Category Archives: Computer Science

More JUnit

On my previous post, I stated that I was introduced to JUnit. I stated its definition, and a vast list of its annotation uses.

Now I have moved past that and started applying that knowledge. Last class, my group and I were unit testing with JUnit 5. We ran and made tests in the Rectangle class. We also ran tests using Gradle, which makes testing easier.

On that note I was looking through an article that gave me more information on JUnit testing. It is called: JUnit Testing Framework – A Comprehensive Guide | HeadSpin. It retreads on known ground but gives step by step guides on how to access and download certain things. One thing I can commend it for is the detail in certain parts of the blog. It feels like a more advanced version of the previous one like, the previous one would be used for a quick Google search while this one would be used for a step-by-step guide.

It also introduces new information such as debugging. I personally know barely anything about debugging. I have seen it but I never really understood its function. I remember in freshman year I assumed that it would aid in fixing coding mistakes so I tried it. Unfortunately, it did not do anything.

Now, how does debugging work in JUnit? There are two modes: Java Debug Wire Protocol and Standard Streams. Java Debug Wire Protocol is the one that is more likely to be recommended. It can be used broadly and provides a lot of information from test execution. In Standard Streams everything that would usually go to the main console window would be printed to the standard output stream. Unfortunately, this provides less information than Java Debug Wire Protocall so is better fit for simple tests.

I also learned some troubleshooting techniques for Java applications. I learned that one way to troubleshoot is to use log files or profiles to gather information about the application. Also when there are issues with libraries or testing frameworks, it is good to check their documentation and forums.

Overall, I feel like the article should have described more about debugging in JUnit. I feel like I got a good understanding of Standard Stream, but I do not feel like I fully grasped Java Debug Wire Protocol. The definition provided was not enough. Maybe because the article assumed the reader knows debugging and/or used it. I am not sure. Nevertheless, It was nice to learn more about JUnit. I hope to use it again in the future.

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Journey through Comp Sci by Joanna Presume and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Just JU-nit

I was looking through an article called “What Is JUnit: An Overview of the Best Java Testing Framework”. The link is here: What Is JUnit: An Overview of the Best Java Testing Framework. This article introduces JUnit to its audience. First it defines JUnit which is open sourced unit testing for code in the Java language. Then it defines unit testing which is what JUnit is part of. Unit testing is defined to have the audience better understand JUnit. Although I personally would have put the unit testing definition before the definition of JUnit since it appears in JUnit’s I understand that it was done to get more traffic on the site. The article later list JUnit’s features and its annotations.

I chose this article because it related to what I have been recently learning. Also, I am new to JUnit so it would be interesting to learn more about it. In my most recent class, we were introduced to annotations which I defined as indicators for when a method should execute or is a test. Thanks to the article, I understand that an annotation can be used to ignore statements during test execution, to set some timeout while a test is executed and to handle some exception during test execution. I also learned about JUnit’s use cases. At first, I thought it only verified that the provided code worked. I now know it has a lot more uses. It tests how code behaves will null values and invalid data. It verifies that objects maintain their state throughout their lifecycles. This essentially means that it checks if objects do what they are supposed to do. It tests interactions between the tested code and the external library. It provides a safety net allowing users to not worry about regressions when modifying their code. Also, JUnit code is a cornerstone of TDD, integrate with CI pipelines and can run test legacy code. These lead to bug free and testable code. So JUnit has a lot of uses.

I also liked how the article was structured. It was simple, concise, and provided a lot of useful information as seen on the paragraph above. I only wished it gone over JUnit assertions because I am still a little confused about that. Overall, this was a very newbie friendly article.

To conclude, I this article has improved my understanding of this topic. It has also increased my interest. I look forward to learning more and using this in the future.

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Journey through Comp Sci by Joanna Presume and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Round Two

Hello! I have returned to continue documenting my computer science journey. In this semester will be learning new things and new concepts that will further my knowledge of computer science. I hope to learn more about the business side of computer science and how software developers (or any other computer science profession) operate on a daily basis.

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Journey through Comp Sci by Joanna Presume and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Another Look Through Someone Else’s Code

On my last post I looked through an independent developer’s code. It is messy so I applied clean code principles to it. Unfortunately, I only made a few fixes. There was a lot to say. Now, let us take a second dive into the rocky waters known as this developer’s code

Just to note, I will continue to use an uploaded replication of his code from GitHub:GitHub – LordEnma/YandereSimulatorDecompiled: Decompiled Code from the game Yandere Simulator.

The first thing I want to jump into is the Timer.cs file. It is part of the minigame where the player works in a cafe to make in game currency. The minigame is timed. It starts when the player presses start and when it runs out the minigames stops, calculates the in-game money earned and gives it to the player. One fix is to change the function named “Awake” into “GameTurnedOn” or “GameBegin”. Awake is supposed to tell the file that the player has started the game. The name given makes no sense since there is no sleeping in this minigame.

The next thing I want to discuss the ServingCounter.cs file. It is part of the cafe minigame. The counter is where the player sets their empty tray and picks of their tray filled with food. My first fix is to remove chefMask and trashMask from the SetMask function. Next, change Setmask to “SetservingcounterMask”. The whole file pertains to the serving counter. The chef AI and trash can should not be affected. It would be better to put something that could call on a function. Then the functions in their respective files would execute.

The next thing I want to discuss the KnifeDetectorScript.cs file. The whole thing is a mess. I think this sees if the player has a knife but it includes code of hiding a knife and interacting with a blowtorch. Maybe the code is for the player heating the knife with a blowtorch. Firstly, the name of the file is bad. It does nothing to describe what the code is doing. It is better to name the file “HeatingKnife”. Second, blowtorch is a bad name in general because the item looks exactly like a Bunsen burner. This has to be renamed to Bunsen burner. Lastly, why does the file mention a knife but the code does not specify a weapon? This would be confusing for anyone jumping into the code. Either change the code to only mention knife or change the file name to “HeatingWeapon”.

I have the same thoughts as the ones in my last post. The code is messy and any outside party trying to change it will have a lot of trouble. I also learned something new: the importance of naming things properly. Coding without proper naming is like trying to put furniture together with no labels. Even if you put to pieces together you run the risk of putting the wrong pieces together, getting them stuck and wasting time trying to fix it.

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Journey through Comp Sci by Joanna Presume and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Looking Through Someone Else’s Code

Recently, I have been learning about clean code. It is a way of coding that prevents cluttering and confusion which is very important since coding is a collaborative effort. Without clean code mistakes would be constantly made, time would be wasted trying to understand each teammates code and most importantly nothing would get done.

It got me thinking about a developer. He’s infamous for his poor coding skills. It has gotten so bad to the point that he was wasted years coding one game even with volunteers’ aid. So, I would like to use my newfound knowledge to see how bad his code is and offer ways to clean it up.

I will be using an uploaded replication of his code from GitHub:GitHub – LordEnma/YandereSimulatorDecompiled: Decompiled Code from the game Yandere Simulator.

There are many parts of the code that need to be fixed but I will start in the ActiveAnimation.cs file. It dictates when a game cutscene is supposed to happen. One thing that stands out to me is the void function play. It contains a lot if statements (10 in fact). First, play is a vague name. It does not clearly explain what the code does. One can conclude that it plays the cutscene but there’s already a function that does this. Second, this function should be separated into smaller functions. One could play the cutscenes. Another could adjust animation components. Another could allow for earlier execution which would get rid of the else if statements. The computer would go, these conditions are met execute this or another set of conditions are met execute that. It would also make changing code easier which tends to be a problem for the developer.

Next, I want to discuss the AIControllers.cs file. It is part of a minigame where the player works in a cafe to make in game currency. Looking at the name one can assume that it only deals with player controls but that is not true. It also controls nonplayable characters which does not make sense. If something goes wrong with the nonplayable characters, it will be a pain to find where their code is. It is a little amusing since there are two files for the chairs of the minigame and all they do is move left and right. The main fix would be to take out the nonplayable characters’ code and put it with the chairs’ code since they both rely on each other. Overall, this file seems to be an improvement from the previous one but in general it should just focus on player controls. Remove everything else and put them in their own files.

To conclude, I understand why this game is taking a while to complete. From looking at two files one can see that the code is a mess. I think the developer and his volunteers should stop and focus on organizing the code. So in the end I learned one thing: do not code like this developer.

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Journey through Comp Sci by Joanna Presume and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Scrum: Is it really that bad?

I was reading an article called “Why Scrum Fails” by Jason Godesky. The link is here: Why Scrum Fails | Better Programming. It is pretty a list of much all the pitfalls Scrum contains. The author lists many points for why Scrum is not a good wat to achieve Agility. He criticized the increments saying that they do not focus on customers and giving working software. He then criticizes self-managing teams by saying that managers can interfere. They could see their positions threatened, since there are no managers in scrum teams, and try to squeeze themselves into teams. Managers may try to take management task from the developer’s shoulders as a good gesture but in actuality they take away the team’s autonomy. No one is willing to just give up their role in the company. The author also mentions a “monkey’s paw” situation where companies that want to have a quick and painless way to improve output get it and later stunt the company growth. This is mainly because companies refuse to use Scrum to transform the company but instead delegate it to a developer only thing.

This made me think of what I learned previously about Scrum. I thought it was a structured and reasonable process. First there is the Sprint where ideas turn to value. Then Sprint Planning to plan for the work that will be done. Then the Daily Scrum which acts as a progress report. After that the Scrum Review which inspects outcomes and determines future adaptations. Finally, Review Retrospective which plans for the future. All of this seems reasonable. Although, after reading the article I can start to understand the criticisms. There is no role for the managers. But to counteract this I want to add that the managers could just become Scrum Masters. Maybe the role could be divided into two and have middle managers be involved. Also, there is no focus on working software but that could be added to the Definition of Done. Easy fix. To be honest it is strange to be introduced to something as a positive and helpful and then to immediate learn that it has so many faults.

To conclude, Scrum is not perfect which makes sense since it is man made. Also, a lot of the problems in Scrum is just how the companies enact it. For example, one critism was that Scum is mostly limited to developers and not companywide. Still there are still flaws. Nevertheless, I still think it is relevant to companies and would like to use it in the future. Overall, Scrum is not scum.

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Journey through Comp Sci by Joanna Presume and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

I Learned Something New

I was reading about the top four symptoms of bad code, and it reminded me of the classwork I did earlier today. At that time my group and I were learning about the Waterfall Methodology and the Agile Methodology.

But first, the article’s link is this: Top 4 Symptoms of Bad Code – Excella. To summarize, it lists rigidity, fragility, immobility and viscosity as symptoms of bad code. Rigidity makes code difficult to change and causes non rigid problems to stay unfixed. Fragility is when software breaks when it is changed. To simplify, it causes the common issue of when one bug is fixed and multiple spawn in its place. Immobility is when software can’t be reused which leads to code having to be duplicated. Viscosity is when the developer is hesitant to change their code. This can result in wasted time and energy.

Back to what I was saying earlier, this article made me think about how the symptoms of bad code would affect the development process under Waterfall Methodology and the Agile Methodology. Under the Waterfall Methodology, rigidity and fragility would delay the verification and maintenance process. Rigidity makes code hard to edit which would make the steps where a person would have to edit code especially difficult. Fragility would cause time to be wasted or worse, it could delay the whole project. Immobility would delay the implementation process since time that could have been spent somewhere else is being used to duplicate a piece of code. Viscosity has the potential to affect the deployment stage since it could allow a program with bugs to be sent to the customer. Think about how some video games tend to be published with bugs. If only one or a few developers suffer from viscosity, then it would only delay the verification and maintenance process.

Since the Agile Methodology is more fast paced any delay would be more significant. Rigidity, fragility, immobility and viscosity would all call delays or a rushed project that may not meet up to the customer’s expectation. Viscosity would allow problems to fall through the cracks. Immobility would waste precious time. Fragility would take away attention from coding and push it toward constant bug fixing. Rigidity would extend the time it takes to fix bugs.

Overall, I believe this article achieved two things: teaching me something and allowed me to make a connection to what I learned earlier. I liked that it was short, to the point, and easy to understand. I will use this information to recognize when I fall into this pitfalls and course correct in school and my future career.

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Journey through Comp Sci by Joanna Presume and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Elevating Code Reviews: Practical Tips for better Collaboration

Code reviews are a vital part of the software development process, serving as a checkpoint to ensure quality, foster knowledge sharing, and mitigate future issues. Drawing on practical advice from a stack overflow blog article (found here) this post explores how to elevate the practice of code reviews, enhancing their effectiveness and the collaborative environment they create.


The article from stack Overflow provided insightful tips on improving code reviews, emphasizing the importance of constructive communication and efficient processes. It suggest setting clear goals for reviews, such as catching bugs, ensuring consistency, and mentoring junior developers. Techniques like keeping comments clear and actionable, prioritizing empathy and understanding, and maintaining a balance between criticism and praise are highlighted as crucial for productive reviews.

Reason for selection

I chose this article because effective code reviews are essential for any development team aiming to produce high-quality software. As our coursework often involves collaborative projects and peer reviews, applying these enhanced practices can significantly benefit our collective learning and project outcomes.

Adding to the reasons for selecting this article, another compelling aspect is its relevance to the ongoing discussions in our software development courses about maintaining high standards in coding practices. As someone who has been part of several projects and observed firsthand the impact of well-conducted code reviews, I recognize the value in learning and sharing effective review techniques. This article not only enhances our understanding of best practices but also equips us with the tools to implement them effectively in our work, making it an invaluable resource for any aspiring software developer eager to improve their craft and contribute positively to team projects.

Personal reflection

Reflecting on the article, I appreciated the emphasis on empathy and clarity in communication. In past group projects, I’ve seen how negative feedback can demotivate peers, whereas constructive and positive communication can enhance team dynamics and improve code quality. This article reinforced the idea that code reviews are not just about finding errors but also about building a supportive team culture.

Application in future practice

Armed with these enhanced practices, I plan to apply the article’s recommendations in upcoming projects, particularly those involving teamwork. Emphasizing clear, empathetic feedback and leveraging tools for automating mundane aspects of code review will allow me and my peers to focus on more complex issues, thus improving our efficiency and the quality of our work.


Effective code reviews are more than just a quality assurance step; they are a cornerstone of a collaborative and learning-focused development environment. The tips provided by the Stack Overflow article offer valuable guidance on making good code reviews even better, ensuring that they contribute positively to both project outcomes and team dynamics. As we continue to engage in more collaborative projects, these practices will be essential in shaping how we approach code reviews and interact as a development team.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Josies Notes by josielrivas and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Java vs. Python: Choosing the Best Language for Selenium Testing


In our final group assignment, we explored testing in Python, and just last week, I blogged about using Selenium. Sticking to this testing theme, it’s intriguing to compare Java and Python, two powerful languages widely used with Selenium for automated testing. Drawing on insights from a Testrig Technologies article, this post examines which language might be better suited for Selenium testing, offering perspectives that could influence our approach to future projects.


The Testrig Technologies article delves into the strengths and weaknesses of using Java and Python with Selenium for automated web testing. It notes that both languages have robust frameworks and libraries to support Selenium but highlights Python for its simplicity and readability, making it generally easier for beginners to learn and implement. Java, on the other hand, is praised for its performance and extensive community support. The article provides a balanced view, suggesting that the choice depends largely on the specific needs of the project and the familiarity of the team with the language.

Reason for selection:

I chose this article because it ties directly into our recent assignments and discussions around testing in Python, and my personal exploration of Selenium. Understanding the comparative advantages of Java and Python in this context is highly relevant, not just academically but also for practical application in future software development roles.

When comparing testing with Selenium using Java and Python, several key similarities and differences emerge, each influencing how testers might choose one language over the other. Both Java and Python support Selenium with extensive libraries and frameworks that facilitate browser automation, which means testers can script complex user interactions on both web and mobile applications using either language. They also integrate well with testing frameworks and tools like TestNG and PyTest, respectively, allowing for comprehensive test suites and reporting features.

Personal reflection:

Reflecting on the article, I appreciated the straightforward comparison between Java and Python. Last week’s experience with Selenium and Python was quite enlightening, especially seeing how straightforward scripts can be with Python’s syntax. This article reinforced my understanding and opened up considerations on when Java might offer advantages, particularly in scenarios requiring robust performance or when integrating into larger, more complex systems.

Future practice:

With this knowledge, I feel better prepared to choose the appropriate language for future projects involving Selenium. Depending on the project’s complexity and the team’s expertise, I can make informed decisions on whether to lean towards Python for its ease of use or Java for its powerful capabilities and performance.


Choosing between Java and Python for Selenium testing doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all answer. Both languages offer unique benefits that can be leveraged depending on the project requirements. As we continue to develop our skills in automated testing, understanding these nuances will be key to delivering high-quality, robust software

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josies Notes by josielrivas and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Mastering Automates Testing with Selenium and Java

In the ever evolving world of software development, automated testing has become indispensable. Using tools like Selenium combined with Java, developers can automate their web application testing, improving efficiency and accuracy. This blog post delves into the key takeaways from a helpful Sauce Labs article ( that outlines how to write testes using Selenium and Java, exploring its relevance to our coursework on software testing methodologies

Summary of the Resource:

The Sauce labs article provides a comprehensive guide on writing automates tests using Selenium, a popular tool for web application testing, and Java, one of the most used programming languages. It covers the basics of setting up Selenium with Java, crafting test scripts, running tests, and interpreting the results. The article emphasizes the importance of Selenium for its ability to simulate user interactions with web elements, which is crucial for verifying the functional integrity and performance of web applications. It also touches on integrating these tests into a CI/CD pipeline, demonstrating how automated testing fits into broader software development practices.

Reason for selection:

I selected this article because it offered a practical introduction to an essential skill in software development. As our course covers various testing frameworks and tools, understanding how to implement and utilize these tools in real-world scenarios is crucial. The articles focus on Selenium with Java is particularly relevant, as many of us are familiar with Java and may soon need to apply these skills in internships or jobs.

Personal Reflection.

The article made me appreciate the power and necessity of automates testing in modern web development. It was enlightening to see how Selenium scripts could mimic actual behavior, such as clicking buttons or entering data, which is critical for testing user interfaces. Reflecting on this, I see the immense value in learning automates testing not only to boost my future job prospects but also to ensure that I can contribute to creating robust, user-friendly software.

Application in future practice:

Armed with the knowledge from this article, I am eager to apply these testing techniques in my upcoming projects. Whether it’s for class assignments or eventually in a professional setting, understanding how to set up, write, and deploy automates tests using Selenium and java will significantly enhance the quality of the software I develop and maintain.


Automated testing is a key component of software quality assurance. The insights provided by the Sauce Labs article on using Selenium and Java for testing offer both foundational knowledge and practical steps for anyone looking to enhance their testing skills. As software becomes increasingly more complex, the ability to efficiently test and validate software functionality becomes even more critical, making these skills invaluable for any aspiring software developer.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josies Notes by josielrivas and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.