- What did you learn about:
- Teamwork? : our group was work very well. exchange the idea is the important thing to working with a group.
- Communication?: the communication between our group the the openMRS is not working well. Email is very good to communicate with each other in the group.
- working on the large project ? : working on the large project on the openMRS is not ready hard if we know what is a direction to working on.
- Working with a people you don’t know personally?: I did not know my group member until I join in CS 401 class, but we were working very good. Unfortunately , the communication between our group and the OpenMRS developer was very hard, sometime, we couldn’t get what they want.
- New (to you) technologies, and how did you learn about them? That is my first time to use Github and wiki page. I also have a change to practice working on J unit test
- What was your biggest challenge? : ❖ Communication between our group and the OpenMRS
❖ Documentation was vague, but they didn’t seem to
welcome any changes!
❖ Led to a lot of time spent troubleshooting how to
install/build/run any of the software - What do you wish you had done or learned, but did not get to? I need to learn more how to work on OpenMRS , I wish I had a well experience to working on the OpenMRS page, because our process to work on the tickets of the openMRS was not success.
From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.