Last week in class was my first experience using IRC. I downloaded a nice client for my Mac called LimeChat. It was a very cool experience to see new people from somewhere around the world join the channel and start talking to the class. The assignment that we had in class was to ask someone on the IRC channel to edit our wiki page – that we set up on the Teaching Open Source website.
It didn’t take long to see how useful IRC channels could be for an Open Source project. When people (outside our class) joined the channel, they jumped right in and started talking and answering questions. However, the one downside that I saw to using IRC channels, is that there was many conversations going on. At times it was hard to follow all of the discussion. Overall I thought that this exercise in getting to know IRC channels was very useful.
From the blog nathandoe » WSU CS by nathandoe and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.