Category Archives: week15



This sprint was a very important one considering what we had sought out to accomplish. In this sprint, we wanted to add many functionalities and since it was the last full sprint before the end of the semester, we wanted to address all the major functionalities we felt needed to be added before we called it a semester. Some of these tasks that was being addressed this sprint was : 

  1. Updating Offline Track Refresh Time.
  2. Documentation of work that was completed 
  3. Test Cases – UI Checkbox Test 
  4. Backend Functionalities. 

Most of the documentation was done by our team captain, since he had the most understanding of all the moving parts that was involved in the program.

What was Accomplished 

Of the tasks that was set out to be completed, we were able to complete the offline track refresh time and also the backend functionalities of the program. To make things more clear, we also documented a list of classes and files that we touched / edited and also draw a diagram of how we envisioned our additions and modifications to function within the application. Backend functionalities was tricky but we were able to write modify existing methods and function and also wrote new methods that would aid in completing the requested task. All this work was again documented and revised.  I believe the most challenging tasks through out the sprint was coming up with test cases that would evaluated and affirm the functioning of the proposed written code. I was personally in charge of this testing. From deciding to address testing, i was able to dig through many codes and files that we later had to review and revise. Every code we wrote needed some sort of testing module that would verify its status and would be used to troubleshoot should we find have any issues in the future. 


After this sprint, i conclude that testing although may not seem like it, is one of the tedious tasks of writing code. In order to write efficient and proper test, you need to be able to understand the logic thats already being implemented in the code then reverse the thought process and develop a new way that you can verify that the task got accomplished.  I realized that not only do you need to be able to read and understand code efficiently, you also need a creative edge that would be used in coming up with test cases and scenarios. This is because unlike coding, often test cases and implementations are unique and does not already have a laid out methods to get this accomplished. Coding requires pose and originality but i believe testing adds a touch of creativity to this paradigm. Overall it was a good sprint and i think we were able to communicate better and get a lot done. 

From the blog CS@Worcester – Le Blog Spot by Abranti3 Dada Kay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.