Author Archives: shatos

Software Dev Capstone

Hello, I am currently taking my final class for my degree in Software Development and I will be posting related information in future posts. We will be working on openMRS in a group of 5 people. We hope to contribute quality work this semester, and hopefully learn as much as we can about developing experience.

From the blog shatos by shatos and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Great Bash Script Tutorials

I found a great intro tutorial to bash scripts, which I was struggling to understand the purpose of, and discovered a website that answered all my main questions. Things like syntax, style, format, useful commands, and outcomes. This came in handy for a project I had where we wrote a script to replace certain words in a file with a different word.


From the blog shatos by shatos and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-383 Cloud, Parallel, and Distributed Programming

I am currently enrolled in the CS-383 class at Worcester State University. The class is called Cloud, Parallel, and Distributed Programming, and is the second class for those taking a Big Data concentration. I am in the Software Development concentration, however, I am using electives to take some of the classes from the other track.

From the blog shatos » cs-wsu by shatos and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.