Category Archives: Week7

Coding Blocks – Source Control- Episode 3



In this episode of coding blocks Allen Underwood, Michael Outlaw, Joe Zack addressed an issue in software construction that often makes or break a project/Team. Source control and management. I personally found this topic very crucial because of a programming project I was able to contribute to with a couple of my friends. Initially, we were just using Google drive to update and track project chances but as many newer version were created, it became a mess to try and track which update did what and how stable is that version. We eventually resulted to utilizing Gitlab. It was here that I found the importance of source control team working. We were able to section of parts of the project and distribute among ourselves also, it was easy to modify and make changes because we always know a Standard version of the project existed should we break the original pull. In this podcast episode, the authors made known of another major reason why implementing source control was effective. By implementing source control, many branches be worked on at the same time. This way, problems and bugs can be resolved and fixed faster. Also construction was made a little easy as people could work independently on building various parts of the software. Again by pushing after every working build, the programmer is able to leave a stable version with an attached commit message which help the next person to touch the code understand what that build accomplishes or does.

Best Practice Tip: Ensure that you only push back working code that passed the compilation test.

Another topic the authors addressed was the issue of missing path that often occurs with source control software development. They made emphasis that having a consistent naming convention is recommended for best practices because some programs and software requires you to switch between operating system and since that means different file systems, having a standard naming convention for packages and file paths makes it easier on who ever works on the program to make edits and changes as needed.

         While addressing source control, another major topic to talk about is pull requests. It serves as another layer of verification and “code review”. Having push requests allows you to submit to a specific branch and get you work evaluated before pushing back to the main repository. This way leaders and managers can verify that code written is correct and fits the required standards and specifications.



From the blog CS@Worcester – Le Blog Spot by Abranti3 Dada Kay and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Blog 7: Error reserving enough space for object heap in Java response

In today’s blog, I read the blog by Java2Blog which is a blog about java problems and other java frameworks and techniques. This post by them talks about how you could get an error for not reserving enough space for an object heap in Java.

First they go over a cause of this error, obviously though the first cause is that you ran your Java program without specifying a heap size which will cause you to get an error. The error would say something along the lines of “Could not reserve enough space for object heap”. The blog also tells you that you will encounter this error more in 32 bit JVM (meaning Java Virtual Machine) than in 64 bit JVM. The blog goes over the reason of this error which is 32-bit Java needs contiguous free space in memory to run the program. Then the fix for this problem is by running Java with a lower heap size and then it gives you a line of code you could use.

The next cause of error is specifying too large memory with -Xmx option on 32-bit VM. The fix for this issue is just lowering the heap size with a single line of code said in the blog. Lastly, the last cause of this error is if you specify a large heap size more than physical memory available on either 64-bit or 32-bit. The way you fix this problem is by again running a single line of code provided in the blog post which I will leave a link to at the bottom for you to check out. The last part of the blog covers certain fixes for Linux and Windows and just a conclusion of the whole thing.

The reason I choose this blog is not only because it relates to Java programming but that it also may come up in my future while I’m working in computer science, who knows that if I’m in IT somewhere in the future or some other computer job that has this problem and I’m one of the only people to know how to fix it. That would probably get me a lot of brownie points at my job which is really nice. Also this blog was well written and straight to its point. Gives you three causes for a problem and gives you the solution to each of them which is really helpful to understand. Java is a very vast programming language and remembering everything about it is hard so getting little reminders of how everything works is always nice. They aren’t joking when they say “Java programming language” because it really is like a whole other language and so is the other programming languages, you got to know every little thing about them or you screw up and everything is wrong. That is my little sidetrack on programming languages but back to the blog, I remember hearing about heaps in my intro. to programming class freshman year and I think we did a little thing with them but not much but hey, the more you know can’t hurt when it comes to programming. Thank you for reading this weeks programming talk with me, come back next week for more.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Benderson's Blog by bendersonsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Blog 6: OOPs concept forms response

Today I read a blog by infocampuspvt which is blog site that has people post about what they want anonymously. Anyways, today the blog I read was about OOPs (Object Oriented Programming) concept forms in Java.

OOPs, or object oriented programming, has mainly six concepts being: object, class, inheritance, polymorphism, abstration and encapsulation. First with the object, the blog gives a scenario and describes objects that way which was a nice way of bringing real life objects for describing a part of programming. The blog ended objects by saying always remember that they consist of state and behavior. Next was class which the blog said was a logical collection of the objects and went on with the example the person created in the object paragraph. Next was inheritance where it states that it is a special type of relationship where a class acquires the inherent properties of its parent class and it contains its own exclusive properties. After inheritance, it was polymorphism which is having multiple forms and goes on to talk about a whole other scenario with a cricket. Polymorphism is implemented in two ways which is method overriding and method overloading. Abstraction is hiding the complexity and showing the easier form of the system. After a whole other real world example, the person says there are also two ways to implement abstraction being using interfaces and an abstract class. Last but not least is encapsulation which is data-hiding in order to make it safe for any modification and the example the person uses is a pill capsule.

I honestly think this is the best blog that I have chosen yet for these blog entries and I’ll tell you why. One, the person who wrote this blog entry gives you a clear and concise definition of each of the six OOPs helping a person who barely knows anything in computer science understand what is actually going on when these things occur in a program. Second and actually most importantly, the examples were really good, when I was learning these concepts in my first years of programming, I wish someone explain it to me like the person did in this blog as it was extremely helpful to understand what is going on using real life objects that people use in their daily lives to describe the events. With polymorphism, when I first learned that, I really had no clue what I was supposed to be doing or what these overrides/overloading did with my program, after reading the paragraph on polymorphism and the example the person provided with the cricket and the fast blowers, and such, I understand it way better. Lastly what made the blog really good, was that it was short and straight to the point. The blog didn’t create very long descriptions that would make the reader bored after reading the first two paragraphs, the writer made them concise and easy to read and understand. This blog will help me write future programs definitely, I know my teachers and future employers are going to ask me to do certain OOPs like polymorphism or abstraction and before maybe I wouldn’t have been that confident but after reading the blog, I’m a little more confident in my ability to do it. Thank you for reading my blog today, come back next week for some more programming talk.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Benderson's Blog by bendersonsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.