In this sprint we are staying up to date with all the tasks we need to get done. We ran into a problem in issue APTS 271 where we could not find the back to drafted form button. There is a form tab on the left hand side of ampath, where we believe the button would be located, but we cannot open any of the forms. This is stopping us from getting anything done. We ended up sending the developers a message in an attempt to fix this issue. In response, we got assigned a test server to work on in which the forms were working so we are able to progress on our issue. Next sprint we can hopefully resolve the issue completely. I think we are starting to work better as a team compared to previous sprints. We are communicating a lot better than we were before this sprint, this helps to get work done in a quick, more efficient manner.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by jonathanpaizblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.