Category Archives: wsucs

Fun with IRC

1/31/12Today Professor Wurst showed us how to use IRC(Internet Relay Chat). I chose to install Chatzilla add-on for Firefox to access the IRC. We connected to the Teaching Open Source Planet at ircs://freenode/teachingopensource .

I liked using the different commands, and learning how to send private messages. It seems like a valuable tool for getting a lot of people together on the same subject- such as working on a FOSS project.

I have to admit though, that it was a bit overwhelming at first. With the whole class on the channel, along with others, the text was literally flying by. It was hard to keep up. Chatzilla does allow you to scroll, without your scrolled portion continually falling behind, so I could go back and reread what people were saying. It was also cool talking to people from a large FOSS project.

From the blog Blog » wsucs by Blog » wsucs and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 401

Hello all,

This is my first post. My goals for this course are many. I would like to learn to program for the web. Networking and Internet communication have always interested me. Hopefully I can get involved in a project that will allow me to develop skills in this area (in which, I’m afraid, my experience is limited).

If I can help to build a meaningful module, or project, that would actually work across a network, or between remote computers, that would be exciting to me! I would like to learn on-line collaboration; even a new language.

The on line text on Open Source, so far, is interesting. I particularly like the fact that joining open source projects gives you exposure, as a student, to collaboration tools and source code that you would never otherwise have access to. It appears to give good training, without the pressure.

From the blog Blog » wsucs by Blog » wsucs and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.