Category Archives: Week 9

Most Used Programming Languages


This article lists the top ten most commonly used languages for programmers in the real world industry. It also talks about each one for about a paragraph explaining its strengths and weaknesses, as well as what specific fields of programming use each. Since I am still learning programming, it makes sense to see which ones are going to be in higher demand as i seek jobs after college. Knowing more languages is like having more tools under your belt to solve a problem, and being able to put more down on your resume will set you apart from other candidates.

The programming language with the number 1 spot in the top ten list, is java. Java is mainly used for building server-side applications, video games and mobile apps. It is the most commonly used language because a lot of developers start by learning java first, since it is fairly user friendly. Java excels at being able to run on multiple platforms, as it is designed with the concept of WORA (write once, read anywhere).

The second most popular language is python. This is interesting news to me because I’m not very familiar with python, so now i might just look into it a bit further. Python is a general framework for mostly anything involving coding, you can find it anywhere and write pretty much anything using it. It is credited as the easiest programming language to learn because of its uncomplicated syntax, so if you already know a language its very easy to adapt to python.

Moving a bit further down the list, number five is JavaScript, which is entirely separate from the language of java. JavaScript is mainly used for online web applications. This language makes it very easy for developers to create interactive elements to their website and allows a lot of online customization options.

Also pertaining to web development, number six is PHP (personal home page, renamed to Hypertext Preprocessor). PHP is a very heavy duty language, used for dynamic big data websites, making it a great language to learn for any aspiring web developer. Another great feature is that PHP is a completely open source language, meaning the community has created many free modules anybody can use to perfectly fine tune their program to fit their exact needs.

The last but not least language on the list is C. C is the basic programming language that modern object oriented languages such as java and C# were built off of. The advantage to knowing C is that you have an understanding of the bare-bones of your code, being very close to how the machine reads it. C is more of an academic language, taught in colleges but not very used in the industry, although the knowledge and experience you gain from learning C you can use anywhere.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS Mikes Way by CSmikesway and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Most Used Programming Languages


This article lists the top ten most commonly used languages for programmers in the real world industry. It also talks about each one for about a paragraph explaining its strengths and weaknesses, as well as what specific fields of programming use each. Since I am still learning programming, it makes sense to see which ones are going to be in higher demand as i seek jobs after college. Knowing more languages is like having more tools under your belt to solve a problem, and being able to put more down on your resume will set you apart from other candidates.

The programming language with the number 1 spot in the top ten list, is java. Java is mainly used for building server-side applications, video games and mobile apps. It is the most commonly used language because a lot of developers start by learning java first, since it is fairly user friendly. Java excels at being able to run on multiple platforms, as it is designed with the concept of WORA (write once, read anywhere).

The second most popular language is python. This is interesting news to me because I’m not very familiar with python, so now i might just look into it a bit further. Python is a general framework for mostly anything involving coding, you can find it anywhere and write pretty much anything using it. It is credited as the easiest programming language to learn because of its uncomplicated syntax, so if you already know a language its very easy to adapt to python.

Moving a bit further down the list, number five is JavaScript, which is entirely separate from the language of java. JavaScript is mainly used for online web applications. This language makes it very easy for developers to create interactive elements to their website and allows a lot of online customization options.

Also pertaining to web development, number six is PHP (personal home page, renamed to Hypertext Preprocessor). PHP is a very heavy duty language, used for dynamic big data websites, making it a great language to learn for any aspiring web developer. Another great feature is that PHP is a completely open source language, meaning the community has created many free modules anybody can use to perfectly fine tune their program to fit their exact needs.

The last but not least language on the list is C. C is the basic programming language that modern object oriented languages such as java and C# were built off of. The advantage to knowing C is that you have an understanding of the bare-bones of your code, being very close to how the machine reads it. C is more of an academic language, taught in colleges but not very used in the industry, although the knowledge and experience you gain from learning C you can use anywhere.

From the blog CS@Worcester – CS Mikes Way by CSmikesway and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Software Craftsman 3 & 4 Week 9

In the first section of the reading first goes over what software caftsmanship is. It goes on to say that it is about a developer mastering his/her skill and being the best they can be while being professional and responsible. A craftsman will also look for partners to work with that are as professional as they are. It is also about having a good reputation, so projects being worked on are taken very seriously. Being a software craftsman is a lifestyle, not just a job.

The second section of the reading starts off by basically saying it is your responsibility as a professional to keep learning and keep up with current technology. It goes on to say that you own your career, no one else, so you must always be learning and practicing. Some companys may help you learn new things but it is not their responsibility and you would be lucky if they do.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Software Testing by kyleottblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.