Wiki Editing
The Wiki Editing I felt was a great learning experience. I’ve never had my own personal wiki page so that’s pretty neat. I like the fact that I now have a page that I can store, edit and share information with others is very powerful. I often use Wiki to look up everything from types of dinosaur’s to answer my son’s questions, to computer science questions for my own use. I’m not use to putting information out there for the world to access, I’m one of those people who feel as though once you put something out there it’s out there forever. I imagine having this wiki page will break me out of my shell!
Issue Tracker Activity
The Issue Tracker Activity was fun. It really gave you a lot of information in a single activity. This activity was definitely one of my favorites. Although I have some previous experience with other types of Issue Trackers it was a great refresher. Having you have us list all of the different definitions for the key terms really made me familiarize myself with the Issue Navigator itself. Part 2 of the exercise was just as helpful for understanding how OpenMRS sets up its projects in their trunk. It was fantastically easy to navigate thought their interface to find the information that was requested. Everything seemed to be in order and the layout of the trunks information was obviously thought out.
Git Videos and Tutorials
The Git Videos and Tutorials were very informative and useful. One of my favorite features described on the Git video was Git’s ability to operate completely off-line. I think that’s amazing coming from Tortoise SVN where you would need a network connection to do any pulls, forks, merges or commits. I was also surprised that Git has been around for several years. I guess over that time it has been able to implement useful features and easy commands that make it a leader in version control software today. I like the fact that the software is simple enough to navigate and operate for the novice developer, but has the capabilities to conform to a more advanced developer. I also like the fact that Git follows content and not the files themselves, Git actually will follow the code through the files and that’s pretty neat!
The Git Challenge was fun, I earned my badge! I enjoyed the format of the exercise. Being able to see the Git commands and type them simultaneously and then observe the output was very helpful in grasping the basics of Git. I believe I will continue to go through the tutorials when I have free time.
Selecting three issues
New Feature
Create a German translation file
Description – It would be convenient to have a German translation of the file.
Why this ticket? I’ve worked with translation tools such as LocBaml and Redpin for .Net applications in the past so I think this would be a great way to get my feet wet.
New Feature
Saving the same name more than once should not be allowed.
Description – I Can save Relationship Types, Concept Classes, Patient Identifier Types, Field Types, Drug Order Types, with the same name, any number of times. I guess this behavior is not intended.
Why this ticket? It seems like a bit of redundancy that could be cleaned up. Maybe having multiple name saves could lead to conflicts.
Description – There have been many, many confused users who cannot get their reports to run because their scheduler username and password global property is not set to a valid user with appropriate credentials.
We should check this on the run report page and ensure that such a valid user exists before allowing a user to run any report. If the credentials are invalid, we should provide a clear error / warning, and provide instructions for the administrator to update these settings.
Why this ticket? I think with this improvement the user would at least get an immediate warning that invalid credentials are being entered, leading to less confusion and time loss.

From the blog mlopatka by matthewlopatka and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.