This article is titled “Anti-patterns You Should Avoid in Your Code.” It specifically mentions six of them, being: Spaghetti Code, Golden Hammer, Boat Anchor, Dead Code, Proliferation of Code, and the God Object. An anti-pattern, in regards to software development, is an example of how not to solve a problem in a codebase. They are not a positive thing, they are examples of practices to avoid in the development process. Anti-patterns lead to technical debt, code that you have to eventually come back to and properly fix later. Spaghetti Code is the most common, it is code that doesn’t have much structure. It is called Spaghetti Code because everything is difficult to follow, files are located in random places, and when visualized in a diagram, it appears to be a jumbled mess, much like spaghetti. Golden Hammer references a scenario where you follow a certain process that doesn’t necessarily align perfectly with the project but still works well enough. This may not seem like a large issue, but is obviously not the best practice to follow because it’ll cause performance issues in the long run. You should always use a process that is the best fit for your project, even if you need to teach yourself or learn something new. Boat Anchor is when developers leave code in the codebase that isn’t actively being used in the hopes of it being needed later and thus not requiring much effort to implement when it is eventually needed. The main problem with this is when it comes to maintaining the code. It leads to the question of what code in the codebase is unused and what is being actively used. Trying to fix a bug in the system on code that isn’t even being used is a time waster. Dead code is code that doesn’t look like it’s really doing anything, but it is being called from many different places. This leads to problems when trying to modify the code because no one is unsure what is actually dead. Proliferation of Code is about objects that have the purpose of invoking a more important object, meaning it doesn’t really do anything on its own. The action of invoking the more important object should be set to the calling object. Lastly, the God Object is an example of an object that does too much. Objects should only be responsible for doing one thing, referencing the Single Responsibility principle in SOLID.
I chose this particular source because I appreciated the way examples were clearly given along with the 6 examples of anti-patterns, and upon reviewing the syllabus the topic “anti-patterns” seemed interesting. When you’re learning computer science a lot of the time you’re learning about things that you should do and not about things that you shouldn’t do. I really enjoyed reading about these 6 examples of common mistakes that developers make in industry. It’s important to both recognize good and bad practices to ensure that your projects are properly optimized. I can definitely see myself referencing anti-patterns when designing code in the future so my code can easily be maintained.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Shawn In Tech by Shawn Budzinski and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.