Having your code and programs work is one thing, ensuring the code works effectively and efficiently is another. You can write good code, but it’s nothing if it does not work properly. When I tested my code, I would just run the whole thing to see if it worked, and with different inputs. When it didn’t work, I would strip it apart, run bits and pieces individually until I found the issue. Instead of meticulously scrolling through lines of code, you could use actual testing methods, like Junit testing
JUnit is a software testing framework for Java. Through the use of method calls, annotations, and assertions, you are able to create tests that will call methods and compare the output to the supposed output that you want. That way, you can create multiple tests for possible outputs your methods and program can have.
In this blog post, Shinji Kanai writes everything they can about JUnit testing, what it is, how it works, the benefits, and how you can get started using JUnit. They say that JUnit can be used for unit testing, functional testing, and integration testing. They also say JUnit can be used for automation testing, to find errors in your code. They go on to show how to write test files, and how to write test code. They touch upon some other topics, like troubleshooting, assertions, debugging and exceptions, and other things.
I chose this blog post as a good reference article, something to refer back to when you can’t remember what to do. At the same time, it’s also a really good beginner blog post for those who want to get into testing their code. I think Kanai did a good job encapsulating everything, not only summarizing the overall concept of JUnit testing, but at the same time going in depth about how to do things, and going over more topics for those who may find it helpful. Personally, I was unaware of the automation testing side of JUnit, and how it may be able to remove bugs before I even fix them, which is weird because typically you only catch errors and bugs when you run the code.
Testing is one of the spots in coding where I knew I was lacking in. Before this, I never knew how to test my code effectively, but with this, I feel more confident in my abilities to write better code that will set me apart from others. As I continue along, I can picture myself as a better developer than I did when I first started university.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Cao's Thoughts by antcao and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.