Chapter 13 is about the culture of learning. In this chapter, the author says that junior developers are lead to believe becoming a manager or architect is their natural career progression, but it all depends on what the developer likes, if they truly have a passion for programming they can always progress to a senior developer. The chapter goes on to list some things that can be done to create a culture of learning. Learning from others and sharing experience is important when trying to produce a culture of learning. The part where the author said that not career paths for a software developer are the same stood out to me because there is a lot of truth behind it. It all depends on the person’s wants and aspirations in determining their career path.
Chapter 14 is about driving technical changes. The chapter talks about how driving technical change is a hard thing to do. In order to be successful in doing this, we need to understand how to deal with all the different types of people we will need to interact with. Everyone has their own opinions, it is a matter of getting them to your way of thinking and showing them why your solution is the best solution for the problem. preparing yourself for the other peoples points of view is also critical if you plan on making a change. This way you can counter their arguments when they come up.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by jonathanpaizblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.