Author Archives: emtrieu

Week 3 reading OpenMRS

The OpenMRS can improve the health care quality, it can reduce many medical errors . The OpenMRS is very commonly  for the patient-centric medical. OpenMRS has become the largest health IT project on the planet. OpenMRS community is developed at many countries around the world. Joining in the OpenMRS community is very helpful, it also help you to solve many different problem as you can comment or mail to ask your question with any thing you still doubt. The more you talk to the OpenMRS community group the more you earn your new technology knowledge .

Wiki editing is more fun and interest, on the wiki page we can share the experience from what we learn in the class. Otherwise,  we can consult the classmate’s idea how they will do  project.

The three issues were chosen:

1. TRUCK- 324



From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

week 1

by reusing the code and and ideas from the MInix, and a tiny Unix. when all the Minix was completely rewritten then it become the Linux.

From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


My name is Em Trieu,  I’m studying on computer science major. I’m taking the class of software development. I’m very interesting about what is technician to code and build the perfect soft ware, what is designing software. Why are a lot of People become genius  software developer.  Where is an information the people can get help when they building the software.  After this class, i hope to have a good knowledge about what is software development and how i can work on it.

From the blog herangoc » cs@worcester by emtrieu and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.