I have learned a lot about Boundary Value Testing and Equivalence Class Testing. Equivalence Class testing can be divided into two categories: normal and robust. The best way I can explain this through example. Let’s say you have a favorite shirt, and you lose it. You would have to look for it but where? Under the normal method you would look in normal, or in a way valid, places like under your bed, in your closet or in the dresser. Using the robust way, you would look in those usual spots but also include unusual spots. For example, you would look under your bed but then look under the kitchen table. You are looking in spots where you should find a shirt (valid) but also looking in spots where you should not find a shirt (invalid). Now, in equivalence class testing robust and normal can a part of two other categories: weak and strong. Going back to the shirt example, a weak search would have you looking in a few spots, but a strong one would have you look everywhere. To summarize, a weak normal equivalence class test would have you look in a few usual spots. A strong normal equivalence class test would have you look in a lot of spots. A weak and strong equivalence class test would act similarly to the earlier two, but they would have you look in unusual spots.
Boundary value testing casts a smaller net when it comes to testing. It is similar to equivalence class testing but it does not include weak and strong testing. It does have nominal and robust testing. It also has worst-case testing which is unique to boundary testing. I don’t know much about it, so I looked online.
I used this site: Boundary Value Analysis
Worst-case testing removes the single fault assumption. This means that there are more than one fault causing failures which leads to more tests. It can be robust or normal. It is more comprehensive than boundary testing due to its coverage. While normal boundary testing results in 4n+1 test cases, normal worst case testing results in 5n test cases. Think of worst-case testing as putting a putting a magnifying glass on something. From afar you only see one thing but up close you can see that there is a lot going on. This results in worst case testing being used in situations that require a higher degree of testing.
I have learned a lot. I have learned about boundary testing and how it differs when it is robust or normal. I have learned about equivalence class testing and how it varies when it is a combination of weak, normal, robust or strong. I have also learned about edge and worst-case testing. This is another step towards my coding career.
From the blog My Journey through Comp Sci by Joanna Presume and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.