Over this spring break, and after the first sprint, I had the realization that although I was able to grasp a lot of things, I felt that I had only a surface level understanding of many things. For better or worse, being thrown into the deep end of a project like Thea’s Pantry has made me come to understand that, although I do know a bit, and I also know that there is plenty I don’t understand, there is still much, much to refine before I truly believe that I can be capable.
The Dig Deeper Pattern seems to reflect my ideas. The Dig Deeper pattern establishes that you should try to become even more intimate and familiar with whatever you are working with. If, like me, you run into the issue where you feel like you have learned a lot, but then when push comes to shove, you become lost, then you should try to dive even deeper into the concepts and code. As it stands, Thea’s Pantry is almost like a trial by fire, and though it is difficult at times, and I feel lost, it is also the perfect time for me to truly learn the ins and outs of a project like this. Not only would it be helpful, for obviously my grade, but having a firm understanding will allow me to use my experience in all kinds of projects for the future.
Although I am still a bit lost, I am hoping to really push myself after this break with a refreshed mind and a motivated focus to dive deep into the code and start expanding my knowledge to the best of my abilities. I would go as far as saying that it is crucial to dig deep! From my experience in other things, the more fully I understand something, the more I will be able to intuitively solve problems. Even if these are problems that I have never dealt with before, if I am capable of understanding how things work, I can slowly track the issue down to the source, and eliminate it there! At least… That’s the hope! So, wish me luck!
From the blog CS@Worcester – Bored Coding by iisbor and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.