This week I read the introductory blog post from The Test Eye, written by Martin Jansson in 2017 as a description of the authors goals and intentions as he writes further posts. In the post linked above, Jansson describes the pros and cons to agile frameworks in his opinion as a professional tester.
Firstly, Jansson states that a main advantage in an agile organization is that no single person bears the blame for the overall quality of the final product, if it happens to fail or come short of expectations. It takes a team where the result is everybody contributing their own level of effort into the project, which is a very good concept for a team building environment. However, Jansson believes there can still be improvements within the framework.
Jansson expresses that these frameworks are meant to be altered and changed dynamically to fit the specific situation appropriately. If the agile transformation is followed exactly, there will be circumstances where it will fail since they have limitations, so its important to be flexible in that way with this kind of environment.
He continues by explaining that coaching in an agile organization also proves difficult fundamentally, since no one person can be an expert in all necessary fields. Rather, its more efficient for this expertise to come from within each department to guide implementation. This approach is supported by the fundamental concepts of an agile framework, where change and improvement over time are stressed.
Jansson then critically assesses the inclusion of testing in frameworks such as SAFe. He believes they could improve by including more various testing material, since currently there isn’t much of any content about testing. He also shares that testing is undervalued currently and is misrepresented as something “everyone is expected to work with.”
Although he has these criticisms, Jansson still admires many good ideas and material laced throughout the frameworks. His goal is to suggest improvements and adjust them as agile transformation continues into the future. I will continue to follow these posts since the writing style is interesting and informative, I suggest to The Test Eye to anybody who hasn’t heard of it already.
From the blog CS@Worcester – CS Mikes Way by CSmikesway and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.