Author Archives: jonathanpaizblog

TestLink(Week 5)

Test link is a web based open source test managment tool. It integrates both requiremtns specification and test specification together. It also supports buoth manual and automated execution of test cases. It supposted test reports in MS word, Excel, and html formats.

There are many benefits that come with TestLink. First it supports multiple projects, so you can work on multiple different projects at the same time. It is easy to import and export test cases. You can also filter test cases with keywords, so it is easy to find a particular test. Also, testlink can provide credentials to multiple users and assign roles to them, and you can assign test cases to multiple users.

This test management tool is different than the ones we use in class. SInce this is a Web based tool, multiple users can use it at the same time if they log in with their credentials that Test Link provided for them.

A Layman’s Guide to TestLink Test Management Tool – TestLink Tutorial #1


Other blogs i looked at

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by jonathanpaizblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Goals of Software Testing

What are the objectives of Software Testing?

Software Testing is a vital part of the process that software should go through before launch. If you do not test, you code will be left with bugs and errors. Software testing is also important because it can see if the software is working the way it should be according to all the requirements. It is important to test because you need to figure out whether or not the software is safe to be used in production.

Software Testing can be done in two ways. Positive testing and Negative testing.

Positive testing is when you test software using a variety of testing data, which includes the data at the boundaries to see if the software fails. When you do this kind of testing you are checking to see if the software behaves normally, if the results you get are correct, and if the software functions correctly.

Negative Testing is used to test of abnormal operations. This kind of testing is done with illegal or abnormal test values. The goal of this is to make things go wrong and see if the software performs the way it is supposed to. You are checking to see if the software crashes, if it does what it is supposed to do, or if it fails to do what it is supposed to do.  This kind of testing can be used to find errors before a user does.

Both of these types of software testing should be used prior to a launch of software. This will ensure that your software is mostly bug free and that it works the way the customer intended it to.

Objectives of Software Testing:


Other Articles i looked at: 

Scaling Up with Embedded Testing


From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by jonathanpaizblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Performance Testing, Load Testing, and Stress Testing

What is performance testing? Performance testing is used to evaluate the performance of a particular system in a specific situation. Performance testing includes load testing, Stress testing, capacity testing, volume testing, endurance testing, spike testing, and reliability testing. Performance testing does not give a pass or a fail, it’s done to set a benchmark of server response time latency, and render time. So this type of testing can be used to test speed, and scalability.

Load testing is a type of performance testing. It’s done by increasing the load on the application until it reaches the time threshold. It’s used to identify the limits of the systems database, hardware and network.

Endurance Testing is closely related to load testing and it is used to calculate the time to failure and time between failures.

Stress Testing is done to test the applications behavior past the normal load conditions. An example of stress testing is if you were testing an application that has a 10,000 user limit, and you increased the load to 11,000 to see how the application would respond.

All of these test methods have different functions and can be used in unison to thoroughly test an application.


Performance Testing vs Load Testing vs Stress Testing


Other articles i looked at:

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by jonathanpaizblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Use Old Tests or Make New Test?

The article I read this week was very short and straight to the point. It addressed the issue of using old tests vs implementing new ones.

If someone is trying to find old tests that have been run for a code, and use them again to test if the code functions, they are probably better off implementing new tests. The reasons behind this are simple. A tester is constantly learning new methods to test, and they have move knowledge today than they did a couple months ago. There is a higher probability the tests they come up with this time will be more detailed and more extensive then the “old tests”. Also another big reason why it is better to re- write the tests is because the code may have changed since the last time you tested it. If someone major has changed, the old tests may not even work, and you will be spending unnecessary time trying to resolve these problems while you could spend this time implementing new test. If anything changes with the code new tests should be made. This ranges from new coders to a new method. Reading and using old tests also stops innovation. If you start over with the tests, you may think of different ones then you had before, and incase all fails you always have the old tests to turn back to if you can’t think of what to test. 

Start From Scratch vs Old Test Documentation:


Other blogs i looked at

Open Source Database Testing Tools

Open Source JavaScript Code Analysis

Distributed Testing with Selenium Grid

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by jonathanpaizblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Tips for Becoming a Better Programmer

Have you ever hit a wall in which you feel like your coding is not getting better? After coding for hours upon hours you feel like you are not getting any better at it? In this blog i will give you some tips on how to become a better programmer provided by

They broke the tips they got from real programmers into 8 different sections. Selecting the right tools, understanding the role of testing writing and maintaining code, starting with the requirements, education and career development, code review and profiling, collaboration on devlopment teams, and revisitng your writing process.

Lets start with the first section which is selecting the right tools. Part of being a good programmer is staying up to date on the latest tools and new technologies. Learning new technologies and tools may help becuase they may offer betters ways into solving a problem.

Next is the role of testing. Developers suggest that you use Test Driven Devlopment in your coding, with this better code quality comes automatically.

When writing code, you also want to make sure it is maintanable. You want to make sure that it is easy to understand so that new developers who are looking at the code for the first time can understand it quickly. It is very important to write clean code.

Next is starting with the requirements. When doing this you want to make sure the requirements are clear and unambiguous. You need to communicate about them, Forcing the concepts into sentences can help you think about them

Another importand step into becoming a better programmer is learning and education. One developer stated that in order to become a better programmer you should find “good” code, and look at how it is structured. Then try to emulate the practices that are used in the code.

Next is code reviewing. It is importing to review other peoples code and learn from what they do, and to have your own code reviewed. This way you can see what can be improved upon in your programming.

Developer collaboration is also very important in becoming a better programmer. You need to meet with your team and discuss what “better” means to the team. Also it is very important to help eachother out, and learn fom eachother.

Finally is revisiting your writing precess. It is suggested that you spend some time to structure your code before coding it. This helps to avoid rewrites, and makes your code more organized.

Taking the tips from each one of these sections is important if you want to become a better programmer. If you can do all of these things successfully, you will see your code improve dramatically over time.

Other interesting blogs that i looked at are:

Become a better programmer:


8 Ways to become a better coder:

8 Ways to Become a Better Coder


10 Steps to becoming a better programmer:


10 Golden roles for becoming a better programmer:



From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by jonathanpaizblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Hello, My name is Jonathan Paiz. I am a student at Worcester State university and am studying to be a computer scientist. On this site, i will be posting blogs about software testing, and what we are being taught in class.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by jonathanpaizblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.



My name is Jonathan Paiz. I am a student at Worcester State university and am studying to be a computer scientist.

On this site, i will be posting blogs about software testing, and what we are being taught in class.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by jonathanpaizblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.