Category Archives: WSU_CS

Final Thoughts about CS401/Eucalyptus

I had a lot of fun working in this class it was definitely a difference experience than almost all my CS courses before hand.   I liked working on a big project my only request for the future is to see more code but, something that was really unavoidable for a beta-test style class that we had.  I know it wasn’t anyone’s fault just too many problems with the cluster to really get into it.  Just because we didn’t get coding done doesn’t mean I didn’t learn quite a bit about how exactly working on a big project was like.  Learning to use git, irc, and being on a list server were pretty new experiences for me, aside from gaming I had never used irc, git seems to be invaluable to know since every employer I’ve talked to seemed excited that I already know it.


Main thing I’ll take away from the course is exactly what cloud computing is, all the nomenclature we’ve learned, how to work on large scale projects, how to communicate with a large group of people from different time zones and different backgrounds in programming/computer science.


Final presentations today were great, seemed like every group found a lot of different topics to talk about and cover and they all seemed to master their specific topic.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Final Wiki Adjustments

I never got around to putting up this blog post last week but I figure it’s worth posting.


After siting down with Chris while he worked his way through our wiki was great, really gave me a chance to see how a wiki flows through another set of eyes.  Luckily we’ve all been doing a great job of working with the wiki adding the needed information and adding it coherently.  Only issues really were fixing formatting adding things like, “don’t forget to use sudo” to the top of commands rather than after.  Only “big” changes I made to the wiki was adding a bit on git and how to install python user a package manager.


I enjoyed working with Chris getting his input, I think it was smart to do it on my own first, since I knew a bit on how to get everything running from doing it a few times, then having him go through.  Since I never posted this Karl mentioned that there is a whole field of engineering in something like that, actually testing your code/wiki/idea on an audience and jotting down notes.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Test Run of the Wiki

This week I am going to start from scratch and try to install Eutester+euca2ools from our wiki only, keeping notes along the way to see if we need to update anything to make it more clear.  I imagine from what I’ve been reading that we’ve made quite a large amount of progress over this course and when I had to restart last month it took me maybe an hour? (would be been less if I realized >>> meant that you type python ) but that’s besides the point.  This blog post will serve as a note pad for anything our wiki should make clearer.



Updated this:

I decided that I would find someone I could use that doesn’t really know much about Eucalyptus and at least knows how to work Linux.  It turned out pretty well, I have some notes jotted down that I can finalize the wiki with to make it as fast as possible.  Everything was pretty well laid out, aside form small things like the note “don’t forget to use sudo” after they entered all the commands.  One thing I need to add is that we never directly say to install boto.


Overall this test went pretty well.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

More Wiki Editing and Python Learning

I added a big index at the top of the glossary page, learned how to actually link to certain part of a web page in a PMwiki, was actually a lot easier than what I figured it was here was where I found it, turns out you just make a simple [[#anchor | text ]] at the particular part where you want to reference you #anchor that part then  use [[#anchor | text]] and you’re done.   It was silly tedious to do but, it does give it a quicker and easier way to access the glossary, also props to Dan Adams, the glossary is looking very nice.  Since I learned how to use links without having to just post the ‘ugly’ url same page as the anchor tutorial I have been fixing the entire glossary page so it will read “read more”, “wikipedia entry” or something along those lines.  With those edits I am also fixing the capitalization of each entry.

EuTester has been great for learning Python, I was long over due to learn it anyways.  I started using Zed A. Shaw’s book (great resource for learning a language for free/very cheap) and then after I knew enough to make better sense then I started looking at all the Python that eutester had.  Commenting has been great for learning because it forces me to look at the code, analyze what I am reading, then form coherent ideas from that. Zed’s book along with the multitude of forums while google searching has really been great.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Make the Wiki as Easy as Possible

I’ve been spending some time trying to clean the wiki but also to make it very user friendly.  Instead of text telling you where to go I am swapping that for actually linking the person reading to the page.  If you’re confused while trying to set up your cloud, make credentials or anything else the last thing you want is to have to do is to navigate though a wiki you’ve never used before.

Aside from this I’ve also been commenting code, which I will get to in a second blog post, I didn’t know how to push to git, probably should have taken the 30 seconds to read how to do it. But I just kind of left the saved files on my computer and figured I would just submit them when I asked how to submit..unfortunately each one of them have already been commented and pushed.  My loss. There is still a bunch of code left to look at.

From the blog jamescelona » WSU CS by jamescelona and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Writing a test case

This week I spent most of my time dealing with doctors and interviewing for jobs. Again. However, I had some time to do a bit of research on writing a test case with Eutester. It was a pretty informative experience and I had a chance to really see what Eutester could do. I was fortunate enough to stumble across this blog which told me everything I needed to know.

Essentially what the blog does is walk you through writing your own testcase with Eutester and a Python library called unittest. unittest allows you to quickly setup test cases to run against the cloud; more specifically it is for creating, cataloging, and executing test cases. If you want to see the code either head to the blog mentioned above or check out the wiki for my CS 401 class.

From the blog The Mind of Mattamizer » WSU CS by mattamizer and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Eucalyptus and euTester

I haven’t blogged recently, life has gotten a bit in the way. To this point, though, I have been rather busy so let us start from the beginning.

A while back we had a discussion in class about how we were going to license our documentation and wiki content which was a problem that needed an immediate solution. I was able to get in touch with a gentleman in charge of such things over at Eucalyptus and learned we will be using the CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( to license all our content. Additionally, I found that the people over at Eucalyptus use XML for all their docs so I encouraged the class to convert all current documentation over to XML.

The next project that I jumped on to is documenting the existing euTester code. I’m working on that project with a few other classmates and it’s unlike any other project I’ve worked on. This will be the first time that I look through someone else’s code and document it. I am looking forward to it though. Aside from that I’ve spent the last few weeks taking care of some health issues that popped up, but I’m happy to report that I’m back on track. Look for more consistent updates starting this week.

From the blog The Mind of Mattamizer » WSU CS by mattamizer and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.