Category Archives: WSU CS

Object Oriented Design, Class Expectations

I have been waiting for this class for 7 semesters, and it’s finally here.  The climax of the undergraduate degree in Computer Science.  I hope to learn a lot in this class, and with a group like this:

  1. James Celona
  2. Long Nguyen
  3. Armindo Andrade
  4. Marcos Knight
  5. James Forkey

Who wouldn’t be excited?

I can’t wait to start our project and get some real experience with VCS and working in a group dynamic.  Utilizing a VCS effectively and learning to work with a diverse group of programmers is the most exciting part of this class.  I’m hoping this class will further my readiness for the ‘real world.’  Regardless of the fact that I have already been accepted to WPI’s graduate program.  Yeah, that’s pretty exciting in and of itself!

I am hoping we get to work on a really cool OSS project.  Obviously, having your name on an OSS project looks great, and it increases your self-esteem to a degree.  You can really respect yourself, having contributed to an OSS project.


From the blog jforkey » wsu-cs by jforkey and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

iOS Development

I recently undertook an independent study in iOS development at Worcester State University with a few of my classmates. Overall it was quite the experience. Objective C is a fairly straight-forward, object oriented language so it was fairly nice to work with, but what made it really great was Xcode. I’m not usually one to drink the Apple kool-aid but they hit the nail on the head as far as iOS development in Xcode. Everything was amazing. Since the development is completely proprietary (shame on you Apple, shame) development in Xcode is extraordinarily nice. The only real drawback is that you need to own a Mac of some sort to develop for iOS. I can’t say this is 100% true anymore, however, since VMWare now has OS X support. Alas I cannot afford a VMWare license and my free license through the college expired early this year.

Overall it was an awesome experience which not only taught me about iOS, Xcode, and Objective C, but also gave me some applied experience with group development and lessened my disdain for all things Apple.

From the blog The Mind of Mattamizer » WSU CS by mattamizer and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS Students and Faculty Attend Talk by Tom “Spot” Callaway from Fedora

CS Students James Forkey, Dillon Murphy, and Dave Thompson, and Professor Karl R. Wurst attended a talk by Fedora Engineering Manager Tom “Spot” Callaway, at Western New England University on Thursday, 1 December 2011. Spot talked about “This is why you fail and how to avoid it” using his Fail Meter, illustrating it with many amusing (and simultaneously frightening) examples from Open Source projects he has interacted with. The talk was hosted by Dr. Heidi Ellis as part of her Software Engineering class. Heidi has blogged about the talk here.

How to Contribute to This Blog

This blog was set up to act as an aggregator, so that faculty and students in the department can contribute posts about their classes, projects, or research. It is our hope that it will serve to build a community within the department, so that we can all learn about the cool and interesting things that the members of the department are doing.

The blog is running as a WordPress instance, with the FeedWordPress plugin doing the aggregation. It can aggregate posts from any blog that provides RSS or Atom feeds.

If you wish to contribute posts from your own blog to the WSU CS Department Blog, see the How to Contribute to This Blog page for instructions.