As someone fairly new to coding, learning new languages is both fun and painful. When I heard we were going to be doing some web development, I figured Javascript would be involved, and I had a brief moment of panic. I am a frequenter of subreddits like /r/programmerhumor, or other humor-based tech blogs, and there is a lot of dogpiling on Javascript as a language. It gets a lot of flak for being very weakly typed, and for its default behaviors utilizing this weak typing leading to a lot of wacky and confusing results for people who aren’t deeply familiar with the language. A quick example:
When I discovered we would be using Typescript (And what Typescript was), it was a bit of a relief. The way that the language looks just feels more comfortable to me, especially as someone who has mostly been learning Java. I have been trying to expand my horizons as of late, and wanted to look into people that may feel the opposite. Maybe the verbosity and strictness of a strongly-typed object oriented language is bad if you know what you’re doing, and I found a very interesting blog expressing just that.
In the blog post “Shit Javascript Coders Say” by Dave Sag found here:,
he utilizes a very pointed and crass writing style to express his distaste for OOP and strong-typed languages in general compared to Javascript. He also does not like Typescript. One reason I find this funny is because in this Software Architecture class I am writing this blog for, there is a big focus on creating interfaces, organizing classes, and figuring out the best ways to group and create objects. These are all things, according to Dave Sag, that are not needed in Javascript, and that Typescript “encourages the use of these practices as a weak, wobbly crutch” (paraphrasing).
I found this juxtaposition very amusing, and would be very interested in going down the rabbit hole more and finding out about best pure Javascript practices, or if Mr. Sag’s views are commonly held in some communities (I found plenty of blog posts praising Typescript, for what it’s worth).
In my brief time with Typescript so far, I have found it a bit verbose and clunky (though I am certainly a neophyte coder). Hopefully as I continue to learn, these distinctions become more clear and I can post an updated perspective.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Alan Birdgulch's Blog by cjsteinbrecher and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.