Author Archives: juwee05

Week 8

During the week 8, we completed all the tickets we were assigned to and also went over the list of the tickets to double check with each member in the group. We were all satisfy with the results and the team leader submitted a pull request on git-hub to the original ticket owner.

We were also introduced to the J-Unit testing concept during the week 8 period and we worked on a code given by the professor. we were given the task to test each method of the code so we can get the hang of it. We also started to work on our book report and get ready for the presentation next week.

From the blog ~~~ACordor Blog~~~~ » CS@Worcester by juwee05 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 7

During the Spring Break, we completed most of the task on the ticket and closed a lot more of them. Them team communicated during the break through emails and collaborated as a team to get the task done. During class, we were introduced to JUnit testing in which we tested segments and methods of a sample code produced by the instructor. Some of the team members were new to the idea and for some, it was just a refresher. However, it was a good experience for the whole class to move on to something new and get a hands-on real world development environment experience. We also had the opportunity to choose some books to read on related topics in which we will present to the class about what we learned from the book. Week 7 overall was fun and exciting, we’re looking forward to week 8 activities.

From the blog ~~~ACordor Blog~~~~ » CS@Worcester by juwee05 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 6

During Week 6, Our team continued to work on our ticket and we closed a few of the services. As we continued to work on the ticket, we noticed that most of the services had already been done (they had good javadoc comments) so we just look over it and closed it. As the week continued, we have gone through half way with our ticket task.

From the blog ~~~ACordor Blog~~~~ » CS@Worcester by juwee05 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


During week 5, we presented our three selected tickets of bugs/issues to work on and we were put into groups to work on it. One of our group member had to claim the ticket in order for us to work on it. We also continued with the setting up of the development environment to et started with our work.  We were also assigned an article to read for the weekend, which was about making edits and changes in the git environment.

From the blog ~~~ACordor Blog~~~~ » CS@Worcester by juwee05 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 4

We didn’t meet this week due to the president day holiday. However, we were still working on assignments from the previous week and doing the set of the development environment on our systems. There  were a few problems going through the set up process because the instructions wasn’t too clear to follow. At some point, we had to install git hub first before installing the OpenMRS but the instructions did go into detail about that. The is still a few issues but we still doing the installations.

From the blog ~~~ACordor Blog~~~~ » CS@Worcester by juwee05 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-401 Week 3

During the third week of the course, we did some work on the wiki page. we created our own wiki page and edited it with our information. We created a link of our page to the student page of the course, where all students can find one another.

Another exciting activity we did was the issue/bug tracker activity. This activity gave us first hand experience with the issue tracker and how to analyze the report of bugs or any issue. We got introduced to the many different parts of the issue report and various symbols of what the issue status is or when it was modified.

For assignments, we watched a couple of videos concerning the github  utility. The videos went over the introduction and importance of the git tool. It shows how easier it is to work on the same file with many others, and how to bring the ideas together. The video also went into how to install, configure, and use the git repository.


The three issues I find interest in working on

Report-420: the issue is that it display a list of report using data.

Trunk-15: the issue is that saving the same name more then once should not be allowed.

Trunk-309: the issue here is to add a better Javadoc comments to services.

From the blog ~~~ACordor Blog~~~~ » CS@Worcester by juwee05 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-401 Week 2

This second week of the course, we were able to use the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) in class to host a discussion about on going activity in the class. We discussed about the reading assignments, we discussed about some of the basic commands to use during an IRC. It was a good experience to be a part of because we had a normal class in the classroom by only using the IRC to do all the communication and disscussions.

This week’s reading assignment involved various topics. Chapters 5 and 6 in the OpenMRS guide gave insight on how to get invlove into the world of openMRS and the kinds of tools needed to get the ball rolling. The chapters also talked about team work and how to get help from a team member. Another article that I enjoyed reading was “14 Ways to Contribute to Open Source without Being a Programming Genius or a Rock Star.” I like this article because it encourages individuals who are not so good in programming like me, to participate in a software project without worring too much no about the programming task. The article suggest a few other tasks that can be contributed to the project. I also read the two articles on the bug tracking system which I find to be helpful in the field of software development. The bug tracking system is used to record of any bugs that were found during the development process. This can be helpful and saves time during debugging.

From the blog ~~~ACordor Blog~~~~ » CS@Worcester by juwee05 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-401 WEEK 1

I am really excited about this class because it serves as a bridge
from the class room to the real world of solving problems. I am expecting to get a lot out of this class. I want to get the experience and skills of working with a team to find a solution to a problem, I also want to experience the open source software community and learn more about it. I want to develop professional skills from this class so I can an easier transition to the real world.

As far as the two activities (IRC and Git activity) I was able to do the
IRC activity. I went online and into the chat room just to test it out and see which wasn’t bad. I have not been able to complete the Git activity
because I cant find the instructions on the wiki page.

From the blog ~~~ACordor Blog~~~~ » CS@Worcester by juwee05 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.