticeship pattern “Draw Your Own Map.” I was interested in this pattern immediately once I read the title since I myself am not sure how to walk the long road down the computer science path. For a short summary, this pattern emphasizes the importance of creating your own career path as a software developer and having an understanding that others are not supposed to hold your hand down the path. 

In this pattern, the first step is the most important step, since it is the one that creates all the momentum to your career goals. But what exactly is the first step? Is taking computer science courses in university the first step? Or does the first step skip university classes and is just apply for jobs you are interested in? For me, the first step was realizing my passion for computer science. That passion led me to taking classes in university, and led me to today, my capstone class here at Worcester State University.

Another element that this apprenticeship pattern emphasizes is to set small goals for yourself, rather than set high-level goals and expectations. I think many people’s goals would be to be an employee of a large computer science based company, such as Google, Facebook, or Microsoft. But working there as an apprentice is highly unlikely since you would lack the experience you need. Instead, set small goals and use those small goals as a plan and road map for your career. A small goal would be for example to work at a startup company and develop skills there. Then, maybe move onto a new company down the road that is slightly bigger since you have more skills. There is not a set path that every apprentice should take. Everyone’s path will be different. It is important to note, however, that your small goals roadmap may change as new opportunities open up. My roadmap that I will eventually make may need to constantly change and I may need to go into unfamiliar territory in order to progress.

From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Draw Your Own Map

Hello and thanks for stopping by to read another round of Comfy Blog. This week, I read up on the apprenticeship pattern “Draw Your Own Map.” I was interested in this pattern immediately once I read the title since I myself am not sure how to walk the long road down the computer science path. For a short summary, this pattern emphasizes the importance of creating your own career path as a software developer and having an understanding that others are not supposed to hold your hand down the path. 

In this pattern, the first step is the most important step, since it is the one that creates all the momentum to your career goals. But what exactly is the first step? Is taking computer science courses in university the first step? Or does the first step skip university classes and is just apply for jobs you are interested in? For me, the first step was realizing my passion for computer science. That passion led me to taking classes in university, and led me to today, my capstone class here at Worcester State University.

Another element that this apprenticeship pattern emphasizes is to set small goals for yourself, rather than set high-level goals and expectations. I think many people’s goals would be to be an employee of a large computer science based company, such as Google, Facebook, or Microsoft. But working there as an apprentice is highly unlikely since you would lack the experience you need. Instead, set small goals and use those small goals as a plan and road map for your career. A small goal would be for example to work at a startup company and develop skills there. Then, maybe move onto a new company down the road that is slightly bigger since you have more skills. There is not a set path that every apprentice should take. Everyone’s path will be different. It is important to note, however, that your small goals roadmap may change as new opportunities open up. My roadmap that I will eventually make may need to constantly change and I may need to go into unfamiliar territory in order to progress.

From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Draw Your Own Map

Hello and thanks for stopping by to read another round of Comfy Blog. This week, I read up on the apprenticeship pattern “Draw Your Own Map.” I was interested in this pattern immediately once I read the title since I myself am not sure how to walk the long road down the computer science path. For a short summary, this pattern emphasizes the importance of creating your own career path as a software developer and having an understanding that others are not supposed to hold your hand down the path. 

In this pattern, the first step is the most important step, since it is the one that creates all the momentum to your career goals. But what exactly is the first step? Is taking computer science courses in university the first step? Or does the first step skip university classes and is just apply for jobs you are interested in? For me, the first step was realizing my passion for computer science. That passion led me to taking classes in university, and led me to today, my capstone class here at Worcester State University.

Another element that this apprenticeship pattern emphasizes is to set small goals for yourself, rather than set high-level goals and expectations. I think many people’s goals would be to be an employee of a large computer science based company, such as Google, Facebook, or Microsoft. But working there as an apprentice is highly unlikely since you would lack the experience you need. Instead, set small goals and use those small goals as a plan and road map for your career. A small goal would be for example to work at a startup company and develop skills there. Then, maybe move onto a new company down the road that is slightly bigger since you have more skills. There is not a set path that every apprentice should take. Everyone’s path will be different. It is important to note, however, that your small goals roadmap may change as new opportunities open up. My roadmap that I will eventually make may need to constantly change and I may need to go into unfamiliar territory in order to progress.

From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Draw Your Own Map

Hello and thanks for stopping by to read another round of Comfy Blog. This week, I read up on the apprenticeship pattern “Draw Your Own Map.” I was interested in this pattern immediately once I read the title since I myself am not sure how to walk the long road down the computer science path. For a short summary, this pattern emphasizes the importance of creating your own career path as a software developer and having an understanding that others are not supposed to hold your hand down the path. 

In this pattern, the first step is the most important step, since it is the one that creates all the momentum to your career goals. But what exactly is the first step? Is taking computer science courses in university the first step? Or does the first step skip university classes and is just apply for jobs you are interested in? For me, the first step was realizing my passion for computer science. That passion led me to taking classes in university, and led me to today, my capstone class here at Worcester State University.

Another element that this apprenticeship pattern emphasizes is to set small goals for yourself, rather than set high-level goals and expectations. I think many people’s goals would be to be an employee of a large computer science based company, such as Google, Facebook, or Microsoft. But working there as an apprentice is highly unlikely since you would lack the experience you need. Instead, set small goals and use those small goals as a plan and road map for your career. A small goal would be for example to work at a startup company and develop skills there. Then, maybe move onto a new company down the road that is slightly bigger since you have more skills. There is not a set path that every apprentice should take. Everyone’s path will be different. It is important to note, however, that your small goals roadmap may change as new opportunities open up. My roadmap that I will eventually make may need to constantly change and I may need to go into unfamiliar territory in order to progress.

From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Draw Your Own Map

Hello and thanks for stopping by to read another round of Comfy Blog. This week, I read up on the apprenticeship pattern “Draw Your Own Map.” I was interested in this pattern immediately once I read the title since I myself am not sure how to walk the long road down the computer science path. For a short summary, this pattern emphasizes the importance of creating your own career path as a software developer and having an understanding that others are not supposed to hold your hand down the path. 

In this pattern, the first step is the most important step, since it is the one that creates all the momentum to your career goals. But what exactly is the first step? Is taking computer science courses in university the first step? Or does the first step skip university classes and is just apply for jobs you are interested in? For me, the first step was realizing my passion for computer science. That passion led me to taking classes in university, and led me to today, my capstone class here at Worcester State University.

Another element that this apprenticeship pattern emphasizes is to set small goals for yourself, rather than set high-level goals and expectations. I think many people’s goals would be to be an employee of a large computer science based company, such as Google, Facebook, or Microsoft. But working there as an apprentice is highly unlikely since you would lack the experience you need. Instead, set small goals and use those small goals as a plan and road map for your career. A small goal would be for example to work at a startup company and develop skills there. Then, maybe move onto a new company down the road that is slightly bigger since you have more skills. There is not a set path that every apprentice should take. Everyone’s path will be different. It is important to note, however, that your small goals roadmap may change as new opportunities open up. My roadmap that I will eventually make may need to constantly change and I may need to go into unfamiliar territory in order to progress.

From the blog Comfy Blog by Angus Cheng and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.